Tree of Savior Forum

Balance suggestion for swordman (yes, one more of these)

I won’t go through all the reasoning again since there are many already, so here are the suggestions

  • Universally reduce the cooldown of all swordman skills. All should have around 10 seconds cooldown, top. Remove overheat if needed. If you think that is too spammy, remember that swordman has low SP so it won’t go forever. Or increase the SP cost for all I care
  • Give all swordman skills better hit box and AoE ratio. I mean most of the time swordman just go in, throw a couple of skills. If they cannot hit all the mobs in front of them, then they only have auto attack left, which is 100% useless against mob with 20-50k HP
  • Give swordman a chance to parry a physical attack (not dodge/evade), parry chance should scale on STR so that swordman can actually face tank mob without pressing C with shield or cross guard. Give up 100% attack for some defense is not right. Parry chance should be lower than block though.
  • Most importantly: give swordman gap closer/range catch/range CC so that they can actually kite mob/people.
  1. i don’t like lower cooldown because make skill rotation boring like archer spamming one skill
  2. aggre , only cyclone has a good aoe because hit around your character and good damage
  3. if parry reduce 50% damage magic and phys this good, because not fair priest stone skin can block without shield
  4. they have that , arrest/hook/spear throw/rush/hide , but swordman damage is low and can miss/block
  5. i hope they add another basic class thief for melee DPS , low health but higher DPS

Lower doesn’t mean 0 cd like archer. Swordman has less skills for rotation (2-4 of them, except R7 classes) and most have 20-40 seconds cd. 10 seconds cd or more skills are required.

Arrest/hook disable yourself as well
Spear throw, well, unless you throw it at melee range, it will never hit anything with that animation. And short cast range as well
Rush is not a catch skill, unless you mean steed charge, that is really short range as well.
Hide? Isn’t that on archer tree?

shinobi can hide for a small amount of time.

Admittedly I have never played a shinobi before, I’m not sure if moving break that hide from katon and mokuton

  1. It’s ok as it is imo
  2. Leave AoE ratio alone, while hitbox can be slightly adjusted, but not much, since it can turn in to faceroll action, i like the factor of positioning yourself in order to land a hit which will affect all mobs. Anyway efforts should be equal to result, currently most skills does not match this formula. I’m playng barb righ now, “helm chopper” and “cyclone” have awfl hit zone, even “seism” have like about 2x less hit zone than “Cartar stroke”(only skill that have decent hit zone).
  3. This require a lot of debate, parry looks OP.
  4. Certain builds has it. But in overal yeah, we have lack of this stuff.

I completely gave up on IMC listening to us. The staff here can’t do anything about this and the korean devs just do not care.

Meanwhile I’m leveling a wiz around 30 mins per day. Not archer because I don’t want to catch cancer.

That isn’t true, we have custom nerfs that were never on kTOS

they can and will make changes, but its pretty easy to see where their opinions are.

Custom nerf against swordsmen. lol

How is pressing the button when it becomes brighter better then spamming 1 button?

Whats wrong with spamming one button? This way we can have different damage skills for different ocassions,


Also in pvp people who spammed one button was easy to beat, in gvg is all about teamwork spamming that one button.


This should be the trade mark of swordsmen. I mean magic and shooting special arrows have cool downs okay…

But a swordsman should be able to swing his arm the same way over and over right???

My opinion:

The problem with swordsman comes from other points. They can’t balance damage/cc because swords already have much more health, better mobility, etc. If the damage reachs the same numbers as archers or wizards, we go back to the state where swords were the best of everything. Another thing is the number of single hit skills, which needs the % scaling applied.


  • Make high HP a choice, with an obvious bonus for a melee front-line character.

  • less natural HP

  • bonus HP per CON for swords instead

  • Then buff damage for those who goes offensive in stat/gear distribution

  • better skill scaling, like 150-200% atack

  • Dashing feels slightly less rewarding now with token bonuses

  • +1 mov speed while dashing

  • Magic atacks are a problem for everyone

  • make magic atacks (missile ones) able to be dodged. Players can’t dodge under CC

@forget it, I messed two things =x

This is already a thing. Problem is there are next to none defensive gears in the game, so other classes can just pump CON and not losing out much DPS, while swordman have really low DPS already, whether you go STR or CON.

My level 19x swordman have 330 STR, my usual skills deal 6-7k damage on 15-20 seconds cd, no overheat. That is as much as a 0 INT pyro fireball, or 0 STR archer multishot

I think pinpoint magic is the problem, AoE targeting magic is not.

I think this has to do with the way skills scale. If it was a multiplier of the atack (aka diablo) this wouldn’t happen, we really need to get rid of those flat values.
The worst case, in my opinion, are those full CON wizards. They don’t even need to “hit” the skill, they don’t crit, and they have high base damages. You can’t make a full CON archer and be equally competitive for an example.

I was actually thinking more about PvE on this point, but this probably applies to some wizard skills as well. I also agree it should not affect skills like meteor or earthquake for an example.

if i’m not wrong, swordsman have pretty decent AOE ratio.

I do not think this will happens. it would need the programmer implement additional feature and more coding means more bugs…

use shield, you can block randomly unless you are using two handed swords

i pvp a cata and i was perma-knock down… the CC skill is imba… ~_~ if this buffed again… no one could challenge warrior anymore LOL.

Same as everyone else. Not lower I admit, but nothing higher

There are multiple threads complaining about how no one want a swordman without peltasta. I won’t go through this again. But shield is only 1/4 of swordman tree, you have 2h sword, 2h spear and duel wield.

Cata is the best PvP swordie out there due to the speed of Trot, not the knock down actually. And even with that cata doesn’t really shine in group PvP or GvG either because their skill rotation is on long cooldown. The most you can rotate is 3 skills

everyone as in DPS?

compare to caplain? monk?

if that so, it is impossible. it would be imbalance. warrior have default higher HP ( and suspect hidden mechanism which boost swordsman tankability - we tested cleric vs swordsman with same def value and same type of armour and mastery, swordsman receive much lesser damage comparing to cleric.) if add on this parry, will it make sense?

can share your build? i believe there’s a few stun skill other than cata.

Everyone actually. Problem with chaplain and monk is the hit box, not AoE ratio (although with aspergillium chaplain can keep up with the AoE DPS just fine, while swordman has lots of downtime)

Well, cleric can heal themselves so HP isn’t really relevant to them, technically if you don’t get 1 shot you have infinite HP as a cleric.

Stat-wise swordman seems to be the best, but skill + utility bring them down so much.

Even if swordman can parry a portion of damage, it would eventually wear them down since they have 0 sustain or kiting ability.

Swordman c3 -> Cata c3

That is the best PvP build currently lol, restrain + trot is your reliable kit, not any other skills.

AoE ratio =/= AoE

You can have infinite AoE ratio, but it doesn’t matter if your attack only have (1unit)x(1unit) square frontal AoE like stabbing have.