Tree of Savior Forum

Archer is so trash

You are right, archer is trash.

we had all these threads, now we have that one.

keep in mind that i play 2 archers 2 swordies and a wizard (pyrowarlock)
i find my SR pretty awesome bud.
It’s only trash if you don’t know the purpose of playing an archer.
i play archers for farming purposes, my scout 3 solo 145 and makes awesome silver, my SR 3 farmed my regard horn pike mats, it can solo 290, run 315 dungeon, run ET and make general high aoe damage.
The fact that archer is bad in pvp probably due to sage is very true, but pve wise archer is definitely great.

yea bud archer is so trash, you should change the title to “my archer is trash”


Archers are way stronger than you might think…
The whole class is broken because of one handed bows, rapid fire crossbows, kiting, overly strong weaponry, aspd buffs etc.

The thing you might be aggrevated about is that the proportion between skill and autoattack is not as large as in other classes, because Archers are supposed to autoattack more. Archers can easily outperform a 5x 5 star gemmed Five Hammer Cleric/Swordman when autoattacking because their bows/crossbows have abnormal bonus damage stats, not to speak of “cannon”/pistol class subweaponry. Then there’s that cheater Hackapella class which can use swords as subweaponry…
Unable to reload his crossbow/one handed bow, yet can still attack anyway.

Pets are still quite useless (especially because they use up a character slot), but still better than having no companion at all as a Cleric e.g.
Disabling an enemy several seconds is not so bad for 1 Circle of Hunter.

Of course Archer is a one target killer. How is he supposed to kill multiple targets with a bow? Ever tried to “Double Strafe”? I did with my bow in rl, and it works, but you’re not supposed to hit multiple targets with a bow/crossbow/Hand gun/blow gun/etc.

AoE should focus only on Cannoneer and Sapper if you ask me, that’s enough and requires tactical gameplay the Archer class otherwise lacks.

In the end, Archer is not trash, Archer is just badly balanced and too focused on autoattacks. They should buff classes like Sapper and Fletcher to improve real gameplay instead of running around and spamming skills/ keeping the autoattack button pressed…
Effortless, non-brain gameplay is boring trash after all.

You dont know archer

u know archer

make bullet point suggestion with mechanics n maths included so clueless dev can copy paste ur idea

ur name will be listed in the credit section (not)

i forgot how many legit suggestion thread has been forgotten… i think its swordman thread athexis or something, just to list.


and now with forum 2months auto close feature.

make sure u bump this regularly, or u will be another forgotten fool

So aside from sr which circle is usefull now

u are choosing a wrong sample to compare with, if u are compare about bossing, Taoist. Plague Doctor. Inquisitor + miko, pyro warlock have better dmg. and differently, they could go both ET and bossing.

Maybe if you stop comparing everything to everyone else you’ll enjoy your class, i enjoy my SR.
Archer is not as bad as swordsman was at r7.
Fact is SR can ET very well and korean teams cleared ET 40f with an SR, fact is that fletcher mergen is a great single target dps even at r8.
If you want the strongest build make a pyro or some miko PD then.

yup u are right, but most of u just come for the topic which I meant to grab all ur attention, but less people are really discussing what i am talking about.

What does it have to do with what I said?

Bro Pyro is not that great and even worse at bossing. You do know fireballs are knocked back every single time and they are the only reliable damage they have? The only reason it worked in that one group is because they built the composition around the Pyro and SR. Meaning you can’t have a sword and a pyro in the same group.

Stop calling for nerfs if you don’t even know how it works. SR will outperform any Pyro overall. Just because you see some big numbers doesn’t mean it’s better.


Yea what you say is true i got a pyro and you need so much setup against bosses just to get knocked down and fireballs moved around by melee, easier to just grab a fletcher. Wouldn’t take pyro to world bossing, more of an aoe damage class
I don’t think OP have played neither SR or pyro.

Two kinds of boss, world boss or et boss?
World boss, u can have better choice which bd is focusing on bossing, but Fletcher is not the best as u said, so why a build focusing on boss still not able to against Taoist . Plague Doctor, Inquisitor + miko (i am not sure about swords) they are all required for world boss and ET

ET boss, wziaar never lost to SR or even Kriv 3 Taoist or PD with same weapon as you.

Earth tower, Sr is same thing focusing on ET, and it has showed you his limit dmg, but why do you still think it can do better?
45k dmg comapre with 90k dmg(not only fireball has 90k). it has obviously told you the truth, and moreover you need to pay double money.

Are you serious? Many team build up with a SR in Ktos? but have you asked them pyro strong or SR strong? or they are just so friendly invite SR cus they cant just say u are a trash now we want to replace ur slot. (maybe its hard to find another RMT pyro)

Another thing again, i mention the buff of sapper and hunter is useless, not even 19% of pyro’s buff. and the wrong design of glassmole effect, who can really discus on this part rather than saying how good is archer in ur mind. I have compared both best archer in ur mind with other class done

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Because i play both SR and pyro and enjoy SR more so obviously i will invest in a class i enjoy.
now the question is, do YOU play both SR and pyro?
i can’t really read your wall of bad english but still wonder if you play one of these classes.
You are arguing based on one ktos video and not your own experience which i find pretty ridiculous, kinda reminds me of seifer tbh.
Troll thread detected.

I enjoy too. but its not enough to stop being better. and i am not playing pyro, does that means agny isnt op as i think? just calculate it and get the answer. multiple buff is always stronger than plus. [quote=“eeee821022, post:1, topic:343276”]
Archer is the worst class in this game ever, don’t play archer except you love it.

Do you just copy and paste stuff from the Sadhu thread and replace it with the word Archer? I know I’ve seen that exact phrase said there and makes that Sadhu copy pasta topic even more funny. lmao

they copy mind …

Copy minds.


I didint see this before, but I think it is writen from a normal player’s view, actually hunter is still useless expcet hunter + flac make the CC range bigger and easier otherwise it is useless compare with main support Cryo + Chrono. Thats what i feel

The same precedure as every rank!

xyz is trash!

Cant we just sum that up to… IMC logic is trash?


Well, nice video ! But what will you do againt Missile HOLE ?!

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