Tree of Savior Forum

Avoid Necromancer

Test to check if you where still a prick, guess you didn’t change.

Ofcourse you ignored everything else on that post, because reasons. :wink:

Anyway i’m out, until somebody posts some useful new information again. gl

Because if you can’t use proper terminology, you aren’t capable of putting together a coherent point. Nice try acting like you planned that slipup. You’re just dumb. Have a good day in delusionville.

Helloooo I’d just like to ask if anyone knows if psychic pressure procs the shards from dirty pole. thank you!

I’ve been around for a long time and he is the first troll I ever seen in this forum. Just hope he’s the only.

Btw, don’t feed the troll. He started to use Ad Hominem fallacy. Let’s just pretend he doesn’t exist and move on.

Iirc no. Only actual physical hits do.

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im talking to you all :

so you guys…
why you even bother to debate to this @nojustnotos kid talking about… just by reading your replies, me as a player who never play necro or ele class, know very well that Flesh Cannon beats Frost cloud (thanks to you guys that provide number), why you even bother to babysit this kid’s rage???

so from the latest patch about necro and r3 necro… what do u guys think about necro overall???
is it still a bad class to play???

thought please, coz im planning to make a w2 - kino3 - necro3 for pvp and pve as well
i know i will have hard time at solo because i dont have linker… but will it still bad to have necro3 without linker?? as in this circle 3, necro has 2 more attacking skill

thanks for the answer ^^

I don’t see necro3 being that good, you only get better corpse management and skeleton archers for uhh afk farm? flesh strike which they said ktos never bothered using it. There was a video on the other thread necro soloing and still FC was doing the damage, the skeletons keep getting knock back by boss.

IDK maybe for pvp a kino necro would work? but I doubt you get to cast FC fast before you get ccd since you are only taking wiz2. I really like linker for a necro specially when leveling solo. but anyways wiz classes kinda falls off in r8 anyways.

Though I’m only Necro 1 til R8 comes out, I don’t think it’s as bad a class as many seem to make it, bossing wise it can deal some pretty decent damage and with the addition of the corpse potion things you don’t have to focus on farming corpses all day long though it does cost silver which will make somewhat an impact on your silver if you are spamming Necro skills when you don’t really need to use them.

From all the videos I have watched on Necro3. The only viable skill for farming quickly is still Flesh Cannon.

The added skills are mostly for afk farming or are very gimmicky in my theory but let’s wait and see how it actually is after a few hours from now. Might be bad on paper (for me that is) but good in game.

Anybody knows where is Khamadon Forest? For NecroC3 advancement

knidos jungle>khonot forest>khamadon forest

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Thanks! i also found it but thanks anyway :slight_smile:

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someone finished the c3 quest?

bunch of necros partying up to finish the quest :slight_smile:

yep i would suggest to take the advancement now to party up with other necros :smiley: because the quest is a bit hard

When you guys do become n3 and test things out please update the rest of us that are far away. I personally am a wiz 3 link 2 and not sure if I should go link 3 or necro 1, since its either a go all the way or not at all for me.

Info/updates very appreciated.

I never saw so much ■■■■. Don’t choose Necro 3!
The New Skill is Just the greatest crap ive ever seen so much wasted time in building that Wiz 3 Link 1 sorc 1 Necro 3 build.
Now Casting that damn Skill With a cast time like an hour for 10k dmg on 300k hp Mobs and waste 100 corpse Parts for it. Such a big wasting…

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No one even considered going necro 3 for an upgraded meteor. It’s for the rest of the class, synergy between archers and decay’s bonus to archery damage, skeleton ARCHERS, stronger fc, fh and stronger afk farming capabilities with the attribute upgrades.

I think you’re really misguided if for a split second you thought the necro meteor will be any good.

this is true, skeleton archers are crap, everything seems underwhelming for a 3rd circle of a necro, we get like what? tons of attributes to maintain corpses which isn’t even that needed, the only thing we get out of it is FC 15. end of story

We came back with the skeletons with half HP