Tree of Savior Forum

Balance suggestion for swordman (yes, one more of these)

A full con wiz haha, as I said, maybe we dont need to hit as them, but they shouldnt have that amoubt of hp either xD

And only 2k? I hit harder with monk :worried:

Swordsman’s defense is not that high as you think. They have triple more base HP indeed, but this amount is far, FAR less then the necessary to just survive for a melee. Range in this game decrease the damage taken by a ton. Even against ranged mobs, wizards and archers can attack at the samme time of the mobs, but melees have to come closer to each mob in order to deal damage. This expose much more your character. In other means, swordsman base defense is not much higher than archers and wizards; but yet, they damage is far more higher than the swordsman’s general damage.

And i dont even need to say much about the clerics. Just pick cleric 2 or priest 3 and go for druid 2 to have tons of AoE invunerability and Damage+ heal and one of the most broken skills ATM (stone skin).

Ding ding ding ding, now you know why we complain

I have fought swordsman who hit harder than me, maybe your char is not built right.

Yes, clerics too, but only if you take magic way, if you take str way as me, the char is going to handle same damage as a swordsman.

And yes, stone skin should be modified.

Anything that hit harder on your monk is on a long ass cooldown.

You have fought swordman hit harder than you, that means you also have fought ones hit lower than you.

Not really, Enery blast is not the only god skill, besides I am diev/monk

In fact I havent fought swordsman who hit worse than me, they always hit harder, and both win sometimes, I dont always win

I’m 109 lvl, hardest hit i did in 90 dun was 24k dmg with lvl 4 cartar stroke %) For my own experience only AOE(not aoe ratio) of most skill is real problem.

24k? Huge!!! How did you do that? Haha
Yes, the aoe for melee classes is ■■■■ here

6k+ crit from single hit(vs plate armor) from cartar stroke x 4 hits, fully buffed by my GF priest(zalciai etc). Vs regular plate armored mobs solo i can do 5k crit x4=20k dmg. From my experience cartar stroke is best skill i have so far(barb c2 atm), best AoE hitbox on my entire skills, even seims has like about 2x less aoe hitbox, even vs light armored targets Cartar Stroke lvl 4 do lot more damage than Seism 5.

x1.5 crit damage bonus x1.5 plate bonus x1.5 collision damage attribute, and about 500 crit attack (highlander +50% crit attack attribute)

If you divide the number by 4, you get about 1.5k base damage (each hit on 4 hit), which is quite normal if you ask me, especially with the cast time and cooldown.

This is without collision damage attribute.

x1.5 - vs plate
x1.5 - lvl 4 charge
x1.5 - crit
x4 - hits.

This not include enemy def, base crit dmg and other indeep damage formula modificators.

With collision damage it would be more, but’s its useless attribute on practice, since knockback is bad for mobtraining.

Oh yeah I forget that cartar stroke have innate 1.5 damage modifier

from my tests:
lvl 1 charge: x1.1 modifier
lvl 2 charge: x1.133 modifier
lvl 3 charge: x1.266 modifier
lvl 4 charge: x1.5 modifier

no… no monk pls, monk is more under-powered than any swordsman in pvp.

Fix Swordies?

Swordsman C1 should have a buff that grants 5% extra damage across the board, totaling points of 5 points in max up to a maximum of 25% damage. Remove Gung Ho - It’s ■■■■. Concentrate needs a buff, a scaling buff not a flat buff (flat doesn’t solve anything).

Include Parry, agree. Benefits from Strength. Reduces damage taking or completely Parry depending on damage intake from monsters and Strength level.

Use of Cross Guard gives you much higher Defense value.

Fix Animations of Swordsman classes. Highlander needs animation fixes and Doppel needs some animation fixes and increase in attacks for Redel and Zucken (number of hits needs to be much higher - depending on skill level). Doppel is a DPS class and it’s suppose to outdps Archers and Wizards because of Deeds … Deeds is doing its part, Swordsman in general is one hell of a crappy ass DPS class right now.

Swordsman Tree needs to be looked at (all of them). They’re all crap compared to other starting classes.

Highlander Tree needs to be looked at. Vertical Slash needs to hit like a truck. I mean seriously, Vertical Slash should be the single-target hit that does retarded damage but it doesn’t scale well and it’s total crap compared to skills like Skyliner and Cross Slash.

2Handed Swords need a buff from Doppel (seriously). If Highlanders get an additional 50% critical damage (to be honest I really think this is bugged, it’s not working probably). Doppel should have a buff in circle 2 where 2Handers get a larger AoE by 3, for example, and inflict Deep Wounds (chance, say a max of 33% from auto attacks).

That’s all I wanted to say.

Honestly IMC doesn’t give one flying crap about Swordsman. They’ve somewhat fixed Barbs in Korean but that STILL doesn’t give us an advantage what so ever. I’m so about to quit this game … I’m not sure … :confused:

Uncharted 4, No Man’s Land, Overwatch and Final Fantasy XV … Triple A games are coming out, and I thought Tree of Savior would be the answer to my anime-fetish game. Heh … it’s not. -.-

Next patch notes? No Swordies buff. I’m looking forward to more nerfs. As always.

-signing out-

  1. I miss a lot a real rogue cass like it had in RO. With stealth, backstab extra damage, AOE skills hitting in a line shape, being able to poison his daggers and with good mobility. Would be awesome!