Tree of Savior Forum

Arde Dagger Drop Chance 5% for real or joke?

My gf and I hit lvl90 yesterday. Stopped everything we were doing and went to the lvl90 dungeon and she got the Arde dagger in 1 of the 3 boxes. Now I am jealous!

Grats to her!


ā€¦dunno why I even bother againā€¦ I donā€™t even care about getting the dagger that much, it seem you canā€™t even understand the point of my rambling in the first place.

@fecono, were you born with a brain or are you just so stupid you canā€™t even read?

Who said anything about something being handed to them?

The point is that you canā€™t FARM that item because the GAME restrict the number of time you can run a dungeon per day.

Essentially, we get 3 roll per day for those that have TOKEN and 60K Silver to spare everyday. Per Character.

If you cannot comprehend the problem here than by all mean go back to school.

I donā€™t care if I have to do the dungeon 100 times to get the item.

But what I do care is it taking 30 DAYS because of stupid restrictions.

Those that got it on their first few dungeons run are the first to come here and tell us unlucky peoples that we want that item handed to us in a plate.

Meanwhile the BOTS are running everywhere equipped with their Arde Dagger that they bough with botted silver.

Did I mention the price is raising everyday because of that.

I wasnā€™t even suppose to post here again but geez the hate, the level of compassion.

Iā€™ll be happy to see you solo everything when this game fail, because things like restricted access to dungeon is but one nail in a huge coffin.

My issue with this weapon isnā€™t itā€™s chance to drop being low, itā€™s that itā€™s almost 100% required by any non 2 handed weapon class and the difference in your damage (especially as a priest like me) is insane. It would add 40-60% more damage to my build all off one item.

There should be other comparable or even weaker alternatives that you can farm elsewhere.


Some rerolls are 50k or 60k.
Others are 30k.

Itā€™s a bit weird xD.

And yes, i stated that it was the worst choice ^^.


One items which will be souhgt after:
-toy hammer
-stat headgears
-level75 reds.

is all luck i got 2 consecutive =)

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didnt read the whole thread, after 2 days of running 90 dungeon and didnt get any daggers, i started hoarding boxes. Do not open them after getting them, pile them up and open them all at once! (I opened 6 boxes got a dagger), and some left but theyā€™re just talt.

I think the cost for additional rolls scale with boss level. Level 100+ish dungeon boss cubes and world boss cubess cost 50k for additional roll in my experience. Level 75ish dungeon boss cubes and world boss cubes cost only 30k for additional roll. The Level 50ish dungeon boss cubes and world boss cubes (if any) cost 10k.

145 costs 30k~

130 cost 60k~

I donā€™t see anything wrong with this, if anyone would have easy access to the dagger it would be really boring, the dagger itself would be nothing special anymore. And I donā€™t see anything wrong with buying it off the market either, wether other people aquired the silver for through botting or other means doesnā€™t even matter in the slightest. In the end everyone has the same chance and the same ways of aquiring a really good weapon which is however by no means neccesary to progress the game.

Basicly you feel like you are being treaten unjust for no reason whatsoever

Okay I agree that OP here feels unlucky and thatā€™s not the same as unjust.

But I do believe OP raised a valid point on a separate issue - there shouldnā€™t be a time limit on farming these things as thereā€™s no reason to stop hard working people from putting in the effort to get it.

There should be a way to farm boss drops apart from the 3 daily runs (Eg. Unlimited runs but no exp, no silver and far lower rate of boss items)

Yeah arde dagger prices are ridiculous right now, that I can agree. And the drop rate is hilariously low and that reroll is not even worth it. One way you can grind for it is to just go farm silver and buy yourself one (Which I did).

Not saying that I support the idea of buying silver from botsā€¦but yā€™know this game is kinda encouraging you to do that atm lol.

Personally, I just grind for the silver and ended up buying one at lv95 for 850k.

Exactly. Yet this kid is crying because of failing after 30 triesā€¦
When you get to wear lv200 gears, arde dagger can be replaced.

Restricted dungeons are there to make you go level around the world, if there were no limit everyon would just be doing dungeons non stop for xp.

The dungeon reset was something they came up with to avoid P2W stuff in the shop.

For the THIRD time YOU DONT NEED THE DAMN DAGGER TO PROGRESS IN THE GAME and you will get better further down the roadā€¦

I hit 90 yesterday and found the dungeon. Cleared it once, rerolled the boss box once and got my Aard. This thing is life-changing as a support cleric.

Clearly your never played RO where just about anything worth had a .01% to .001% drop rate.

Spoiled kids these days. Always cry when they didnā€™t get what they wanted.


Oh yeah, definetly.
Dungeons in this game are really terrible in almost every way and the restriction is just one part of a huge designflaw.

However, the loot system is probably the only good thing about dungeons.
Nobody has to compete for loot and the option to reroll makes my gambler spirit burn

I should report this post for being the rant of a kid who cant get a dagger

I think this is partially a misconception. The prices donā€™t only rise everyday just because of bots but because on average players have more silver on their hands, thus the value of silver decreases. People arenā€™t that desperate to sell their arde daggers for the same price anymore because they know other players can afford to pay more.

This happens in every mmorpg during the first few months. The huge inflation will usually only calm down when the demand and supply are closer to equilibrium, which usually means the point when people start reselling their items when they are high leveled enough and no longer need them. In this game players will probably start their second and third class builds relatively soon so the demand might exceed the supply for rather long time. Iā€™m expecting the price of this dagger rising to somewhere around 2-6 millions actually (hard to foretell, might rise even more), based on how important it is, how long itā€™s useful for one character and how the availability is limited.

The starting inflation has been around 5 to 20 times the ā€œoriginal priceā€ on the mmorpgs Iā€™ve been playing but it really depends on just demand and supply where the prices will develop. There are huge differences among the mmorpgs but this is my hunch on this matter.

Oh look, an actual whiner.

I run 3 runs on 3 chars for the entire week and didnā€™t get a single dagger. Sure I cry in my heart but I donā€™t whine on the forums. What do you expect, IMC to buff it up for your thread?

Learn to play a MMORPG, you canā€™t farm the dagger yourself go farm some other stuff that are valuable as it and trade.