Tree of Savior Forum

Archer is so trash

you forgot about my max rain and attribute wl lancer :joy:

haven’t you heard? Its Tree of Magic

So aside From SR?? which class circle is usefull nowadays??The buggy hunter for pvp/pve?The Falconer red icon support? the meh cannoner?? the generic QS? The no attribute damage wugushi?? The farmer scout? the unpopular sapper? the rangers small aoe burst? the mergen …ranger 2.0? the unwanted fletchers for ET? The muskets 1 shot wonder(missle hole)?

Yup if you’re gonna archer make SR so you’ll be a little usefull we no trash anymore…we has SR

play what you enjoy, why play something just because its needed in ET, fletcher mergen can be as decent as SR in farming mats, falconer3 is a superb suport with the SW meta if you know what I mean, no class are perfect, wizard has its own problem, the poor AI TS viable sorc? the poor support thaum? the one trick pony cryo kino? the useless/meat sheild summon of necro3? the unwanted FF in ET just like fletcher? The list could go on with wiz or other classes.

Think of other classes before ranting that to you all archer classes are useless. There would always be builds that are far more superior in certain content/situtations. and SR if you wanna ET is one of them, scout for farming, falc3 for support etc…

I just want Missile (Ass)hole gone from pvp or Cannoneer will be a trash forever

I’m not ranting I’m stating facts. why not make wizards are trash thread? come on give the list you stopped at FF.

Some guy prolly cant get over the fact that his fletcher’s not donning that ‘1’ badge anymore :crying_cat_face: I feel for him actually, I honestly do.

In all seriousness tho, I’m pretty sure they’re (archers) bound to regain their rightful spot at R9 *looks at musketeer

those are facts as well, since you are complaining just to make an SR archer if you wanna play archer because all are useless right??, thats just plain stupid, you don’t even play other archer tree to know what they are capable off.

Once you see a wizzar just use a worse weapon and still doing more damage than yours, you might feel wtf is that damage coming from, and also ask why they can easily get card effect with less money, but i have to pay on both wepon to get the same effect.

Plz you don’t even know what I play and that’s just plain stupid assuming I don’t play the whole archer tree.

PS I have played all of the tree including sapper/cannon/sr/qs/fletch
I know the work around the bugs the what not, don’t “ASSUME”

:open_mouth: lets call you Assumerator from now on

I’ll wreck you with that rainbow

so what does those post mean? that all archer classes sux? are you able to play one and gear one? and what the hell is an Assumerator?? LOL! that you played a scout with a wugu and a falcon and hunter on a single build? please! thats a pretty messed up build with rainbows in them, no wonder you complaining

have you reach falc3 with max attribute? do you know how much my party loves me for having that??

EDIT: Do us a favor and quit or delete that rainbow sht

oops I havn’t seen your reply lol, yeah he have rainbows in the build and now he rants in archer being super trash and SR is the only viable one. this made my day! rainbow builds…

I think he also has Arch1>qs1>sapper1>wug1>fletcher1>SR1>canon1
since he stated he already PLAYED ALL LOL

LOL you looking for a mate to gang up on 1 person so stronk much wow.
That just show’s how less you know of the class you’re talking about
do us a favor and actually play the class. I don’t have just that I have 5 more so do us a favor and actually know what you’re talking about.

ohh and one more thing for an Assumator know it all feggit I’ll rant all I want and you can’t do anything about it make me stop come on I dare you.

EDIT: We don’t care about your opinion


Serves you right for not being the Hackapell master race. Archer is a melee class.

HAHAHAHA this hue build guy! you made my day, I don’t know archer class? or maybe you don’t know archer class cause you only play rank1 of ALL class and now you assume you have played all! stop making a joke of yourself here, I’m laughing hard at your HUE build! so many hues in it, wonder how you did rank8 content with hue skills in your hue builds - from the Assumator or Assumerator or whatever that word is you talkin about.

HAHAHAHAHAHA that’s you Assumator you assume things that don’t exist
and fantasize on your own world that you know everything…

I didn’t read your wall of text make it 20 words or less so come on make me quit :smiley: and delete it make me stop ranting??

can’t?? can’t?? ohh sorry I feel bad for you… I’ll tell you a secret though

ok, have fun with that rainbow build of yours, the build so OP! lots of costume classes HAHAHHA. I don’t wanna waste time anymore, I fart too much already with that OP build with that OP rant of yours :joy:

PS: delete that post of yours showing that build before other sees and knows why you ranting that SR is the only viable archer class. too much r1 too OP ciao!~

Ohh really??? come on you finish??? aren’t we having fun here Assumator
such quiter much wow come at me with all you got

PS:delete it yourself

yes I quit… op build too many costumes… I lose lah I give up, whelp me hue knights… he got OP hue build :joy::smile_cat: