Tree of Savior Forum


Ah… Well… I guess I will translate only my client…
Since I don’t know a single word of Korean, I can’t help you… That’s too bad :s
Good luck so. Cya in the CBT !

Not official, did this in my spare time. But thank you. I hope it can help.

You’d be surprised. I used that Quest line as an example of the translation when submitting line(s) through Google Forms. It’s not good at all and if someone runs into the same sorta lines in-game then they can submit them and provide context. Context is a lot of what we have been missing for a while now. Context will help translations run a lot smoother.

Well do what you can to help. I’ve seen a thread or two about french translations so maybe you can join up with them! Best of luck to you and I hope translations go smoothly for ya! ^^

Looking at the the response sheet, it looks like a tad bit too messy to me… no offence, but imo this is not a good way of getting things done efficiently … too many manual work for you to compile it together into a pull request…

people should learn to use git… its not too hard…
if not, they’re better off using the Web Translator on tosbase.

regardless, can’t deny your effort and passion to help the community!

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Seems like machine translations that should’ve been removed. :sweat:
I’ll take note to have it removed.

Thanks for your effort.

It’s nice to see so many people available to help. I’ll try to do my part as well, I’m trying to understand how GitHub goes, but if I can’t get the knack of it, I’m gonna use the sheets you created.

Thank you once again :wink:

I didn’t quite get what happens to lines translated via OTC (ctrl+shift+click). Is it submitted somewhere upon saving or just displayed to user? I don’t like the idea of switching window to submit what I found…

The form response sheet is not meant to be the place to find translations to edit. If you take a look at Korean Text Errors you will find that the responses to the Korean version of the form have been neatly organized in categories. The Response Sheet is to be ignored. It is simply a means to collect responses, that’s it. The point of this is to collect broken/bad lines from iCBT testers using the Google Form and then have their responses neatly organized in the appropriate sheet. The translators and IMC can then look at each line in their different categories and edit the lines on the GitHub. You kinda missed the whole point here.

When you click on a line using CTRL+SHIFT+CLICK it will bring up a text box where you can edit the line. It will also bring up the associated file. You can then copy the entire line and submit it into the Google Form. Upon saving I don’t believe it is submitted to the GitHub, it is simply changed in your own game.


Machine translations are fine for translation if you see them in context in the game. When they’re abstract in the files it’s harder to tell what they mean. Should be fine to use machine translations in-game if no native translation is available.

As long as native Korean/English bilinguals can access the correct Korean in-game easily, machine translations aren’t an issue.

Sorry sir, but “testers” are not programmers, so we wont be programming anything here.
We are supposed to test the stress of the server, also to report bugs and errors.

What? You aren’t programming anything. All you have to do is use the in-game Real Time Translation Tool (pressing CTRL+SHIFT+Left Mouse Click on text) and then copy and paste the text into a Google Form. Literally you press CTRL+C on the line then CTRL+V into the appropriate box in the form. How is this programming? Testing translations is going to be just as important as testing bugs. Koreans have already been testing so I am sure they will provide plenty of feedback + bug finding. But they can’t test translations, we can.


ill try to help too, i will not skip npc dialogs and do my part :mask:

Thank you! Every little bit counts!

I hope the instructions were as straightforward as possible. If anyone is confused about what exactly to do then please tell me. If you have any opinions on the format of the form/spreadsheet then tell me as well. All feedback is appreciated.

I’m looking forward to doing my best to help contribute ^^ together we all with stop those nasty bugs ^.^

Bug Hunter Slexom ready for action, Sir!
I’ll try to help as much as I can. :smile:

…Did you read what he said at all?

Take a flight to Korea if you want to be a professional bug reporter. No one wants to read your non translation bug reports when the people who will fix them only know broken English. You were given a tool to have a greater impact on the game, and you demand to have a lesser one, and for the record: five thousand people is not a stress test.

Alright. I’ll do my best to help.

not gonna have problems here :+1:
i like doing this kind of stuff so yeah gonna help as much as i can :smile:

Nor i am going to read urs.

And now i understand what is at hand. I’ll do what i can. But people should not rage around here, they should teach or just not rage. lol.

im confused with this thread, so, its the function 100% working or not?