Tree of Savior Forum

Beginner's Pack and Veteran's Pack Now on Sale!

seriously? average salary in my country is 350$, it’s almost 1/10! It’s way too expensive for this packs! I pay 9$ instead of 15$ for month subscription in famous space saga mmo with fabulous storyline! Region price correction, ftw.

Region Block?..
Either let me transfer servers again or unlock regions -.-


This sounds like a scam, very high prices. And please, first of all, you should fix your game.
PD: With this prices, the only thing you do is encourage the people to buy gold in goldsellers xD

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Are you serious? 35 USD for token and other crap?

I play in Klaipeda Server, and now I don’t have any option to buy any pack because I live in Chile.
You are forcing me to move to SA, and is not gonna work!

tocará comprar con un VPN, yo tampoco me quiero ir a SA lleno de lag y 70% brasileño x.x

Why do you people hate making money? I’d like to purchase a NA region pack but the only options are SA? I understand the caribbean is technically latin america but people speak a multitude of languages ranging from dutch, french, spanish and for me primarily English.

I’d rather spend the money elsewhere than reroll.



I play in Klaipeda but the only available pack to buy in the steam is for SA servers, If you DO CARE about our opinions (the potencial supporters, aka people that will probably give you some cash) can you at least answer this ?(even to say no, but explaining your motives)

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Hi, can I ask which country you’re accessing from?

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Stop bullying us ):


The Federation of Saint Kitts & Nevis.

The prices on these bundles is so ridiculous I may just leave this game completely and never come back…

Check your math please. For a F2P MMO a 30Day-VIP should never cost more than $10. A beginners pack should never cost more than $10 either, it should be a sample, an introduction to the TP system. Not a way to scam new players out of $30. I could go and play virtually ANY Pay to Play/Premium MMOs out there for $10 to $15 bucks a month. But your expecting players to pay close to $40 for one month of a VIP membership for your F2P game? That’s beyond Scamming your customers. And Honestly, I hope steam removes Tree of Savior completely from their system for doing this to their customers.

I wanted to buy both packs when they were first announced. But **** That. I wouldn’t even pay HALF the current prices for what those bundles contain. And I doubt most of Tree of Savior players would pay that much either. Have fun with your self-destruction. For most MMOs it takes at least a full year to destroy themselves, so congrats I guess at setting a new record and lowering the bar?


Why, just why are they region locked? I play on klaipeda frpm Europe. Will I never be able to buy anything???

I can buy tokens and enchanted hats with silver. But I cannot buy your cute costumes with silver. I am losing my fun, you lose money. Why???

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Checked Veteran Pack, loled hard, felt like got kicked in my … beeing a “Veteran”. Left the shop.
Hey good thing, i saved 32€ Today \o/

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Hey, thats an important issue, make a Thread about that.

Hi, STAFF_Ines. I’m from Brazil and I am playing on Orsha. I really would like to buy both packs, but they are so expensive for me, they are 2x more expensive than [SA] Silute.

actually you can buy other region’s DLC… Simply change ur Steam’s region…

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many thanks if this works o.o

You can’t do it. You have to be in another region and it might ask you for a credit card from that region if you find a way to do it.

You can change your Steam region all you want, but your IP address will be the validation.

What issue? You can’t complain about Steam polices here because it is not IMC’s fault for the region lock issues, that is from Steam itself.

You can’t gift other players in other regions through Steam like it used to be 3 or 4 years ago.