Tree of Savior Forum

Avoid Necromancer

I guess Necro C3 will get Bone archer (5) to fulfill Decay’s benefit of first circle. (Just guess).

Linker, then Sorcerer, then Necro1 and then 2.

Linker makes flesh cannon’s moderate radius much easier to work with when your group doesn’t have a good tank who knows how to cluster mobs. This is highly desired in groups, even at one circle.

Sorcerer because I love temple shooter, cat buff is also super desirable in any group, and I want to spent all my silver on pots. No real synergy with necro besides “look at mah pets!!!”. Some people go linker 2 instead, which trades a massive tank and slightly better firepower (yes, temple shooter is still amazing past level 230) for a hangman’s knot that actually holds things long enough for cannon to land.

What about the synergy of TempleShooter’s missile attack and Necro’s Decay debuff which makes targets to receive +100% missile damage?

No benefit gain. I don’t know why too.

Temple shooter deal AOE damage, but the visual look like missile.

Just like how most bosses work, most of their attacks are AOE and ground AOE, you can avoid them by jumping with good timing.

Have the exact same build, and I think too that the people that feel underwhelmed are the ones with pyro/cryo. The DMG of Flesh Cannon with Quick Cast is insane and just a lovely sight.
I also started a Cryo/Necro but hated it ones I got necro because there was zero synergy and just some CC from Cryo.

Indulgentia: 500 per use
Chaplain buff table: 1k per use
Pardoner C3 skill 1.5k per use

Every buff the priests throw out …

If you went through 100k silver a priest going there went through several 100k just going where you are.

Ok. Thanks. Now I’m wiz3-link1 and thinking to make a pure PvP burst dmg necro. So, can anyone please tell, how much magic atk is in the formula for Flesh Cannon? I see it is like 1500 dmg at lvl 10. How much hits does it have? How does it become 70k damage in total?
I also think what rank should I choose next. Link2(for knot) or Cryo1(for Ice Spike freeze after Knot) or Thau1(matk) or Sorc1(dont want it that much).
What about Hangman’s Knot itself, does it just prevent movement, or is it a full disable?

Corona rod +3, Venom, 2 Wizard brac and etc. Total INT 396. With 30% attribute + Quick cast.

I can hit 4700 per hit with Flesh cannon at LV6.

Almost 1 shot a pack of Truffle at Alameth forest.

How many hits is it?

I heard 16 hits but I cannot count by myself

So, you mean that your total damage is 16*4700? Is is level dependent or is it always 16 hits?

It is 16 hits skill (not sure)
Level will increase damage (arround 400 per LV + quick cast)

Do not believe much in pre-made class guide with cryo1 link or pyro1 link, CBT max LV at 200. They are not bad but cannot made flesh cannon to full efficiency.

did get the gather corpse/skeleton/flesh hoop skills? they seem underwhelming…

Today is horrible play with necromancer.

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Flesh cannon is 10 hits.

I believe it is 15 hit or something
and ping seems to have effect on hit count.

Nope. I am a level 218 necromancer. It is 10 hits regardless of ping.

Gather corpse is bad. Skeleton is broken in several ways, that I’m going to give its very own thread in the suggestion subforum. Flesh hoop is decent but not amazing.

Suggested rework thread. Please support if you like the ideas :slight_smile: