Tree of Savior Forum

Arde Dagger Drop Chance 5% for real or joke?

get a 1000 people to flip a coin a 1000 times, you’ll have people getting heads 99% of the time and anything in between. that’s what chance is. just that, chance, nothing is guaranteed when you’re talking about chance in percentages

man, you’re simply missing the element of luck.
not just because you ran them gazillion times doesn’t mean you deserve to get one. its luck. some people even get it on their first box. well, they’re lucky, you’re not. i dun get why you whine.

and im not really sure since i didn’t really read the whole post. but if you spent silvers for more box rolls. then you should have just spent it to buy the dagger from other players.

and also. i love talts. since i use them as silvers to trade to other players.

I’ve always had incredibly bad luck when it comes to RNG.
Been playing several hours a day since the servers opened.
And you’re right I never ran the dungeon 270 times, because I also NEVER said I ran it 270 times. I said that I did around 90 times, which are cumulative between multiple characters…
Clearly you do not know how to read or do simple math.
Go back to school kid.

Remember 90 runs = 90 cubes. Cubes can be rolled two additional times. In case the multiplication went way over your head that is 90+90+90 which equals to 270.
To make it even simpler for you I could assist you in counting to 270 one by one?

So I’m Suppose to believe you wasted 60k * 90 or 5.4m on re-rolling a level 90 dungeon while being 240+ in levels?

And that you never ran any others dungeons in-between 90-240 levels.

I know how to read but sadly your story is WAY too far fetched to even hold any kind of tangibility or credibility.

I suppose I’m stupid since I continue to feed troll, obviously you try to add wrong data just by the way you speak, it is clear to me you are either lying or trying to get some attentions.

Again as trolls are good at, you start calling peoples kids. Maybe you should look in a mirror before speaking?

If you are getting that angry with a game, maybe you should give yourself a time and play another thing for a while. Then you come back only to farm this dagger.

I’m pretty sure it isn’t 5% flat. Most game have been using the “smart RNG” method, which means, actually you would have 1% (maybe less) opening the first box, then you have 2% on the 2nd box, 3% on the 3rd, and so on, until you get the item and reset. It’s estimated to be 5%, but technically there’s no exact value. The thing is, it resets daily (or weekly but my bet is on daily basis) which means you would get 3 boxes a day, so if you stack all your boxes, around 20~30 your chances to get Arde Dagger will increase exponentially, if you open 30 boxes in different days you’d have a lesser chance. My friend did the stacking method and he has already 2 Arde Daggers, while I got none, so far only 1 lucky recipe and 2 cards. We’ve been testing since we’ve realized this “smart RNG” method, that also explains why there’s an overpriced “try again” button, which means you can try your luck after you’ve already opened a few boxes, cause the chance will be higher each time. I’m just saying how this method works, I can’t confirm any specific number, they don’t have any flat chance, at least a lot of games have been avoiding it to kill the RNG frustration a little bit and I think ToS pretty much works the same way with their RNG. Inb4: SPECULATION.

EDIT: If it was an actual 5% flat, it’d be too easy, and everyone would have Arde Dagger by simply rushing a couple times. By making RNG working like this it’s less likely that people will have Arde Dagger because it’s less likely that people stack their boxes to get an actual good chance. Most people will open their boxes every day resetting the “smart RNG” back to “1%” every day, making it SO MUCH DIFFICULT to have solid Arde Dagger drops. The ones that get it on their first run are indeed very lucky, but there’s no such thing as “unlucky” in math if you try something out with solid methods, RNG will always bring a solid result.

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What is the actual chance to have someone flipping heads 100 times out of 100 attempts, having 50% chance on each attempt? I’m not good at math but I know some basic concepts. I think that’s the thing, if it was 100 different things and you had to drop the number 99, then you’d have 1% to get the number 99 out of 100. But how can you determine the chance of someone beating the 50% in a streak over 100 times. What’s the actual chance? That’s why if 1.000.000 people try to flip heads 100 times, 1.000.000 people would have the average of 50% for heads on the coin flip, that’s how RNG naturally works.

I have attempted the other dungeons while progressing. Which is how I got my sissel recipe. Like I said I also did attempts on my alts.
You seem to keep ignoring parts of the things I have stated just to fuel your own ignorant argument.

I have also noticed that you seem to add plurals to words that are already plural and adding the letter “s” to the end of words that can’t have it. Not to mention all your comma splices.

I am a kid at heart. I agree with you. You’re so cute for getting upset about it though :slight_smile:

Rerolling is quite the trap. That triple talt for 1million (500k per reroll if you can’t math) on Mirtis I saw in a video was fairly disgusting haha.

Just here to add data;

162 Boxes

126 Talt (77.78%)
24 Necro Cards (14.81%)
8 Beetleback Recipe (4.94%)
2 Zircon (1.23%)
1 Opal (0.62%)
1 Arde Dagger (0.62%)

If it took me 162 tries to get a dagger, then there was only a 0.025% chance of that happening to me.

So if there are 17,000~ active players on average. (Ignoring the fact that Bots exist, people too low for the dungeon, and people who don’t care to farm Arde Dagger)

Then that means among those 17,000 players, only me and 3~ other players should statistically be unlucky enough to have to wait 162+ boxes in order to get their first Arde Dagger.

I know I usually have bad luck; but it’s usually statistically within the worst 20%~ of luck. I’ve never been so far down that the chance of my misfortune isn’t even a whole number.

It would make sense to me if the drop rate was actually lower than 5%.
I’m not dumb enough to think that because I got it at 0.62%, that it’s that low of a rate. But I wouldn’t be too surprised if we were to find out one day that the rate was actually closer to 2.5% or so.
It would still mean that I had a 1.655% chance of this happening to me, and 280 other people would have the same thing happen. But those numbers are more realistic to me than actually “winning” the gamble of 0.025%.
Of course, it is still the possibility that I’m just one of the most unlucky players on ToS; and that the rate is indeed 5%.

INB4 “I got it on my first box, RNG is RNG”

Getting lucky and getting it early is indeed RNG. If you were to get 10 boxes, and have them all Arde Dagger then it can just be explained by RNG luckily blessing you with the drop rate every time. That doesn’t mean the rate is 100% though.

On the other hand, getting severely unlucky, it’s more plausible to take a look at the estimated drop rate and not only attribute it to RNG. If one were to open 500 boxes and somehow they didn’t get a single dagger. It would be rather unbelievable for someone to fail to get the dagger (at 5% droprate) with a 99.9999999993% statistical certainty.

Oh, and good thing I only re-rolled my first box (60k).

If I continued rerolling for the next 53 (and got the Arde Dagger at the same 162th opening); I would have spent 1.6mil opening boxes to get my Dagger.

Obviously, buying from the market would have been better than re-rolling boxes in my case.


Did you open all at once?

Did they raise the rates to this? I got 4 in one day… I’m not bragging legit asking

well i did not count i think im around the 5% mark but i read so many comments that are they out of the odds that the question remains if its really 5% …
I mean if its lower its just not worth rerolling thats all

Got arde in my 3rd 90 dung run. Since then about 150 cubes opened, 3 zircons, 2 beetles, no arde though :stuck_out_tongue:

Such a story is not far fetched. My pardoner did pretty much only 190 since he was 190. I have done 3x 240 and a couple of times 130 if time was not enough to find a 190 rush group.

That totals to roughly 60 runs on that char of which I re-rolled twice both cube 40 times.

So I also spent millions there trying to get what I wanted. In the end I didn’t, but I stopped rolling ever since. I am pretty convinced that all items are 1% chance tops or maybe 0.5% for the orange things. By now I am running the 190 with 2 chars and still didn’t see a venom recipe while slowly but steadily going for 200 cubes (100 actual cubes and ~50x rerolling twice which technically is a cube)

The loot system is simply bad. There is absolutely no reason to make midgame gear rarer than Eart Tower stuff.

Meanwhile I got 3 Arde Daggers out of one week of dungeoning.

Your problem is bad luck

160+ runs/reroll and 0 Arde 0 Ziron 0 Opal…

Finally after 120+ runs i bought the arde from the market lol (600k)

well at the 190 dungeons thats a bit different.
There probably every maga drop is only 1% but u have different drops with 1% which have value so u can add them up.
At the 90 dungeon there is no alternate drop with value

Suncus maul that is worth 10k? Maga rapier? 20k etc etc

190 doesn’t have several valuable things it has a lot of beetlebacks and 4 items that are worth something.

Venom, rod, bow, 2h.