Tree of Savior Forum

[ Archer Changelog ] Archer changes from kTOS and iTOS

wow this cannoneer buff
my cannoneer is happy!!!

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woahh, that canon buff + kneeling shot could wreck packs easily

yea this is insane af i got archer 3 kneeling shot lvl 10 with full dex im so happy right now dam was gonna do cannon c1 mergen c1 :smiley:
definitely going cannon c2 now

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using cannoneer skills with kneelin shot range nice. maybe they will implement castle like gvg maps where you can get cannoneers on top of walls pickin off ppl.

Cannoneer buff is nice.
what we gain from kneeling shot is bonus dmg from dex, some attribute dmg and crit from attribute, but I don’t think high level kneeling shot would make much diffence.

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Very excited with Wugushi changes

Why [kneeling shot] though. Why not [bazooka]? You would think the stance cannon skills could be usable would be a cannon stance.

As a Ar3 Wugu 2 Falconer 1 Cannon 2 I totally love the new changes :smiley: cant wait till they get updated in iToS

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* General Changes:
"A majority of the Wugushi’s damage comes from the debuffs it can apply, although there is a problem with them at the moment where in their current place - poisons debuff ranking is quite low and can be negated with too much ease. Debuffs applied by Circle 2/3 Wugushi’s abilities will now be considered level 2 debuffs. "

The debuff level of the skills is changed to the following:
- Circle 1 Skills: Debuff Lv.1
- Circle 2,3 Skills: Debuff Lv.2

“The poison pot was an awkward skill to use in comparison to other classes. To try to compensate this issue the range has been increased a bit, as well as the duration scaling to skill level which can hopefully interest more into investing points into the poison pot skills”

►Throw Gu Pot
○ Skill Range is increased by 25%
○ The duration is now (5 + (1*SkillLevel))Seconds. (Previously 6s)

►Jincan Gu:
○ The following pests will change. You will gain access to enemies, self destruction and poisonous damage to a certain extent. The pests will survive for 3 seconds and then disappear after that duration.
○ When attacking you’ll get a 10% chance to spawn a pest.
○ The amount of pests generated will be changed to 1 per skill level, if you hit the max amount of pest spawns due to the 10% chance, new insects will not spawn at that time.
○ The value of debuff damage that Jincan Gu can output will now also increase by the skill level of this ability.

- Circling: The AOE Attribute was not correctly applying in proportion to the level of the attribute.

Translation by @Gwenyth

Will format when I get back from Spain

So now att effect the dot damage???

yes but they’re still unaffected by crits

About Bazooka, tos.neet and kr version lists the bonus damage as 50%. Is it both 50% and 4983 or which one is correct?

Would it matter if it didn’t come with AAR?

maybe 50%+4983 like other skills

Need a clear confirmation right here…
So does it mean
Needle blow (wugushi c1 skill) will be debuff lv1
Throw pot (wugushi c2 skill) will be debuff lv2


Needle blow at c1 wugushi will be debuff lv1
Wugong gu at c1 wugushi will be debuff lv1
Needle blow, wugong gu, throw pot at c2 wugushi will be debuff lv2

Crossfinger it will be the second one

First one obviously lol

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Should be the second one :slight_smile:
First one is how it is right now. ^^


  • General

  • [Kneeling Shot: Focus Fire] attribute has been added
    ○ Increases the Crit Chance of Cannon Shot, Shootdown, Siege Burst, Cannon Blast, and Cannon Barrage while in the Kneeling Shot state by 1% per attribute level
    ○ Max level 10
    ○ Requires Cannoneer Circle 2

  • Cannon Shot

  • [ JAN 12 ]
    Range has been increased by 20%

  • Shootdown

  • [ JAN 12 ]
    Range has been increased by 20%

  • Siege Burst

  • [ JAN 12 ]
    Casting time has been reduced by 50%
    Cooldown time has been reduced 30s → 7s
    Post-casting delay has been reduced
    [Siege Burst: Concentration] attribute has been added
    ○ Siege burst can no longer be interrupted by attacks
    ○ Cooldown +3s
    ○ Requires Cannoneer Circle 1

  • Cannon Blast

  • [ JAN 12 ]
    Range has been increased by 20%
    Skill overheat has been increased 1 → 2

  • Cannon Barrage

  • [ JAN 12 ]
    Range has been increased by 20%

  • Bazooka

  • [ JAN 12 ]
    Range has been increased by 20%
    The skill will take effect more quickly
    Cannoneer skills can now be used whilst in Bazooka stance
    Cannoneer skills’ base AoE Attack Ratio are doubled during the Bazooka stance


Wow 2x cannon blast… And bazooka seems more playable now but you still cant hit mobs near you but the double attack ratio is so good. No more falconer for cannoneer builds?