Tree of Savior Forum


Yeah, if you know testers share the link…

And let’s try to pick all the errors we can, in this too…

Insta-Translation? maybe?

I have updated the OP with a new link to the Spreadsheet (If you still have the original link it will still bring you to the same spreadsheet.) I have decided to remove the Additional Comments and Screenshots boxes in the Google Form and removed the columns in the spreadsheet. The implementation was a lot trickier than I thought and would be confusing to implement correctly. Instead please add additional comments and screenshots into parenthesis next to the lines. Additional comments and screenshots will help us get a feel for what the translation should be changed to. It is not required but it helps.

I have added lines into the spreadsheet through filling in each box in the Google form. The lines I put into both spreadsheet are purely example. This is what the end result will look like as people submit lines, nice and tidy. The comments I included in parenthesis are just an idea of what people should submit for comments.

And finally have fun in iCBT tomorrow! :smiley:

Bumping this one last time. Beta starts in about 1 hour and the more people who see this the better. Have fun! Also I have wiped responses.

Is the in-game editor supposed to work as of now? I found minor text problems but I can’t get the editor working so I just took screenshots…

same here I saw 2 chat bugs already

It seems like its not :confused:

This does nothing for me.
Wanted to point out one of the Archer Masters attribute description which sounds like gibberish.

CTRL+SHIFT+LEFT CLICK doesn’t make nothing to me either. I found a rare mien boots without description.

On the description appears: $NoData$ITEM_20150717_005686$

Yeah I am aware. IMC said it would be in-game and it is not. @STAFF_Marikim Is the team fully aware that the Real-Time Translation tool isn’t working in-game?

I have already found a lot of errors I could of possibly fixed if I knew where the line was :confused:

Yup. They’ll be posting in github about it :slight_smile:


Awesome, thank you very much. Hope its implemented quickly.

any update on this???

CTRL+SHIFT+LEFT CLICK won’t function for me either. :confused:
I want to change the name of the item for Psycokino quest, but It won’t work. :confused:

Yeah this whole idea got messed up when the Real Time Translation Tool wasn’t implemented the very first day. All of the edits people could have submitted has gone to waste. It’s not a huge deal but its a shame that it wasn’t implemented properly from the get-go. I am severely disappointed it turned out this way.