Tree of Savior Forum

Anyone else feel overwhelmed? Is TOS a chore?

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No way it takes 2 days to get to level 200 that’s literally only 6 dungeon and mission runs and 200 maps, you’re saying questing only so you did 100 maps a day? It takes about 15 minutes per map so that’s 25 hours per 100 maps . So 50 hours for 200 levels, and this isn’t coming out of my ass, you get 1 level per map, and it slows down to like 1 level per 2-3 maps, then after exp reset 3 levels or map for a few levels so it all simplifies to 1 level per map

OP, the single problem is that you got to end-game, and that’s it. That’s what you do in END-game. The game may feel boring, but it’s because you’re not on the start, or the middle. Granted, you may be far from the plan you had to your character, or the best possible gear, but still, you already did everything (or at least that’s what the game expects you to have done by now) so now, there’s only grinding to get the perfect character.

The idea that your previous work is nullified may come true, but is still an idea. See, your previous character still have all equipment you worked so hard to get. It still have all the atributes and achievements. You may want, for the sake of competition, another character, but that’s well, realy not trying to sound rude, is your problem. If you want the perfect character, you must be prepared to redo your work as power levels fluctuate. You had tomake new characters in WoW, you had to buy new cards in MtG, and so on.

I see it more like a longevity problem. The game don’t have enough content to make the early and mid game valuable. They are just a road to your desired end-game. FFXIV got through this by locking regions behind low level raids, but there’s still the player problem. RO had a metricton of content.
Still, people leveled to 99 (an absolute chore on the early days), got geared, them made WoE all day and sat around saying the game was boring. RO salvation was the transferable gear tho.

Welp. As I’ve said from day one. If they keep restricting how many instances we can run a day and then the only other way to level up is grinding or doing limited quests or repetitive quests, when the level cap reaches the 500s, people won’t be able to catch up before they get burned out of the game and quit resulting in empty end-game, resulting in more people quitting which will lead to empty servers and emptier IMC’s pockets.

I think it’s not about how people level up. It’s about being able to choose what they want to do for the day and being rewarded for doing whatever they wanted to do.

Maybe I want to run dungeons non-stop today but tomorrow I’ll do quests (If quests would give you EXP + EXP Cards). Now I’m tired of questing… I’ll grind for a while and then run more dungeons.

Maybe do some PvP and get some Exp doing that.

But to do this they need to first make more interesting dungeons.
I mean, recycling entire areas, changing monsters and calling it a new dungeon is not what dungeons should be about.

Blade and Soul is not the best MMORPG out there and it can be pretty repetitive, yet I can level up in 3 different ways and have fun by doing so. I won’t hit a daily restriction saying I can’t run more dungeons because of reasons.

I treat this game as a beta, i think imc should do the same. And for now they should work on stability n balance more than content because thats what is driving their player base away (if they kept it as a beta, that wouldnt be so much of a problem, since we would expect these problems anyway)

Honestly, just put tree of savior gameplay in Ragnarok and let me play it. Yeah it would lack content later on but at least imc tried to do something about it with achievements and other stuff, and leveling would be easier and more fun since you have much more variety of support classes that even a dps can have. They should look at destiny for end-game dungeons, would be awesome for TOS gameplay style instead of the same thing again and again.

So… ragnarok universe, with tree of savior gameplay, destiny-like dungeons, and better costumes. Thats what i want to play. A good reason to do a pve focused clan wouldnt hurt too.

As pissed as I can get about the ack of speed from IMC to tackle botters and exploiters, I can say that I just started to enjoy this game for what it is, i have never been a “rusher”, actually I hate people rushing content in MMO, I mean whats the fvcking hurry? I mean, there are tons of MMOs to try, I know, but I think that most of the people complaining are the ones that can’t commit to a single game or just a couple, they rush the hell out of a game that still in BETA PHASE, a game that will have a lvl cap of 600, and people is rushing here and there like madmen…

Just recently, after fck tons of re-roll, I learned how freaking easy to make silver in this game is, how freaking easy to never get gimped or have to wait for a miracle to reach that last level so for new quest to be available.

All you have to do is:

Start a quest in X map.

Complete all available main, side and repeatable quests.

Hunt mobs for the journal (hell, you can reach lvl 20 in 1 hour without xp tomes in the very firt map either in Klaipeda or Orsha).

By doing this in every single map, you can get your levels hella fast + a lot of loot.

Every single time I re-roll a char, I get up to 500k silver just by playing the game from starters map up to Crystal Mine. And that takes like 2 hours? 3 if you slack some?

Putting bots aside, I’m really enjoying the game, it isn’t perfect, NO, I won’t dare to say that. Maybe something that could make the game better, is giving mobs more exp per kill, we are talking about a 600lvl cap, I can say, that if mobs gave more exp, I would gladly buy xp tomes, so making new chars would be more fun. That could be a potential WIN=WIN scenario for both, the players and IMC.

Which right now is non-existent.
There is no reason for you to play PVE with your friends what-so-ever. Aside from boring ass grinding for days/weeks.

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Very Fun chores tho :wink:

Disclaimer: I chose to be guild-less and my experience is from a soloist standpoint.
(I only party up for dungeon/mission queues [bonus exp] and for Saalus Convent [no sense soloing])

*You don’t need to know my purchase history, you just need to know that this is a recent image.

It used to be a chore for me too, then I decided to limit what I’ll do on each character once they fulfill a specific achievement.

I stopped doing the Daily Quest (that gives EXP cards) once the achievement for 300x done is complete. I did the same for the Party Quest (even if it has a chance to give me Gimmick Secondary Items), there’s just too much teleporting involved to do x5 of it still.

On my R7 + C15 characters, I only run Saalus Convent x2 and the x3 Dungeon of choice (normally I just solo it too).
- DGx3 = 6~10 mins at most, SCx2 = variable

Then I teleport to Sventimas Exile, then walk over to Kadumel Cliff to complete the “Shooter Game” to get my 4x Basic/Intermediate Gem Abrasives.
- Takes no more than 5~8 minutes to walk over and complete the game (you’ll get extremely better the more you play it)

Teleport back to Fedimian then teleport to Fortress Battleground to walk back one map to Storage Quarter then Rukyls Hall of Fame then proceed to Extension to complete the “Number Guessing Game” (chance at expensive materials).
- The walking part takes the longest, the guessing game takes 3~5 minutes.

After that I proceed to Evac to kill Brown Colimen Magicians (nothing else) just to trigger the “Pendulum Gimmick” for 2x chance at Lv1/2/3 Gem Abrasives.
- Takes anywhere from 10~20 minutes (the pendulum is finicky).

*The timings provided assumes you are new to this somehow. I can pretty much be done with a character in 15~20 minutes for everything mentioned above.

I can make Lv6 gems easily (you can too); never had to enter Uphill and deal with people.

Then I either:

  1. Continue playing my alt.
  2. AFK in front of somebody just to give them a menacing feeling (or eavesdrop or both).
  3. Alt+Tab and surf the web (such an old term).
  4. Log out.

Despite all the ups and downs (mostly downs) of ToS and IMC, I am still having fun playing. Isn’t that what matters?

EDIT: Changed “Advanced” to “Intermediate”, I mis-remembered it.

PS: I’m sharing all this because people seem to have forgotten that you can stay competitive while still having fun. While more time and effort is needed to be up there with the cream of the crop, if it isn’t what’s making you happy, then don’t do it. You don’t have to.

I get asked to do ET or join a guild all the time. It’s not what I want so I always decline. Every now and then I join the occasional WB/EB hunt because I get invited by a friend. Other times, I just let them know if I see a WB and most of the time I don’t even join in. That’s how I want to play.


Maybe they made it so even if you pick classes that dont synergize well, the rank 8 classes will make you useful, but i still dont see how the rank 8 classes made earlier ranks useless. I think its people just whining tbh.

Every useful skill before still has a use. I think peoples thinking is oh fireball used to take half the enemies health before and it should always do that. Those skills turn into more supplimental damage skills, no longer your main ones since now you have more skills.

Many of those lower skills scale really well anyway Ill mention fireball again since i just mentioned it.At lvl 5 It has 5 hits and 145 damage. Then you compare it to something like sage micro dimension which has 6870 damage, but only one hit. People see big numbers “ooh why imc now nothing matters anymore!”. This isnt the case though. Lets say you have 2k matk. Fireball does 2145x5=10725, micro dimension does 8870x1. This might not be the best example, but i think it states my point.

Dethrone 16570 dmg. 2 overheat. Yes this is a good skill, but its a single hit skill. Yes it hits multiple enemies and long range, but its still a single hit. This makes things like barbarian aoes look really bad, but those skills have other uses still like stun on seism. Barbarians wouldnt go dragoon though they would go doppel which has their own good skills.

The majority of these lower damage skills are for supplimental damage and effects. So still useful.

That said, i support the idea of letting them scale better and have made suggestions on how to do this before. I just disagree with people saying it made all other classes useless.

Great insights~ I learned so much from your sharing!

imho, yes, thats the way i play too~ though i dont do much lv260+ content thingy, i login to my low level alts and repeat lv1~240 thingy

wow, appreciate the good info!

Everyone who dont want to wear themselves out , should try doing what she does~

I personally approve of this!
(sorry DiMeow, nothing personal, lend me your post)

playing mmo nowadays feels like doing homework
or is it just TOS?
hence, game is dying

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I think you should change game genre since mmo’s are always for long term grinds change to something like PoE Or Diablo for Arpg feels ez lvls ez gear ez grind reroll in other builds anytime you want


i think you are burnt out in asian grinding games probably western types like WoW will suit u more

erm, i dont mind grinding 36hours straight on my holidays…

but the thought of skipping/missing out daily dungeon etc…

thats very tormenting…

i. have. to. cancel. dinner. date. just. so. i. can. find. dungeon. party. 6pm. to 12am. daily.

wtf? is my game like bugged or something? everyon eis saying things like “i can get 1 mil silver by level 100” and you have 500k at level 20 and i cant get that much, my game must be bugged t where i get less silver or something

I just wish people would look out for #1 or else they’ll end up feeling like #2.


but current game state, repeat #1 10times, ull be worn out

i have 10 toons though… only 1 to 100 feels like a chore due to overwhelming bots and overloaded quests @_@

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good for u, not sure how the other 4999 players feel though…

i for one, questing is okay but lv100~240 dungeon queue is what killing me

@GyroZeppeli: May I get the link to your guide? I’m bored of doing quests and I would rather skip the majority of them in my journey to 200.

Btw, are you a Fedi player?

well dungeon queues only work on peak time sadly. which is why i skipped most of them unless i really need the exp.