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wow glad band and max peta, surely you have experienced the depths of this game lol.
Oh. Rank 7 days
Rugal also posts gibberish maths and theories here though
I see… So its the norm here to trash and divert an uninformative topic like this?
I will try to follow the example, thanks
Then this came
A new ‘appraisal’ NPC will be added.
Appraised items can be equipped, reinforced, added sockets and transcended. They cannot be awakened.Items can be appraised from the appraisal NPC located in Fedimian.Appraised items can increase the amount of sockets/potential in an item by up to 2x the base amount.Once an item has been appraised once and the silver has been spent for the service, That item may not be appraised again.

waiiiiiittt, how can you awakening without reduce the potential?
i have last stone from event (dont remember the stone name)
for dont lose potencial when awakening
(bad english here)
awakening stone from an event
no potential decrease at the cost of one stone
yes this! (20charssss)
with premium stone, it was a reward from about 8 months ago
more like 4 /20stupidcharacters
i think im lucky
They want to see awakenings.
to whom do you replied to,sir?
This forum is broken and didn’t show my reply to tenku lol