Tree of Savior Forum

Avoid Necromancer

x_x and here I’m still waiting for the bokor zombie damage patch.

Considering it was on the 05/19 kTOS patch, youd think it would have made it to the merge but nope! T_T

Yes, necro is very good, but still in the shadow of ele3.

With linker in party almost all classes can melt mobs fast as necro so its nothing special.

Have both - necro2 and ele3 and i know what im talking about. Ele3 compared to Necro2 with same gear and attribute level its just easier to play and stronger overall.

Skellys and shoggoth its prety useless on solo/party grind. Bad AI is bad AI. Sorc have much better AI. They shouldnt chasing target until die, its just bad design. Summons mostly usefull at boss fights and afk farm.

Summons in party doing more harm than help.

Have sorc3 at max lvl too, and if i compare those classes, ele3 is the strongest and you cant argue with that. But necro/sorc have unique gamestyle and i like it.

And remember, frost cloud is 33 hits, and flesh cannon is only 16. Thats means frost cloud gain more benefit from buffs than flesh cannon.
With new boost to the priest blessing, ele3 is even stronger than before.

Overall FC vs FC is the same range level but ele3 cover huge area and necro aoe act like a single target skill. Its just too small area.


Didn’t anyone say you could reap your rewards in TBL?

I agree that generally speaking, Frost Cloud is better, but some points.

  • Based on this video, Frost Cloud is 32 hits, not 33.

  • Flesh Cannon cooldown is 20s, while Frost Cloud is 30s. This means 3 Flesh Cannons (16x3 = 48 hits) vs 2 Frost Cloud (32x2 = 64 hits) per minute. The difference is not as big as some people think, but yes, Frost Cloud is stronger overall.

  • Frost Cloud is ice element, which means 150% damage vs ice-weak targets, but also doing 50% damage vs ice resist targets. Flesh Cannon has no element.

  • Flesh Cannon can hit flying targets, while Frost Cloud cannot.

  • Flesh Cannon can increased its AOE atk ratio from gear and buffs (Sorc’s cat buff), while Frost Cloud is fixed at 15 AOE atk ratio.


Necro + linker = support in party play,
ele3 = dps in party play.

Both have different role in party’s. Anything not archer / ele3 isn’t seen as dps in this game, there is no point to make anything else if you want to be seen as pure dps.

How are the summons useless? they are the best thing ever for solo play. They even do high amounts of damage and are meat shields that keep on moving. Controlling them is super easy, just keep on walking and group up monsters until you decide to kill them, then stop with walking. the minions will instantly aggro them and kill them off > next group. I use them all the time for dungeons, makes things a lot more easier and smoother.

Here’s a example of how strong the skelletons and soggoth together with links are: ( and skelletons get even boosted damage wise ( 2x more dmg, if you are rich enough )

Then you obviously have afk farming, which makes you loads of money without any effort.

I dunno why you even would use summons in party’s, If you need them, the party must be pretty darn bad.

Ele3 is will always be the strongest all around wizard burster, reason for this is, hail + frost cloud + dark pole will be really strong against bosses, necro damage will drop off or just be slower, that’s why you go support. Nobody really agrues with that.

Sorc 3 in general seems like kinda useless in party’s to me. Sure cat buff is nice, but hardly needed. linker + archers will destroy anything in seconds.

flesh cannon + links > frost cloud by far atm.

here’s a example. 33 hits mean nothing.

That’s with wiz1 and lvl 7 flesh cannon and 30% attribute.

Now get wiz3 + 70% attribute and lvl 10 flesh cannon.

Not to forget it hits flying monsters, it hits everything. has no difference in damage because of elemental status, pushes decay on the target that burns over 12 seconds 50% of the targets max hp with it, and with ignition stacks insane amounts of burns faster the cast on top of it which does also loads od damage.

Then it has a 30 sec timer, instead of 20 sec and 22 sec of links + flesh cannon.

Really, flesh cannon + linker > frost cloud.

The only reason why elemental damage output is higher that’s because of hail + pole of agony or whatever it is called from warlock. And the burst keeps up on bosses, with necro it drops off. But that’s why you are the support.

I have both ele3/wl1 and necro2 and i must say, i prefer necro by far, good defense through meat shields, good farm solution, good kill speed, really good for party’s, and loads of cc. Ele only has burst and zero defense after that. Sleep also got nerfed and doens’t hit flying. Get into a map with flying / archers and you will have a fun time with ele, not at all.

For pure burst on bosses i would go ele3 route for sure, nothing beats it. on the wizard tree. ( unless you decide to ice wall shard )

How about Cryo + Necro instead.

I’ve seen a combo using Frost Pillar into Dirty Pole. It gives archers x2 damage which can arguably be the same amount of time to kill a group of mobs. Dirty Pole into Snowball also works. This can group up to a huge amount of mobs than a linker can’t do which limits to 5-8 with C1-C2.

For solo play, linker is better obviously. What I’m thinking is the new Rank 3 skelly archers. Cryo with Dirty Pole can always make that debuff happen. Although pure speculation on what Rank 3 Necro can actually do.

Well if you’re talking R3 we’ill have that flesh meteor as well that was leaving a plague visual effect. So we can probably assume that’s corruption. And we have corruption on our Shag and Flesh Cannon. Linker also have some pretty amazing synergy with our single target summons. I toss out JP and skels just melt whatever is in front of me.

I’m actually feeling a lot better about the necros since we’ve gotten a lot of patch love. % attrib for the skels, summons no longer getting lost. Still would like to see skels get blocks instead of HP but otherwise I feel like we’re not worst off… We’re honestly probably in the better off group even if we aren’t the meta right now.

stat wise what would you recommend? int/spr/con?

Is Linker2 better or Linker1 + Sorc1? I like to decide for myself but the thing is I never had a Linker and I don’t want to try leveling Linker unless I’m really sure. I’m asking because I’m deciding between.

Wiz3 / Link2 / Nec3
Wiz3 / Link1 / Sorc1 / Nec3

I know Sorc1 is not that good because I have Sorc2 and that ‘hold’ skill is sooooo good at Sorc2 but if Link2 isn’t much improvement from Link1 then I think going Sorc1 might be good. So is Link2 much better than Link1?

Here’s what I think is the difference between the two:

Wiz3 / Link2 / Nec3 is so much better at party build with 8 links.

Wiz3 / Link1 / Sorc1 / Nec3 on the other hand is a tad less good on party but really good on PVP.

Depends on what you will be doing mostly…For me, since i will be doing missions most of the time with my alt necro… I chose the sorc1… links are “kinda” useless there since most siaulialalai bosses are just grouped into 1 and not every time we will get wugushi/zaibas members, unless there is a quarrel shooter around, in which case links are even more useless. Casting lv 5 (6 with divine might) Joint penalty on the boss, my link barely last 5 seconds… with lv 10/11, i doubt it will last full duration.

Sorc1 isnt just about the summon though, the cat buffs sure are nice additions…

What i dislike so much about sorc1 is that our movements are hindered greatly for the summon to be productive… I 1st tried with chaparition wondering how bad could it be? He ended up fired upon first usage…

I am a pyro2-link1 and currently withholding my rank up because I really can’t decide on what to go for.

Necro overall appeals to me but since it’s a rank 6 class I will have to decide upon my rank 5 before that.

Initially was thinking of gg for the pyro3 to maximise the dps potential together with necro but I have seen builds which fills in that rank with sorc1 instead.

Would sorc1, with mainly its cat buffs and summons be better as compared to taking another circle of pyro?

Hi guys. I’m doing a full Con necro for pvp (and afk farming later on) my current build is Wiz c1 > cryo c1> linker c1> kino c1 I’m stuck between going c2 linker or Sorc c1. before I go to necro. Thoughts?

for people wondering about Linker’s Joint Penalty, aside from the amount of links, know that the hit limit is Skill Lv * 10 (Lv 5 = 50 hits; Lv 10 = 100 hits)

So estimate yourself whether how quick the links break or not fits your playstyle…

Personally, I think I’m going sorc1 instead of linker 2 just because I want to have more summon and cat buffs.

This whole post is so misleading because of the JP bug, and yet you knowingly push your point across without even any effort at acknowledging said bug.

Does Disinter only collect 1 corpse or all corpses in an area?

That would be all the corpses within its range. There is an attribute that can increase this said range.

wiz3>taut2>necro3 or wiz3>linker>sorc>necro3??
other choices??

help me :sweat:

That was before the ktos patch iirc. These days its back to bugged old closed beta mode JP

JP wasn’t really bugged back in closed beta, it was simply nerfed since then (though completely warranted). Aoes could hit a maximum of one additional time no matter how many mobs you linked, which’s completely different from the situation we have now where it’s full bananas and no limits whatsoever :relieved: