Tree of Savior Forum

Arde Dagger Drop Chance 5% for real or joke?

Yep, I wanted a law that takes into account the past failures, but seems like there is none…
So it’s always 5%. 5%. 5%. Boring maths :stuck_out_tongue:
(If the probability is still 5%.)


Lvl 90 Dungeon
Necroventer Card (15%)
Talt (Almost 100%)
Opal (1%)
Zircon (0.5%)
Arde Dagger (5%)
Recipe - Beetleback (10%)

so far i got…

5x Necroventer card
35x talt
1x Opal
1x Zircon
4x Beetleback recipe
0x Arde Dagger

I must be on the bad side of RNG :sweat_smile:

[quote=“Nekorin, post:105, topic:185577”]
I must be on the bad side of RNG
[/quote]if and only if those chances are correct (which they arent because they are based on players’ subjective reports during closed tests and not on datamining). And IMC will never release such info to public unless they decide to make a database site of their own.

True, the drop% doesn’t really match. But nevertheless I’ll just continue to farm for it, or if I happen to save enough silvers to purchase 1.

Because reasons >.>

2 characters, 6 runs a day + atleast 2 rolls.

3 daggers 1 week.

83 attempts so far. 6 recipes, 63 talts, 14 cards and 0 daggers.

I’d definitely recommend other people just to buy the dagger… This is getting insane. But just because science must be done, I’m gonna farm it till the end of world so maybe I can someday bring some numbers here.

If it will drop, it will. Those who can’t stand grinding for it just learn to trade/barter. I didn’t even get any dagger over 4 characters but I have 2 daggers now by trading

Gosh - those youngsters novadays - they want the best eq to be on the floor for everyone to pick up … Besides why lament on the weapon which after lvl 200+ will be thrown away - and lvl 200 is done really fast …

I guess you are not the kind of person to try and do everything in an MMO.

Like filling your adventurer journals and such.

Likewise, you claim that peoples (that you call children) want the item to drop in front of them without putting in ANY effort.

But what you fail to see here, is the main issue with ALL RnG system in MMO since the dawn of time.

It’s call the pyramidal system.

Let’s assume 100,000 Person run that level 90 Dungeon.

1 Run = 5% Peoples get an Arde Dagger. In theory at least.
1 Run = 5000 Peoples got an Arde Dagger.

2 Run = 95,000 Peoples still trying to get an Arde Dagger.
2 Run = 4750 Peoples get an Arde Dagger.

Now let’s forward to 50 run.

50 Run = ~12,851 Peoples still trying to get an Arde Dagger.
50 Run = ~642 Person get an Arde Dagge.

Now let’s jump to 100 Run.

100 Run = ~988 Peoples still trying to get an Arde Dagger.
100 Run = ~49 Person get an Arde Dagger.

Now let’s jump to 200.

200 run = ~5 Person still trying to get an Arde Dagger.
200 run = ~0 Person get an Arde Dagger.

Now try saying this to the person that is at the bottom of the pyramid.

Only if you do 1000 runs, you will get around 50 ardes.

You can get 300 and you can get 5.

My friend got 2 ardes from 1 cube, lol.

Umm, it’s exactly the same. Probability is independant from experiments that already happened.

Oh, it seems that’s what you mean.

Some WB rerolls are 100k. I remember doing those, got 3 harpeia cards…

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And then they flooded the server with bloody branches and put bossnia live. :sweat_smile:

Ironically you never read the whole thread and replied without even knowing what you are talking about.

I’ve gotten the Arde from a friend as I mentioned in a previous reply in this thread.

The point is not about Arde. It’s about how such RnG system hurt those kind of game in the long run.

It doesn’t matter that the Arde dagger is irrelevant in endgame. Because if it’s that one Material you need to craft your BiS gear that take you 200 Run of a Dungeon at endgame. You’ll know the suffering of bad RnG.

You could argue that one day the market will have that endgame item for sale. But from what I’ve seen high level items are untradable.

Of course it’s never a problem for those that fall in the average of a RnG system like this one. It’s always those unlucky that suffer from them.

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I agree that RNG is somewhat broken here, and chances need to be adjusted. What I mean, arde dagger is just a bad example.

I’ve tried to grind fossilized lizards for my venier, killed 300 of those mobs that spawn in the numbers of 3 per map and got 0 lizards with 1% drop chance. It clearly showed me that specifically grinding for one item is a bad idea as I could’ve spent my time bettet by farming money and just buy them on market.

I agree that it’s kind of bad practice to force players grind for hours to get item they need because it’s not fun at all and turns out to be a JOB, not a game. If there is a profitable activity that bots can do better than players, it’s a bad activity. Ardes can be farmed by bots with ease, but regural ingridients are even easier to farm with bots.

There should be some way to obtain needed ingredients by completing hard challenges, like mazes, bosses, etc.

World bosses are a good example, but IMC should work on them more. There should also be world bosses or somethinh like that, who drop rare ingridients or some sort of “money” to buy rare ingridients from NPCs. But at the same time it will kill MMO part of the game.

Currently grinding is a pure gambling and is the most inefficient way to spend your time. The only reason to grind that I see now is to get exp cards and items for collections. Anything else is better to buy on AH.

Arde dagger farming is prertty good for grinding as well, as it’s kind of overpriced and you can efficiently reroll cubes and still get profit. But it’s more of a way to farm talt than money, as cost of selling arde will mostly cover reroll money, pure profit is only ~20k per run (statistically).

First reroll on my first cube, Arde.

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A thread about a spoiled brat not getting what he wants explodes to the front page. This community is really full of 10 year olds eh?

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the dagger is nothing special anymore already…after 1 week everyone whos not lazy should have dropped one already - some 2 some 3 some 4

the only real special thing in this game are monster gems - ill compare them to ROs cards (drop rate might be the same) - wish world bosses would drop special gems like a “+ 1 heal skill + 1 revive” added to one single gem (just an example) and you wont get those off cubes theyre just random drops from the worldboss itself to - like a “MVP” reward to the guy who delt highest damage

no hate please i know i know 1 billion people will get super angry cause theres no chance theyll get mvp ever in their life - but make the mvp reward tradeable

biggest problem in this game: silver becomes worthless - i played for 2 weeks now and theres nothing i would wanna buy or really need (except some 1% drops for my alts wich im too lazy to farm) the only real money sinker are skills but even those gonna be maxed pretty soon

this game needs uniques and hard to earn drops/items - something the whole guild must be working on like we had it on ragnarok…the drops/items right now are laughable and the only stuff thats really worth it (monster gems) arent tradeable wich kinda kills the purpose of silver…id count a worthless monster gem up to the 3-4M silver already and a super useful one (like a revive gem or stone skin - maybe gravity pole or lets go deeper into this…a frost cloud one ) up to the 15-20m silver at the current state

^ That actually happened with me and Chupacabra ears.

Fun rage times.

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I have 3 characters for this dungeon now and have been running it about… Well… Let’s say 100 times now. I got opal…lots of necroventer cards… No arde.

I finally traded it yesterday for a bubble fighter blood…

I want to farm for stuff, but when you only have a limited amount of attempts each day it becomes frustrating pretty quick