Tree of Savior Forum

Any viable build that I can follow for when inquisitor is up?

Ignorance description

Where is here anything i am not accepting with your words ?

Monstrance = Good

What’s wrong with you people ?

But from other side in scope of [Critical Rate] increase Monstrance become equally good ONLY if you have:

  • DEX more then 450
    Where you need to spend 341 point to get to that value VS 15 Skill points.
    So 341 Stat Point VS 15 Skill points. I prefer 15 skill points.

R8 already has high skill dmg and r9 & r10 are expected to have even more.
Likewise transcendency’s +550% weapon dmg is also a considerable dmg boost that works in dex’s favour since it works as a multiplier and not a mere added value.

And then there are the types of crit chance (de)buffs we have:

Dex boosts: Monstrance (+30% & +10).
Party wide crit rate multipliers: Quicken (+25%), Swift step (+25%).
User only crit rate multipliers: Druid attribute (+50-100%).
User only flat crit rate add: Finestra. (+10-150 crit rate).
Crit resist debuffs: Zalciai, Slow & Rapid Fire.

Ergo the most reliable methods of getting high crit chance are tied to having crit rate and or dex to begin with for most builds. (not hoplite ofc.)
And monstrance takes effect prior to crit rate multipliers for some nice multiplicative multipliers.

Don’t even bother explaining your 15 vs 341 or w/e. I don’t care.

Show me why hybrid str/dex equals dex build for inquisitor and don’t skip any steps this time, that’s the core foundation of your entire argument. You need to prove that to move on.

If that statement is true then you have to proof spr doesn’t lose to much dmg by splitting 100 of it’s stats aside + w/e stat bonus you lose out on.

But you keep omitting important details from your calculations.

Like monstrance and the x4 multiplier for god smash, if I were to simply correct the dps chart at the end we’d get:

Edit: I’ll rework it in post below, said criticism was accurate.

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Regarding Monstrance buff scroll up i got [Smite] DPS recalculated with Monstrance.

DPS - damage per second, due to this statement you can’t count Temporary effects, coz they wouldn’t last for exact 100 hits period of time. You can’t effectively mesure DPS values where you don’t have repeatable conditions.

Regarding [quote=“Wurmheart, post:83, topic:323123”]
x4 multiplier for god smash,
Is there any proof on that ? +100% Damage when using [Blunt] weapon and additional x2 hits when under the [Conviction] effect ? Coz as i sad before [Smite] deals x3 hits if [Conviction] debuf on the enemy. And as i sad before it seams like its’s a buff.

In what universe increasing crit % rate by 22% increase your overall DPS by 22% ?
Don’t be lazy take that calculations, i am on the work got stuff to do.
You have template in my post.

Cleric 2->Priest 1->Paladin 3->Miko->Inquisitor.

Why do you think i need to proof something to you, person in the Internet ? :smiley:

Get Krivis instead of Priest and 100 SPR, and you will be fine ) :+1:
Altho Priest works fine too.

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Same can be said for Zalciai, yet you ignored it all the same.

I have answered this two times already, I will not do so a third time.
And I stated a x4 multiplier not double hits. Conviction x God Smash combo is still a single hit of dmg.

Because my advice is far better then yours. And I CAN and WILL prove it.

Correct, my mistake.

I’ll do it “according to your calculations” here.
Just to note, I do not agree with:

  • your use of average times it hit per 100 in general. Let alone how you calculated it.
  • Nor did you calculate smite x conviction properly.
  • Nor do you know wheels hit ratio & hits per second.
  • Nor did you take pear’s ability to deal extra dmg vs mages into account. (it’s a variable, so you can’t.)

DEX: [((925+1771)x1.5) + 49]x100 = 409300 Damage done on 100 crits.
DPS: 409300 / 288 = 1421 DPS

DEX: [((925+1072)x1.5) + 49]x100 = 304450 Damage done on 100 crits.
DPS: 304450 / 1274 = 239 DPS

God Smash:
DEX: [((925+7906)x1.5 ) + 49]x100 x 4 = 5318200 Damage done on 100 crits.
DPS: 5318200 / 960 = 5540 DPS

DEX: [(925+5320)x1.5 + 49]x100 = 941650 damage done over 100 crits.
DPS: 941650 / 216 = 4359 DPS

DEX: [(925+2336)x1.5 + 49]x100 = 494050 damage done over 100 crits.
DPS: 494050 / 200 = 2470 DPS

| STR | DEX | Hybrid |
| 1407 | 1421 | 1329 | [Smite]
| 258 | 239 | 233 | [Conviction]
| 4512 | 5540 | 4724 | [God Smash]
| 3692 | 4359 | 3785 | [Pear of Anguish]
| 2339 | 2470 | 2563 | [Breaking Wheel]

STR: (1407+258+4512+3692+2339) / 5 = 2442 DPS
DEX: (1421+239+5540+4359+2470) / 5 = 2806 DPS
Hybrid: (1329+233+4724+3785+2563) / 5 = 2527 DPS

2806 / 2527 = 9% more damage.

I did make a mistake with the 22%, but I’m a man enough to admit as such.

Likewise my argument is that you will always pull off the 300k combo I described above where as the str and hybrid will need to spam skills 24/7 for them to even deal decent damage.

And this is still a best case scenario in your benefit mind you.

What do you mean by that ? Non of STR or DEX builds got any profit from [Zalciai] having no SPR, i thought that was obvious.

Actually i know that and it is described above, once again read description.

Great for you, i admit mine too, but haven’t seen any mistake for myself yet. Could you point out ?

Where can’t find, i saw only your words. That’s not a source or mark of Quality for me. Youtube link or any post from Korea server thread would be fine.

If anyone has become inquis, please comment some feedback here.

Some data for you:

Blunt damage bonus on god smash: [Future rank 8] Job & Skill test info from Korea - (closing soon)

Conviction double damage god smash

Paladin3 Conviction + Godsmash = double God Smash damage:
Video Godmash with Conviction - 40k dmg, 60k crit:
Without conviction - 20k dmg, 30k crit:

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Thanks a lot for the info :+1:

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вы радушны :slight_smile:

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According to all listed values bonus of using [Blunt] weapon with [God Smash] is +50%.
Yes [Conviction] results in +100% Damage.
Once again thanks to @greyhiem

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You used zalciai for all your hybrid calculations.

BS, give me the link that shows how often breaking wheel itself hits and what hit limit it has for melee hits used on it.

I’ve been doing nothing but in this entire thread, pick your poison.

Example of 76k god smash crits:

And honestly get the hell out of here, this thread is nothing but people pointing out your logical fallacies and yet you conveniently still act as if you have a point.

You don’t.


Та да ) Приятно видеть русскую речь )

Where, there were no points to my misleading logic or miss calculations on any of the calculation aspect.

So, all that “■■■■” thrown to my side got no proofs.

And now you trying to break my right on the “free opinion explanation” ?
You don’t have that rights buddy.

Suggesting Krivis 1 over Priest 1 for a pally/inqui build is plain not wise.
Although Krivis will work, priest will do much better there.

With krivis, I would say get rank 3 or none. Malestis is good for ET and what not, but outside of that meh.

Zaibas does not scale that well for end game without taoist.

Benifits of priest 1 are as follows,

  1. NO need to buy moonstrance scrolls > save money
  2. get your own blessing that does 2 damage ticks on heal
  3. help your party with ressurection
  4. aspersion boosts pdef as a % increase.

all 4 skills are usefull.

Krivis 1 only offers Daino… it is scrollable and is cheaper to buy scrolls for then moonstrance.
Zalciai is not a big of a help in either PvP (hard to use) and PvE (waste of stat points to make it worth it)

@kirill_pivtorak I get where you are coming from with this. but this just plain sending people to a road of re-rolls. I understand that you are coming with good intentions and all, but it is wrong. If you want to proove that you are not, please level a character your way, gear it, and show us the damage.

I can stan by my test, since I have tested it myself. 110 STR 150 Dex rest into CON works for my inquisitor build at 280 for now. rest will probably go DEX for crit rate. I am satisfied with my damage.

I had a priest - monk before (took it to 230ish or so) and could not take it anymore, Invested to have total of 100 spirit, 50 STR, 30CON, rest in dex.
it performed like crap, even with the new buff to blessing when your bless scales with spirit. damage was almost half of my dievderbies monk that went str/dex.

I have followed your Dragoon build, and I thought it was “OK”, but I did pick peltasta, and thanks to stat reset pot from founders pack, I was able to fix my stats that you got me to use (with that whole spirit thing and no dex) and now my dragoon gets #1’s very often with 170 str / 70 CON / 70 DEX - rest going to DEX when I get to 330 with my monk first.

Please, PLAY your own build to end game and see how it performs for yourself.

А теперь как брат, брату по речи. Я не имею ничего личного против Вас. Я уверен что вся теория построина на попытке помочь людям. Что заслуживает уважения.

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Here you go

TLDR: DEX Win, even when you dont count monstrance (which makes ur crit 100% at this scenario)

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