I won’t go through all the reasoning again since there are many already, so here are the suggestions
- Universally reduce the cooldown of all swordman skills. All should have around 10 seconds cooldown, top. Remove overheat if needed. If you think that is too spammy, remember that swordman has low SP so it won’t go forever. Or increase the SP cost for all I care
- Give all swordman skills better hit box and AoE ratio. I mean most of the time swordman just go in, throw a couple of skills. If they cannot hit all the mobs in front of them, then they only have auto attack left, which is 100% useless against mob with 20-50k HP
- Give swordman a chance to parry a physical attack (not dodge/evade), parry chance should scale on STR so that swordman can actually face tank mob without pressing C with shield or cross guard. Give up 100% attack for some defense is not right. Parry chance should be lower than block though.
- Most importantly: give swordman gap closer/range catch/range CC so that they can actually kite mob/people.