Tree of Savior Forum

Auto Attack (A2/QS3/x/x) Guide

Just don’t forget that by replacing archer3 you will lose attack range, which can be essential for machine gun build.

But I agree that replacing archer3 for scout/falconer/ranger or other classes might be a good option. Just won’t perfectly fit in machine gun style.

The best option IMO is scout as it will bring the most survivalbility and good damage on stationary targets with flare+kneeling shot.

Sappers 2 are a very good option for full dex Quarrel shooters that use kneeling shot a lot and a great build for ET.

I was planning to go for SR however I’m worrying at late game Lv200 , it would be hard to survive. Is this true ? Cause that will force me to go for Rank7 class.

So are you having hard time past lv200 now?
Would you suggest I can just stick to this build or just turn over to Rank7 class?

I’ve seen some SR conquering ET, so I don’t think they have any problems with late game.

Does Archer C2 worth taking after QS3 ? Because i’m thinking of taking A>QS3>Scout>Falc>Musketeer .

It’s best choice for dex build, but not needed at all for STR build.

The point of archer2-3 is kneeling shot and bonus crit from Swift Step.

If you don’t like turret type build, it’s not needed.

SR shouldn’t be having any trouble late game. They also come tankier than most other archers due to companion stat sharing that which you can invest even more points into damage. Level 10 retreat shot is amazing hitting 10 monsters simultaneously. In addition, if you wall shoot you can single out monsters with running shot auto at the same time while using retreat shot to cover huge aoe. Even better using the two combo against a boss to achieve even greater single target DPS.

I don’t like turret type build and i love moving a lot so is it okay to don’t get Archer C2? and i want a pve/pve build too. so taking scout is good or not? Thanks

Scout1 is always a good choice, for both PvP and PvE, your build is totally fine if you are going to build STR.

Archer 2 shouldn’t be limited to only a turret build. Especially when you’re taking falconer, archer 2 gives you a powerful lv10 multishot firing 11 arrows. Multi shot eventually become a strong massive aoe skill with circling and remains a strong single target skill for bosses

I went QS3, A3 and no ragrets so far !!, most of the times i play solo, in dungeons or worldbosses, no need of circling much, since its mostly dungeon rush, and turret style maximizes dps for both.

However i feel envy on how falconeer looks with his falcon flying around, like old RO hunter :frowning:

I think ill eventually switch my pet . . . .

I’m quitting the game. Anyone familiar enough with this build should take up the mantle and open a new topic so they have access to the first post.

It would be nice if you gave me a small shoutout if you use some or all of my info, but hell, I don’t see me coming back soon.

This game seems to have no way of showing skill. It is basically all grinding to get to top level then grinding to complete collections then grinding until your numbers are high enough to faceroll ET. There are no real mechanics that I can see.

It was fun until I realised that there really isn’t any end game. The art was nice and it was an interesting change of pace. Good luck to all future auto attack archers out there and may IMC make higher level +2 QS weapons later!

To be honest RO have no real end game and I still played it for YEARS. You gotta make the end game content sometimes. Like for me ET is a goal I tearn for becuase even the Koreans haven’t beat it yet. The progression raider is screaming in my head to wreck that crap.

I was a raid lead in ffxiv, that was progression. Looking at videos of ET, it is a number check.

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Well Mechanic wise yes its nothing like ff14 but you gotta remember we were and still are spoiled by that game.

Well, we are not even close to the idea of endgame IMC suggested we would have in the future (lvl ~ 600), we are seemingly in some kind of open beta yet.
I believe it’s not right to have any expectations of a really complete game right now and I even think that IMC turned things kind of ‘too easy’, making it possible for people to reach the end of the content too fast.

I hope for better content in the future but I am still very far from seeing the end of the lvl 280 run (My QS is still at 105 and I have both wiz and swordy at the 100ish too), I am okay with the game so far.

Update of my experience so far: I just changed to the SA server and I’m now with about 45 ping. The diference in Attack Speed is MINDBLOWING. I’ld never make a AA build if I knew I’ld be losing so much dmg to the ping. I still believe they need to improve this protocol for auto attacks or some players will always have a higher dps than others in this build. If you have more than 150 ping be sure you’re losing a lot of dps on your AA build.

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Honestly I’ve changed from 150-250 to 50-80 ping after transfer to EU and can’t say I see a lot of difference.

I think it is more because of packet loss, not the ping itself.

Here’s a weird idea for those like me who hate switching weapons. I’m already feeling the lower damage my +10 grandcross is giving me, but I absolutely HATE the delay on switching weapon (and the fact that SOMETIMES switching weapons either fails or unequips both my main hand and off hand weapons).

What are your thoughts on grandcross becoming my offhand and just attacking with a roided up pistol?