Tree of Savior Forum


What do you mean? Are you talking about using Ctrl+Shift+Left mouse click in-game? Yes it works.

so we still can translate stuff inside when necessary and record it in the google sheets u linked earlier?

Yes you can use the tool to do your own translations while in-game. At that point you would then have to upload the file to the GitHub and do a few things. That’s if you want to help benefit translations. If you want to simply add lines, while playing, for translators to notice and then edit on the GitHub you can do that. The point of the spreadsheet is for those who aren’t confident in translating the lines properly, they can help the translators notice. There will be a lot of lines while playing that you will notice, so every bit counts.

okay, off to GitHubs for a guide on how to use it haha

Take a look at the original post for this thread. There’s a nice little resource put together by Sourpuss to help you along the way. GitHub isn’t too complicated. Create an account > fork the repository > click the file you want to edit > click the pencil icon to begin editing > finalize the pull request. Make sure to mark your changes as you go. And follow these basic guidelines

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thanks a lot~ so it’s confirmed we will continue to use this for the iCBT’s translation/grammar corrections?

Yes all translation changes are to be made on the GitHub where translators review them and IMC accepts the changes as official.

okay~ thanks for info <3

Currently playing CBT3 and got this error:

Is there a way to link our account to github for any in-game editing we do? To keep track of commits and such.

Is this an error from the Korean CBT? It looks like it is. The translation pack for the Korean CBT is very jerry-rigged. Once we get in-game for the international beta, it should work fine.

Not to my knowledge no. At the moment it seems you make the file changes then upload the entire file or change the line on the GitHub.

Like, everything is working fine, tbh it’s pretty easy to play with language files on this CBT, this error appear when i Ctrl+shift+click to change some text

hmmm, maybe it will be different for iCBT since we don’t have a really detailed guidelines for what to do with the translation in iCBT

Here to help! Will do my best to read carefully and translate.

Well put it this way, its almost as if the translations are being injected into the game. So instead of trying to bring up the Korean file when you try and click it, the game tries to redirect it to the English version and then can’t find the file. The Korean version is not meant to take translations in that way. The client doesn’t know what to do. I wouldn’t worry about it. Its just the way the files are setup to interact with the game, its not supposed to be intended.

Try it without the English files and it should work like a charm.

Same thing with the korean files. They’re all just plain notepad files now and the game loads it. There’s nothing about redirection or such. The game just load that sentence ID. So wichever thing you write there it’ll be shown.

I wouldn’t worry about it. It will work for iCBT.

“The basic idea of OTC is to put all in-game text data into different language folders in the client”

"If you are talking about having game text in the game client, yes, and the same files you see in Github will be used in the client. So if you make any edits by using your client, you can just send the edits to us through pull requests as usual.
If you are talking about real-time translation, it will be available as a beta version as well.
We will be posting details about the real-time translation later on :smile:

Btw I feel like calling it real-time translation is kinda long, any suggestions on giving it a decent name? or should we refer to it as OTC as well? What ya guys think? :laughing"

“and the same files you see in Github will be used in the client”. That’s actually how it’s working on cbt3. I got the github files, made a folder called “git” and i can use it by selecting it on the game settings. I did one called “steam” using the files that comes from iCBT (they’re slightly different and more well written from the actual git) and they all work fine. It’s pretty modular and it can help the community a lot. Like you can translate it to klingon if you want and put the files there and pam! it’ll work

sigh i didnt get a key, maybe next time…

I will pay attention to such things! I hope to be able to help, see inside!