Tree of Savior Forum

Arde Dagger Drop Chance 5% for real or joke?

It’s part of the fun :3


Judging by your reply I would have to assume that you are part of that 10 years old group.

Obviously, you felt compiled to come and share with us your almighty intelligent insight.

I’m being sarcastic of course but truth be told, I’m amused that this thread is still alive. There is two party here, one is the peoples that easily got their hands on some rare items. The others is the unlucky peoples that still haven’t got their items.

What’s amusing is that this thread could very well go on forever. Because everyday a new member of each camp will be born giving ways for this thread to survive the test of time.

Not that it held any meaningful meaning at the start but that is something everyone knew when they started to partake in this conversation.

Someone, namely me in this case, felt like ranting about RnG for no real reasons. Just had a hard week at work and bad RnG in the game I play for an extended period of time. Yet here we are a week later and still news is being added.


Don’t be too frustrated not knowing how probability distribution works. You’ll learn it in 2-3 years times, around the same time you start growing pubes.

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too bad bro… got mine one my very first run :smiley: just stay positive :slight_smile: and dont use money to open cubes… its not recommended for me… you can always try again tomorrow.

I just looked at my adventure journal because i got a dagger today on one of my 3 runs. The only time i have rolled extra was today when i got the dagger.

16 kills, 12 cubes dropped for me in total = 2 daggers
seems luck is not on some of you players side

I got that my first run. Its overhyped and drops off hard after a while

Stop wasting so much time and effort over something so shitty.

It’s funny, I guess troll are trolls.

Here eat some potatoes, it’ll make you feels better.

On a side note I know full well how probability and statistic work. But then again it’s all irrelevant because trolls were born with very small brains so they cannot comprehend the nature of humans.

Obviously trolls are not humans.

Anyway have fun :slight_smile:

If you ran SO MANY dungeons and rerolled SO MANY times to get that dagger and did not get a single one at all… don’t you think it’s price might be so high just because its RARE?

Nice try, don’t struggle so hard to make yourself seem educated, little kid. You might be a 10 year old but you sure trash talk like an 8 year old. Btw, its ‘statistics’.

It’s alright. Don’t worry. I do try and not to fall on the ground while laughing.

I always wondered why some peoples feel the need to threat others as kids?

Maybe it’s because they are children themselves?

I dunno just doesn’t make sense to me. Or do you have so much time to lose that you feel the need to come and talk nonsense on a forum?

Not that I’m any better to even continue feeding a troll but well it’s always amazing to see peoples like you. It actually make me laugh every time. You guys never fails to amaze me.

At least you could have the decency to try and follow the conversation, most likely you read the first post and came replying like a moron. Then you come and start calling “hey there guys, look it’s a kid!”.

Such obvious trolling.

By the way, I’m French so excuse me for now adding a stupid “s” at the end of statistics, not that it ALWAYS need an “s” at the end but who cares.

Science time!

I’m back with the numbers. With 106 attempts I got
1 Arde dagger
7 Beetleback recipes
20 Necroventer cards
78 Talts

Based on these. I’d guess the drop chance for arde dagger might be near 1%.

Never again. Protip: Just buy it. Farewell.

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We would need something more like 500 or 1000 attempts if we want accurate data but I have to thank you for dedication, sir !

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To add this after 126 boxes I got:

101 Talts
5 Beetleback Recipes
19 Necroventer Cards
1 Arde Dagger

I’m done farming this dungeon since. Since I was leveling an alts recently I went ahead and ran that dungeon with my 2 highest characters everyday until I get one for my alts.

I don’t recommend re-olling the boxes at 30k a pop.


120 box opened 0 arde dagger. I hate talt!

You’d better start love talt and hate arde dagger, this way you will be happy every time you open the box with very low chance of disappointment :wink:

~75 Boss Rush and Yesterday i got my first drop…Beetleback Recipe :smile_cat:
Still 0 Arde Drops.

I got a Suncus Maul from my 3. 190er Run and this Item have only 1% Dropchance.
Arde must be 0,5% or 0,05%.^^

So I checked my journal, 52 cubes. Let’s say I rolled each 2x (which I didn’t) so around 156 cubes. I’ve spent at most 3.12m and gotten 8 arde’s (already gave 2 away) and didn’t count the other drops. RNG is RNG?

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A lot of people believe it’s required to lv :sweat_smile: I just want to collect 7/7 potential arde’s to look at.

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