sorry about that, what i wanna say is AOE, warrior hitbox is quite decent ( lower compare to wiz, archer but higher compare to cleric )
I think you hit the jackpot why so many people are complaining about swordsman.
basically warrior is easiest job to level up before lvl 170, but the problem is, when the monster’s damage increase, warrior having issue to kept up the healing. actually swordsman DPS aren’t as bad as people says, but the downtime makes them feels that they are slow…
well i believe instead of asking Developer making swordsman into imbalance class, requesting for % healing potion/ bonefire hp healing in % would be a better choice, with these, swordsman would maintain his DPS and reduce the downtime.
That still doesn’t solve anything. The down time is in both recovery and cool down.
At the start of TOS, the dev explicitly said that they want to be considered as “Tree of Autoattack”
However, with recent content you can obviously see that auto attack is no longer favorable. Which means majority of swordman classes are now just outdated.
Patching small surface issue won’t help an outdated classes. Swordman classes need some complete new blood, just like when archer receive swift step + multishot buff.
anyway the point i wanna bring out is, every class as their pros and cons. if you requesting all pros and no cons for swordsman, mind as well everyone play swordsman, call it Tree of Swordsman.
if you are complaining two handed swords like another threads, i do agree, two handed weapon need to be buff, not because swordsman DPs is weak, but for the enjoyment for being a swordsman.
so try to think of what other class will feel if swordsman being over buffed?
nope i don’t LOL… oh well about hoplite, in order to get mobility, it only gets 1 high DPS skill with long cooldown… anyway do you know what’s the attack rage of a chaplain? if you say hoplite is same as chaplain, think again. it is totally different.
You’re probably thinking about Cataphract in regards to your comment about mobility. Hoplites don’t run any faster than anybody else, and are mostly an auto-attack class until Throw Spear. We do get a slight range increase on our autoattacks from using a spear, but that does not extend to any of our skills.
Yes I do have a chaplain, not high level, but I don’t think that change with level.
Hoplite range is not that far, 1h spear give +5 range, which is half of cleric heal box width. Cataphract with 2h spear get +10 range, which is a full heal box width.
Hoplite has 0 mobility besides the useless sprint, just like any other swordman, except for cataphract.
Watch my hoplite at the end of CBT2 and tell me how fast it is lol
To be fair though, Hoplites now have 0CD Spear Throw, and you weren’t very efficient in using Swashbluckling+Stabbing in that video. I’m not sure how quickly or efficiently a Chaplain would clear a single room on their own, but Hoplites are currently in a pretty decent spot when it comes to the Demon Prison grind.
try compare both in solo grinding the same room. LOL
so its player issue for hoplites?
well i saw chaplain in demon prison before, but it wasn’t high level, its AOE is shitty, and maximum hit target is 3 unless he upgraded his Attack AOE Ratio. it tooks years for him to clear even 1 room. @@
But Clerics don’t even have any good spammable attack skills like Swordsman classes do, all they have is squared healing/debuffs and auto attack with about 2 AoE attack ratio (they CAN stun though with a mace weapon)
While Hoplites have stabbing, they have an attribute that can add an additional 3 AoE attack ratio at the cost of evasion, Corsairs have Hexen Dropper… if you havent tried that skill its very OP and has a very good AoE attack ratio to it
For the Demon Prison grind, I’d agree. However, at higher levels we lose the ability to stay in melee range of that many mobs for more than a few seconds, and so our powerful abilities that require us to stay in melee range (spear throw, stabbing) cannot be used as effectively/at all. This allows the Chaplain or Monk to break even, or even pull ahead in terms of killing speed due to far more sustainable forms of damage mitigation (self-healing, damage immunity).
well i’m currently in almeth, and what i am seeing is, for caplain the usefullness in it is just his cure and healing damage, his normal attack took years to clear the mob too.
and monk the only usefull skill is kamehameha…
in short caplain and monk from cleric branch doesn’t really do well in mass spawned area. they really are good when the spawn are low and the mob are strong.
but for hoplite, i meet a peltasta hoplite in almert, he is the first one who rush into the room, and taunt. when his teamate arrive, mob has been lured together, a really valuable assert in party.
i do not know how is it like after level 230, but until now, i see swordsman are very usefull in grinding and their killing speed are good too. ( sustainable can ask their cleric to heal them when grind through )
If a chaplain take years to clear a room, it’s a player issue as well. You really think someone who can hit 2-3k damage per attack, on mobs with 5k HP would take long to clear room? It’s 2 attacks per 3 mobs killed.
30 seconds cd is not spammable. All cleric paths are spammable, whether you go for krivis, diev or priest. You have to see that a priest -> chaplain auto attack is already stronger than a hoplite skill, and 3x stronger than auto attack.
What you see is a peltasta that is useful. All other swordman classes are useless, refer to swordman sub forum for more information.
owl from diev is powerfull , that owl have unlimited huge AOE , if you want spam attack chose monk , but INT Cleric is more powerfull for DPS because don’t need waste point for SPR/Dex for acc/block penetration , level 220++ cleric with cure damage 2.8k/hit , that so high damage compared swordman spam skill thrust
Yes so many topics about this, do you want to hit harder than a wiz and more aoe? No sense man, swordsman has never been a role to clear dungeons, he can hits good when he gets closer, but only 1vs1, and tank of course.
The think is, Archers hits harder than they should, or at least, we should have some way to protect against arrows
And remember, you still hit harder than me as monk… XD
Yes I do want to hit harder than wizard, and what’s wrong with that? Having to get close to the enemy is already punishing enough, why do I have to hit slower and less damage?
Just think about it, you cant hit harder than a wiz, that is insane, but you can resist a lot more than a wiz, If you get close to that wiz, you are going to kill him quickly, even if you hit worse than him.
Magic is more powerfull than phisycal atks in every rpg, but who deal magic atk needs to be protected, that is the way even if you dont like it