Tree of Savior Forum

Archer is so trash

Dont be fool, even you have an aspana, glassmole wont effect on it unless you have an op xbow first, i have crafted regard horn xbow and i wont craft aspana cus its not really stronger than purple one.

no shop class too :joy:

I dont get it. Swordsman sucked at r8 no one ranted, people only ranted when swordies tried to DPS instead of tank/pull peltasta…
Archer was OP during rank 7 and was not too bad during rank6 in CBT2

Now that archer is not the BEST dps people rant…
well, sir, you did it to yourself.

And also saying that you need to invest TOO MUCH into character to make it perform… it is the CORE mechanic of the game to invest into attributes, it is even bigger then levels or even some gears…

If you want to rant, please rant, but just know, you look ridiculous to rant about balance untill final ranks are released. It will always be unbalanced untill then, and who knows if that will happen with r10 or if we would even have the game for that long (looking at how the population decline going)

So u want players just shut up and wait them found everything by themselves?
Like the problem of company always die and stun. I saw they are trying to fix hunter and sapper, but they are doing wrong and useless way.

Again, So u want players just shut up and wait them found everything by themselves?

Do you understand the mechanic of glassmole is a weakness of two weapons class.
Try to image Two-hand weapon stage 10, 6000dmg + card effect 80%,
Pistol stage 10, 5000 dmg no card effect unless you have a xbow stage10

These called ridiculous rant?

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Oh, i am not saying it is a stupid mechanic. I am just saying you rant too much.
There are other ways to express your opinion, and not come out butthurt

ktos archer have a shop class, forgot whats the name

the archer can identify unidentified-drop

now everyone can open shop~


I have to say before this post, i have tried to ask on Gameplay report those problems, and of course no one cared.

i could just stop at first post, but significantly more people dont understand what i am talking about, and still take archer as good as what they heard.

Not, it has been setted as a NPC

even i have a didel gc +10

wait, so one of the complain is archer need higher weapon enhance?

but… archer can shot from range… hrmm…

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i must be very outdated since i quit in dec

i dont really read ktos thread much…


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wow how about QS can shot alot from range, is it op?

Only if you die from it in TBL. Then it would require a whole thread complaining about it.

its a trade off

and by no means, i dont mean archer is strong

what do u propose, make archer great again in feb?

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what i wanna see basically change is redesign agni necklace and company fight and glassmore effect on different hand. I am not asking for damage buff just want to see a fair balance

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oh, that is not for u to decide.

u can either join me quit tos

or cry til lungs out

things will get better albeit slowly.

hey, imc did listen n buff mdef for rank8 content

so, have some faith

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Actually i did not quit, but i didn’t take much time on this game like before. Until archer got balanced in ktos then i might have patient on this game again.

Sounds like you want too much already. How about some shiny new emotes to express your frustration instead? They don’t even read and comprehend threads like these for starters. What I don’t understand is there’s tons of useless and under utilized things in this game. Do you think the best approach was to slam Agni and Pyro like that would fix Archer problems?

I personally think the necklace is stupid to begin with and as someone whose seen how things work with RO private servers it means they don’t have a proper programmer. Since they can’t edit the source code their solution was to script in fixes on an item. This is also backed by the fact that they have been trying to hire a programmer for months now.

So just chill and know that Archers aren’t exactly alone in this whole mess of a game. The Sadhu and Paladins feel your pain and await their necklace fixes too. ;D


I dont think they call too much. They are just wrong designs, and yes, there must be more wrong design like int / str or other class skill etc.
If everyone shut up and let them found by themselves. they will take more time to collect those things, and we will never have chance to see what we expect.
Some good threat did tell us/ imc the problems of game design, and it is a good thing for them to collect suggestion and reconsider the future change.
I am not sure they gonna listen or not, at leaste before i completely leave, i would try to say something.
So again, i don’t like to taking shet here, just telling a truth and use my way to grab more attention. Maybe we are able to help this game, or just wait them find everything and make this game die. up to you

So, whats’s wrong with other classes being dps, are you saying archers should be the only dps class in the game and if there is any other dps class archers somehow become obsolete?

Wrong, SR got two new skills.

And while i don*t have a SR and therefore can not judge how good their new attack skill is, i can tell you that there are many other classes that did not recieve uber-amazing skills with R8, you’re not alone on this.

So, this is not an archer-only issue and therefore should not be treated as such.

About the missing attribute : That’s a real issue, but it seems like IMC is slowly patching missing dmg attributes in, they just recently added dmg attributes for some other archer class, i think Hunter, but can’t remember.

First of all : Are you sure ALL other classes recieved damage buffs except sapper? Because i don’t believe that’s true.
I’m pretty sure Sappers got improved in the past. Or are you complaining that you didn’t recieve as many buffs with the last update? Dude, calm down, they can’t rebalance every class with each update. I’m pretty sure sooner or later there will be another update that improves your pwecious sapper.

Secondly : Pyro doesn’t need C3 because their dmg buff comes from an equipment piece, not from a skill rank, while Sapper gets his damage buff from a higher rank but doesn’t need equipment to do that.

It’s certainly debatable whether sappers buff was too weak or whether agny is overpowered, but you shouldn’t forget that agny is not a pyro-only item and that using agny also means no mdef via necklace.

Another possibility could be that the sapper buff is bugged and that it’s supposed to be a multiplier for the total damage but they made it, by accident, only multiply skill damage, but i don’t know.

What “nurf” are you talking about?
You mean Cyclone nerf? That’s a doppel-only thing, not Swordsman in general.

What, archer is the worst class in the game ever?
Wasn’t Fletcher the best DPS class pre-R8? Wasn’t Schwarzer Reiter one of the best classes for ET? Then how can they be the worst class in the game ever? “Ever” means “always”.

Or are you sad that archer is no longer the highest dps class in the game and that other dps classes can do just as high damage too? Dude, that doesn’t invalidate archers in general, it just means that currently there is another class that does more DPS. Get over it.

An MMO where healers are needed? Shock and horror! I never heard of such a thing. How dare healers be wanted in a party! And how dare IMC make endgame so you need heals instead of relying only on potions!
And no, you don’t need wizards for most parts of the game, you can often replace them with any other good class/player.

Well, after you calling them “retards” i’m sure they’re open to listening to your suggestions.

I have explained on my replies hope you read them