Tree of Savior Forum

Avoid Necromancer

wiz3 linker 1 sorc1 necro2 is better than having a pyro if your a necro2

Its a hidden mechanic but with no benefit (same damage, same number of hits, lose flesh hoop).

That is correct, sustainability is not a thing atm***. No mobs to absorb at a world boss, and spamming the pots from necro will get you so far as they have a cd.
As for grinding, if you can manage to use disenter, after mobs die and keep up to your party on the move sure; It is a lot to juggle with all other skills in mind, the issue in grind parties lies in movement and mob positioning, do you use corpse cannon for 3 mobs, 4 5 etc? A wasted corpse cannon is pain. Flesh hoop is not usable in tandem with flesh cannon. AOE ratio is another factor, if you aren’t pushing aoe ratio of 10-15 flesh cannon is not comparable to other abilities from other classes. 10 is the -bare- minimum you need from gear/skills.

*** - circumstances governing outcome subject to player skill level.

For sheer numbers, the 50% increase on cd is not worth the two circles.
Pyro’s sheer numbers at max rank and gear and attributes FAR outweigh wiz 3 necro 2 build. Also for " farming " pyro’s ability to strategically gain claim from mobs is far superior to the wiz 3 build. 50% increased damage from 1 skill is not worth losing upwards of 8-12k ticks a second (dependent on gear). As I do not have lolopanther I can only speculate( I think its actually more than 12k ticks), but with min/maxing I am already certain based off my own build and the numbers I can see currently it will not outweigh sheer damage let alone the strategic effects and abilities presented by pyro 2.

WOW man dat pain. Sure, skills need rework, but still i have a feeling that you’re doing something wrong lol. Corpse potion price never was a problem for me. By the time u get r6 your silver gain should be more than enough to buy lots of resources.
Skeletons? Fk skeletons, why ever use them anywhere but bee farm? :smiley:

  1. HE’s CUTE <3
  2. Decay attribute that stacks with dirty pole
    No other use for him /sob
    I’ve read a lot of complaint posts about necro before getting that class, but hell i love it!
    The most common reason why some builds sux is bad synergy q.q

[EDIT] Oh lol just noticed first post date, i’m sure he quit ToS long time ago xD

what is your build path? pyro needs a lot of set up to be effective, there are lots of things to consider before you can put up a great number from their skill damage, considering enemies need to stay in 1 place to be more effective

Wiz > Pyro 2 > Linker > Sorc > Necro 2. It is a lot of set up, but as long as you have competent team mates who consciously do not ■■■■ over your dps, you can output some crazy numbers.

It isn’t about the ability to BUY resources, its the CAP that presents issues to sustainability. With a 30 second CD and high costs for skills used consistently it is relatively easy to find yourself unable to summon mobs or output damage.

If another class can output double or triple the damage you can with 1 skill, with you using your entire repertoire, there is indeed a fundamental issue with the class in comparison to other c7’s.

I appreciate the responses in this thread. In the future I am just going to ignore the people who have not actually play tested and attempted to min/max necro DPS as they clearly have no idea about necromancer’s lack of synergy or top end play style. Making a post for or against is great, making a fool of yourself because you think you know what you are talking about is another thing entirely.

Nah 300 cap is not that bad, i’ve just quicksloted corpse potion and use it every 2nd flesh cannon. Sure, it would be better if no cap or potion = 5 corpses(with less price for 1 potion of course) and skills consuming potions from inventory instead. Still not big issue =)

Btw there’s an addon that shows ur resources as line under character.

without your quick cast and sure spel, won’t you be having a hard time casting those FCs? I heard players regret that they didn’t take wiz3 for necros FC.
I’m also not into sorc c1, I plan to take thaum instead for r5 for swell left arm goes well with multi hit skills + there is no problem destroying mobs with swell body on them, there maybe pros and cons for not taking sorc but I really don’t like sorc and it doesn’t seem to affect much if you’re going necro 2. you think my plan is ok? or sorc/link2 stil tops it down?

one circle of sorc gives you the cat buff for + aoe which helps flesh cannon among other nice 2nd row buffs.

I’m currently wiz3, thaum1, sorc1, almost necro. Most chronos take linker, so I figured thaum for another extra group buff. I’ve yet to group with another thaum, tripping over chronos.

  • JP-HK + magic missiles will pretty much kill anything thanks to the way MM reacts to mobs with 0 AOE def ratio (I can kill 45k+ hp mobs with the combo alone, tested and proven in the lvl 190 dungeon). This also includes mobs that are nearby but not linked. You’re going to have a hard time replicating the same effectiveness every 22 seconds on a pyro2 build.

  • As a non-wiz3 build, you’ll be dealing 66% on your Flesh Cannon compared to Wiz3 builds. I currently hit between 3.9-4.1k per hit with Quick Cast + Flesh Cannon.

  • If you want your Shoggoth to not suck, try actually leveling a card.

LVL 5 Summoning + 10* Templeshooter -> 2627 atk
LVL 3 Create Shoggoth + 6* Glackuman -> 2198 atk

At lvl 5 + 10* Glackuman, I can easily see Shoggoth having the same atk + growth as a lvl 5 + 10* Templeshooter. Shoggoth has the same attack speed as TS, so its basically at half its effectiveness.

I am actually in a similar situation with similar questions - would be grateful if you could share what you were able to find out. :slight_smile:

Drop ele get linker.

Build used in this:

Ele 2 isn’t going to give you anything interesting at all.


@ this topic and topic starter

Necro atm is the one of the strongest classes in the game, the original top post is completely outdated. i will explain why.

  1. skelletons:

Hp got increased from 2,8k each skelleton to 6,5k, will be 7,5k next patch. that means 37,5k hp in total as meatshield tankers

Dmg will get updated next patch, which basically makes the skelletons do about 2k dmg a hit each a second, crit about 3-4k. So maximum dmg output will be 5x 4k = 20k each second. on 8 links that’s 160k each second. This will cost you a lot of money attribute wise, more payable is 1,5k-3k dmg output a second.

Skelletons also will teleport towards you the moment you move to far away from them or teleport, they will chase a target until it dies tho. Works perfectly fine.

They are extremely good to farm dungeons with or low level area’s when you are afk, gaining loads of money by doing nothing. As they will never unsummon unlike sorcerer that constantly needs mana to function. This makes them extremely good also as support role on your build.

Corpse potions money is a joke then, i buy 150 potions at a time, that last me a long long time, which costs me about 75k i believe, to get 75k it takes about a hour afk farming. ( 100k )

  1. soggoth

The dmg of that pet is pretty darn good, it hits for about 2,7k dmg here a hit, it’s aoe hits for around 4,1k, and can hit up to 3 targets with in linker form will all stack. It’s basically a massive tank that hardly gets any dmg on himself. This + skelletons will wreck anything.

In order to control his attack solution, just keep on walking until you want to attack. He will chase you, if you walk out of his range he will teleport towards you. and the moment you stop walking he will attack. Easy to control this way

Works perfectly fine this way.

Shoggoth + skelletons = loads of pressure and tank solutions.

Soggoth also like skelletons consumes nothing the moment it’s cast on the map.

  1. Disinter, can soak up large amounts of groups for corpses. This makes corpse management in groups specially if you are linker support extremely easy. link targets + hk > skelletons will it in there stun + disinter = 8 corpses. rise and repeat. ( skelletons costs you 15 corpses to cast )

It’s extremely easy to manage corpses this way.

As soggoth will pretty much never die, you really only recast skelletons. And they basically give you free dmg, no need for expensive buffs etc.

  1. flesh cannon + links is atm the highest damage dealer skill in the game ( yes it beats frost cloud ) and it’s on a 20 sec cooldown. Only downsize 30 corpses it consumes. So you won’t be spamming it much as it’s hard to keep up.

With linker it’s extremely easy to hit as the video above showcases, and it will hit loads of targets with loads of burst. If you have wiz3+necro2 lvl 10 flesh cannon + more then mine 30% attribute, yea nothing will survive. It already doesn’t on lvl 5 without wiz3.

But that’s just its main dmg output.

Now combine it with ignition rod = 16 hits on 1 target over links = way more hits on a target. that basically gives it a 100% burn rate. = massive dmg over time ( like 800k dmg over 8 targets over 15 seconds ).

But that’s not the only thing, it also adds decay. Which means trufles for example gets there hp reduced from 86k>72k which hits on a 50% hit chance, as it hits 16x on a single target = always on it.

Flesh cannon is insanely strong.

  1. flesh hoop, strong and works well, but frankly not used by me much. so can’t really comment much on it. got it rank 1. Still with links can do hefty amounts of additional burst damage.

  2. corpse tower is a additional bonus dmg dealer and dirty pole is a additional decay pusher, both are more novelty’s but can be useful at times.

So yea my 50 cents on the state of necromancer. I got multiple characters but this is by far my favorite one.


Hmm, thank you very much for the valuable info. But I really can’t stop thinking about going Ele3+Necro2 or Ele2+Necro3 (rank 8) for some reason. :slight_smile:

I’m Ele2+Necro 1 atm and I advise you going linker instead - especially if you want to rely on FC and your pets. Ele2’s damage starts to fall off in the 200+ range.

This game does punish you if you don’t go full 3 circles of a class known for its damage; I learned my lesson after going only Pyro 1. Linker’s JP is just too darn efficient and such a boon to Necro’s limited AoE(Until Necro 3 at least when we apparently get a Necro’s version of Meteor).

I do hope we can change classes one day. I’m not in the mood or have the patience/time of leveling another wiz 3.

Worth pyro3>linker>necro3 ??


I’ve never noticed any difference in damage between Shoggoth’s normal attack and “breath” aoe attack, you’re probably mistaking a crit for that.

Flesh Cannon is 15 corpses per cast, not 30. If the only skill you spam is FC then you will never run out of corpses while you spam corpse potion on cooldown (60 corpses per minute from corpse pot, 45 corpese per minute from 3x FC)

In any case, for those who are wondering, Necro C1 alone works well as a 1-rank filler for your builds, in terms of DPS.

I’m currently Wiz3-Linker1-Sorc2-Necro1, still using a +0 Khasti Rod + arde, managed to get rank1 dps in missions most of the time (unless there is a fletcher or wugu in the group). With 40% attributes for Flesh Cannon, I hit for roughly 4-4.4k damage each hit with QC.

Elementalist is one of those classes where it’s either you go C3 or don’t take it at all. I have Elementalist 3 character and the damage difference between Elementalist 2 and 3 is night and day. If you like necro you should just keep this one at Ele3/Warlock and level up a new necro to cater to necro skills.

ele2 is junk, sorry to say so. But i have a ele3 and ele2 was absolute terrible damage wise. If you want ele3 just make a wiz3/ele3/wl and make later on a flesh cannon build. No point in making a gimped version.


that’s 8 ranks, you are better off dropping pyro to 2, and move linker to 2.


yea you are right, they are crits. kinda hard to see with all the skelletons hammering going on + links which gives loads of damage numbers :stuck_out_tongue:

Also 15 corpses instead of 30, is correct. Never really noticed. It still burns corpses on a fast note tho even if its only 15. Specially if you use other skills then just flesh cannon.