Tree of Savior Forum

Avoid Necromancer

[quote=“ukhanev, post:61, topic:208726”]

  1. thau2(because of Reversi which is the only counter to Safety Zone
    [/quote]Earthquake and Dirty Pole (when cast) will knock up enemies (with a slight knock back), so they should remove ppl from inside the Zone. I think you would have enough time to Sleep them or something before they get up again.

I played Necro on KR test server before the introduction of corpse potions. It was painful… but fun.
I will still get Necro C1 for my build. ^^

So before corpse potion necromancers still need to use gather corpse just to use flesh cannon and hoop?


Corpse Potion is sold by Necromancer master, so you can buy it whenever you get to his map (i guess you dont even need to be a Necro yet to buy it, like other class master NPCs that sell stuff).

If you got confused by what i said, I meant I played Necro in a game version before the potion was implemented, so we had only our 2 baddie skills to gather corpses.

Nope I was not confused. Looks like it was difficult to play necro on KR test server because you still need to farm corpses before you can use your main skills

Hi fellow necromancers. I’ve decided to put a point into gather corpse.
As an offensive ability I think it’s a bit lackluster. It’s damage is little more than your auto attacks at it’s base.
The main use I have found with it is farming corpses. How you may ask? Well certain low level zones have high density mobs and this is where gather corpse is fantastic. The best area that came to mind first was the crystal mines 1F. With the amount of mobs here I can farm 300 corpses in less than 5 minutes here and if anything I enjoy the fantasy that comes with a necromancer farming corpses. Maybe even find some mithril ore while I’m here :wink:

The aoe range is more than I had expected.

I think this is a great alternative to buying corpse potions, or at least cut down on the amount you use. I’m opting to spend less 1 less point on shoggoth as currently the scaling lost from 1 level is insignificant.

Also noting that you can jump while casting gather corpse, or jump out of its cast to skip the full animation.

anyone know if the hits of hoop keep slow at lv 5 or 10?

I have Flesh Hoop lvl 3, seem like the speed will not change, always 0,66s/hit

If anybody doubts necro 2, I will challenge anybody to a 1v1 duel on my necro 2, for 100k or 1m per duel. No dispeller

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I was thinking this build for pvp and bossing.

Wiz 1 Cryo 1 Psy 3 Necro 1 Warlock

Raise + Pole of Agony
Ice Wall + PP
Raise + Flesh Cannon
Flesh Hoop + Dark Thuerge

I wonder if Dark Theurge/ Flesh Hoops hits when enemy + raise?

It will hit while raised

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If im not mistaken, using pots to get 300 corpse (Maximun you can storage) its only 5000 silver. Not worth in my opinion all the points and time invested for saving 5k.

1 pot = 30 corpses. 10 pots = 300 corpses
1pot = 500 silver. 10 pots = 5000 silver

maybe. ive just seen people complaining about costs. there’s always the potential for skills to be buffed too. i only put in 1 point anyways.

i think it’d be better if they made it apply a debuff instead of requiring it to kill. then add on an attribute to increase corpses per kill, or maybe a dot effect.

Nice post; Going 3 circles in for quickcast is a joke. One shouldn’t be forced to go wiz 3 to make 1 ability worthwhile in a c6/c7 class. Necro viability endgame is in the dumpster.

Decay is broken.

A fletcher can make 1000’s of arrows. A necro has a 300 corpse limit with skills using up to 10% of that pool. Necros have to set up their gathering abilities appropriately or not be able to gather corpses. If I could pre-gather 50,000 corpses, we wouldn’t have this problem.

Necro is fundamentally broken as a circle 7 caster. No one comes close to cookie ele3/warlock dps. I’m not asking for damage. I want pets that aren’t in special education classes.

Having shogoth lead ahead of you as a tank or meat shield it is… or having a 80+ range AOE taunt aura for it would make it more viable, including animation and attack fixes.

Base AI issues across all pets need to be addressed. Other issues as listed by another in a diff thread, I’ll quote

•If you use “Flesh Hoop” and “flesh Cannon” right after, your “Flesh Hoop” dissapears.

•His pets AI is a joke…

•His pets run way to slow… they are left behind if you level at normal speed. because they stop following you if you run out of vision range (screan-vision)

•Shoggoths attack animation is like watching matrix with slow motion effects.

•Skeletons defense, hp attack, or any stat does not scale with anything. my skeleton are the same with lvl224 and lvl 280 (~2600hp, 1k attack, 0def)

•You cant resummon skeletons, for example if you have lost your skeletons on the map, thanks to a elevator or teleport, the cant resummon them because they are still alive…

•Pets should have some kind of reduced aoe-dmg and increased knockback resistence…because they are permanently thrown across the room dealing zero dmg at bossfights.

•Because pets are chasing mobs for ever and, they will run out of vision, and i they do they will stop any action…they are just standing right next to their target, watching it. NOT HITTING.

•decay doesnt work on mobs…they are affected by it. but their max hp isnt reduced at all !

•“Corpse Tower” and “Dirty Pole” are just ■■■■…

•IF you gave us a 2nd ressource to spend…atleast give us some kind of 2nd ressource bar…its a joke that i have to open my Necronomicon to check my corpse-count.

•Since “Flesh Cannon” is the only real dmg abilty of a necro, its rather weak compared to other wizard abilitys at the same level. (Rank6 for example) “Frost Cloud” has no cast time at all and deals more dmg…i shouldnt even mention Rank7 since warlocks “Pole of Agony” and “Dark Theurge” are superior to everything ingame and of course they instant casts aswell…but thanks for the 3s casttime on “Flesh Cannon”
All of these fundamental issues needs to be fixed since the EPIC nerfbat hits to sorc and necro have rendered this circle 7 build full blown retard.

On the AFK farming note, semi-afk is 20-25% effective, full afk is not effective due to the competitive market and how shogoth just goes off willy nilly and doesn’t come back. Skellies die super fast, so they’re useless af.

I can 100% super farm while actually playing. Any caster or pew pew class can do the same, actually better because their damage is instant cast or instant. Even melee, can auto attack with a weight on your attack button for afk.

What does this class bring to the table? A whole lot of disappointment.

There is a lot more I could post but will refrain as there are a lot of people that don’t understand the base mechanics behind the game and think that having one Ele3meme class to output dps in meta is acceptable.


nice post since there are barely any necro around maybe because of this issues, decay debuff is just the one that makes missile hit 100% right? how are you managing your resource? do you farm low level map to get 300 cropses back up?

Depends, you can use disinter in grind parties if you remember, to sustain, but that is with 0 flesh cannon use.
I go to the 2nd map in Klap, murder stuff, takes about 5-10 mins each time I need to refill.

@Faithless Guessing its impossible for a necro the world boss and sustain long grind sessions with a 300 corpse limit? Working my way up the ranks as a necro and this is terrible news.

Wont the resource problem be solved by having corpse potions?

About decay are you sure it is not working? Featherfoot`s decay does work. I am not sure if there are some differences between necro decay and ff decay.

Corpse potions are on 30s cooldown, spamming them alone will be more than enough to sustain constant spamming of Flesh Hoop + Flesh Cannon.

Necro 1 is pretty good Wiz 3 > Linker 2 path, Necro 2 is not good enough for the place he fills (6th and 7th ranks), unless Necro 3 is the bomb.

Can someone see if Cannon would do more damage or hits by consuming Hoop?

It would be a nice hidden mechanic, lol.