For the wugushi change, does new poison from other player overwrite the our poison? Or the stacking is limited only to ourselves?
Other player’s poisons will no longer overwrite yours, however I’m not sure if your own poisons would stack (e.g. Wugong Gu > Pass/Discerning Evil > Wugong Gu)
time to reroll sapper 3 wugu 2 mergen?
arch2 sapper3 falc3
in my opinion
both classes look so much stronger after changes
Guys, on damage formula, which modifier is the new sapper attribute?
[ DEC 1 ]
Enhance attributes will now affect the final damage of poisons, not just the base skill damage
[ DEC 1 ]
Fixed a problem with this skill being able to capture more than it should
Cannon Shot
[ DEC 1 ]
This skill can now be used during Kneeling Shot state
Skill damage multiplier increased 150% → 250% -
[ DEC 1 ]
This skill can now be used during Kneeling Shot state
Skill damage multiplier increased 150% → 250% -
Siege Burst
[ DEC 1 ]
This skill can now be used during Kneeling Shot state
Skill damage multiplier increased 150% → 250% -
Cannon Blast
[ DEC 1 ]
This skill can now be used during Kneeling Shot state
Skill damage multiplier increased 300% → 350% -
[ DEC 1 ]
This skill can now be used during Kneeling Shot state
Skill damage multiplier increased 100% → 150% -
[ DEC 1 ]
The effect of this skill can now canceled by jumping
Penetration Shot
[ DEC 1 ]
Fixed an error where the effects of [Penetration Shot: Kneeling Penetrate] was not being applied to the tooltip
Is it really [kneeling shot] or [bazooka] that those skills can be used in? What would be the point of [bazooka] if you do all that while kneeling?
Sh*t, currently fantasizing [running shot] + [kneeling shot] + [bazooka] … not that it would be good, just thinking about it.
Stake stockades hit twice. Btw
patch notes specifically indicated the skill Kneeling Shot, so I guess it really is Kneeling Shot
Where’s this coming from?
yo wtf that wugushi buff. I wonder if that really means it’s like a normal enhance attribute now cuz that’s a hugeeee buff
9/6/2016 ktos
But I guess it’s only for pvp
Does that mean taking Archer 3 and maxing Kneeling shot would boost cannoners total damage?
Negligible difference compared to Archer 2
The damage might be negligible but the range bonus is a huge boost.
No change/ fix for the Ktos version of Falconer…?
No fix for Mergen’s skills default aoe attack ratio being so pathetic?
(Homing arrow default aoe ratio is -1, triple arrow is like 4… wtf…)
I don’t think range boosts affect skills. Well for Swordsmen, it doesn’t. So I don’t think it will affect archers’ either
wow this cannoneer buff
my cannoneer is happy!!!
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woahh, that canon buff + kneeling shot could wreck packs easily
yea this is insane af i got archer 3 kneeling shot lvl 10 with full dex im so happy right now dam was gonna do cannon c1 mergen c1
definitely going cannon c2 now