Tree of Savior Forum

Ask about circling in R8 right now

I saw someone said about circling can’t reduce AOE Defend ratio to 0 anymore.
I try to find info about this but still don’t found any info yet. even in kr patch note.

I need someone to confirm about this because it’s a big change to some of build in Archer class.


and some new


No more falconer c1?

falconer is support, i wouldn’t take it if i wanted a dps class. The circle can be spent on much stronger classes.

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In some of the minor changes to kToS, Circling will no longer be able to bring down AoE defense ratio to 0 (minimum it can go down to is 1).

That means, you will still need sufficient positive AoE attack ratio to hit multiple targets (since each will still count at least 1 against your AoE attack ratio).

(edit: added source - basically it’s patch 330 in kToS)

@thedojin @seifer0692 - both of you read my reply

I don’t confuse about AOE Def & AOE ATK. I understand what it is. Right now Circling can make AOE DEF of mob to 0 if have AOE DEF 5 or lower. that make multishot - coveringfire can hit multiple target. so I just ask someone who know about ktos patch that limit aoe def at 1.

Yeah I read that reddit too. that why I need someone to confirm.

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It seems more like a change to the whole AOE defense system so nothing can go to 0.

Uhmm, you may have misunderstood it. Before mobs can be brought to 0 ADR, that means even w/o any AAR, you will hit all of them (provided they’re clumped together). Now (in kToS), you need to have enough AAR to cover the total ADR of all the mobs you want to hit (as intended).

Eg: 3 mobs

  1. 5 ADR
  2. 3 ADR
  3. 1 ADR

You cast Circling = all their ADR goes to 1 each.

You still need 3 AAR to hit all of them.

As for JP, no idea, never played a Wizard.

circling in current patch
Multi shot lvl3

  1. 5 ADR > 0 = 3hit
  2. 3 ADR > 0 = 3hit
  3. 1 ADR > 0 = 3hit
  4. 4 ADR > 0 = 3hit
  5. 2 ADR > 0 = 3hit

circling in ktos patch
Multi shot lvl3

  1. 5 ADR > 1 = 1hit
  2. 3 ADR > 1 = 1hit
  3. 1 ADR > 1 = 1hit
  4. 1 ADR > 1 = none

circling in ktos patch
Multi shot lvl3 With vubbe fighter gauntlets (AAR+2)

  1. 5 ADR > 1 = 3hit
  2. 3 ADR > 1 = 3hit
  3. 1 ADR > 1 = 3hit

If it really change then.
No reason to choose falcon c1 in build anymore…
So that mean a lot of build with falcon c1 will…RIP

Probably just the Fal1 > Musk1, but once it gets to Musk2, they’ll be fine.

why fine.


Musketeer excels in Single Target Bursts anyway. Maybe not “fine” fine, but it won’t be “destroyed”.

I see I understand what you say.
But new Musketeer will don’t need falconer anymore.
And old build will remain with one useless rank T T.

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Do you have something more specific as a source? I’m looking at the patch notes from 8/18/2016 (i.e. the rank 8/level 330 patch) and I am not seeing anything about Circling.

[details=Patch Links]

Update/Note/Patch #330, not level 330… (according to reddit poster), hold on let me scour through it.

So you don’t have an actual source then. According to [ Archer Changelog ] Archer changes from kTOS and iTOS there are only four patches that kToS has and we don’t, and none of them appear to do what has been claimed. Here is a list of all the kToS patch notes, surely you can tell me which one 330 is.