Tree of Savior Forum

Avoid Necromancer

Necro 3 is able to joint penalty the dirty pole to a boss to deal very nice flesh cannon damage. If someone could get the pole attribute to check if itos is similar to ktos it would be great.

i was hesitant to buy the attrib :cry:
is it worth it? i also would like to know. lol XD

Is this due to the attribute? Confirm first whether you need the pole attri to link it before spending 2m.
Or wait until another necro linker spends money to provide info.

Iā€™ve only noticed now that he might have some chappa cards equipped. did not notice it before. lol XD
he drinks sp pot before flesh cannon.
that could also be a factor for his damage.

nope, its not the attribute, I didnā€™t test it with necro c2 tho, but after becoming c3 and trying it out, you can already JP the pole without the attribute, setting pole and JP then casting FC feels a little bit clunky, since you have to hit both JP and the boss, and in parties usually other DPS got the agro and easily breaks the chain, Iā€™m not that happy with necro c3 overall.

We have the patch before the serpentine nerf, same with summons of skeletons atm, I was able to afk farm with 10+ skeletons out, which I think is getting hot fixed soon. Its like the video @greyhiem posted on necro farming 145 dungeon with lots of summons out.

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Decay is not working in PvP (did some testing on friends)

Seems to have been reversed: before it does not work in PvE

So, how is it now. What part of decay are you talkin about - max hp reduction and/or the equipment one(how does it work? just makes armor ineffective and/or weapon too?)

Necro archers, best AFK summon!

There are certain mobs that canā€™t be linked so necroC3 is really hard to play after this patch. Gathering corpse is not an issue anymore. Got it maxed in just under a minute but that is it.

What do you guys notice that made Necro C3 more special than C2? Do you think the Skel Archers made a difference?

archers seem good for farming and pvp maybe?. plus, being an int build, its helpful to have my own mob which monsters can attack before coming to me. it somewhat gives enough time to cast and target or escape. lol

iā€™ve seen a lot of people saying 290 dungeon have high Mdef. any necros tried running this dungeon? hows your damage as a caster? hows your damaga as a summoner(skellies shoggoth damage)?
are skelliesā€™ damage affected by high mdef? XD

additional question, bout the 2m attribute enhanced corruption.
does it include all corruption made by necro? summoned shoggoth and dirtypole gives enemies near them decay. so does enhanced corruption work on these? nullifying their gears just by being near those summons? :slight_smile:

Necromancer: Enhanced Corruption
Corruption caused by a Necromancer skill will temporarily nullify the enemy gear.

@raydensorc both, no working against other players
tested with dirty pole and shoggoth. With FC has worked (decay), but, ā€œnecromancer: enhanced corruptionā€ not worked (or not figured out how it works)

Con (+bugs)

  • ā€œflesh hoop: demoralizeā€ not stack anymore (likely bug)
  • skeletons half-hp (after of 50% in raise dead: enchanced HP), low HP and attack for new energy fluence (archers too)
  • shoggoth has little hp for this new content
  • flash strike cost many corpse and has an DMG that does not justify it (the area of damage is less than the meteor)
  • skeleton archers have a very bad attack range (almost melee)

Necromacer as always, buggy as hell


  • Now, move limit the summons is 1,5 screen (It can be good and bad, at least they will not separate the mobs at the time of grind) / better control
  • Archers are the devil in pvp
  • limit of 900 corpse
  • soldiers skeletons collect corpse to you (to at higher maps, is more difficult)
  • decay now works in PvE ( -40% max hp)
  • skeleton archers gain buff of decay(+100% DMG)
  • skeleton archers has ā€œfront line attack in areaā€ (mobs close to them)

Do you mean the Decay from necro is similar now to FeatherFoot decay? That would be really good if that is the case.

My summons sometimes will just stand and are not that aggressive like before. Itā€™s like a leash from the sorc summon and I have to drag them there. Skeleton archers also shoot really slow and itā€™s melee like range is bad.

It was the same as before, was now to be stronger

##I just lost my shoggoth lv 10 on map 4 *

oh nooooooooooo! :cry:
how are we as a class supposed to function in those maps! noooooo!

How hard was the class advancement quest for necro3?

you need to kill the mob in 4s, after using the item (recommend using when the mob is low hp)

not to mention the monsters in that map have 200k~300k hp and hits hard.

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better at afk farming. Flesh Cannon is the only skill that is worth it when grinding for damage.