Tree of Savior Forum

Any viable build that I can follow for when inquisitor is up?

Why ? I read 2 links you gave me, not that i didn’t know all that already and kind a wasted my time duplicating that information in my brain, but i read from A to Z.

Because of stat snowballing. More points into 1 stat = more total points than when divided among 2 stats.

330 to dex = 434 dex. x monstrance = 574 dex = 574 crit rate.
165 dex & 165 spr = 214 spr & 209 dex = 171spr + 282 dex = 453 crit rate.

The difference gets larger with wider spread and higher stat investments.
Likewise int & str get a bonus +10-90% based on your current class rank.

This is covered in my cleric guide.
Furthermore taking zalciai requires 1 rank of krivis for that stat allocation to even work. And there’s a lack of spr scaling skills in r6-8 classes.

And prior to it full spr was functional since icbt2. That was no longer true hence I made that reply to correct my post listed above.

Divine Might’s dmg benefits highly depends on the party. Even on a dragoon +1 for two dethrones is quite noticeable.

You removed your posts prior to asking for criticism here. That’s not going to result in meaningful responses as to what was lacking.

tl/dr: I call your bluff, show your hand.


Seriously? A Cata skill? You’re gonna use a Swordsman skill as “most efficient skill to get buffed”, I might as well throw in
-Dragoon2 Dethrone gets +1418dmg(x2 overheats)
-Fencer3 with their EpeeGarde turned 90% uptime that’s 300% of all their pierce type damage, provided even after unloading their skill rotation they don’t have any dps downtime with their 0cd Composee.

We’re Rank7 only here and that^ doesn’t matter?
-Musketeer get’s +701dmg for Snipe and +108dmg for CoveringFire
-Chrono’s Pass adds +5sec to its cooldown removal

Or her hey this is an Inquisitor(cleric) thread might as well add this-
-Diev’s Ausrine gets +2sec(4 with miko’s sweep) invulnerablity time
-Inquisitor’s GodSmash gets +828dmg(x3 overheat)

^that aint all the possible good things a +1skill level can offer.
Why would you not want a buff the gives +1 skill level, it not only benefits you it will also benefit your team.
Also that:

even in scope of 4 Catagoons in party, 45.4% damage increase

that 45% you mentioned yourself only applies to EarthWave, why not use the next 4 skills that is also has +1 to their level, then recompute that 45% of yours.


I was looking for information about paladins to inquisitor since I made one and here I find drama :joy:

On a serious note should I go for PD or kabbalist and diev2 are still good choice in r7?

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What is your path? Paladin or Monk?

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Paladin c3 going inquisitor when r8 arrives

Cleric 2 > Priest / Diev > Paladin 3 > PD / Monk > Inqui
Priest give Monstranse if you play DEX, Blessing for early leveling, Resurect always good
Diev Give 20% CD reduction for Elemental Resist mainly, and for future inquisitor skill, and Carve attack to deal with leather armor
tldr: Diev will be faster for solo, but priest will make you more wanted in party

PD will give you immunity to status and nearly infinite HP regen
Monk will give you Armor Break, Bleeding, And Double Punch for Grinding and Filler
tldr: PD will make u get party for sure, Monk is better to DPS

Cleric 2 > Priest > Paladin 3 > PD > Inqui: if you wanted to get party anytime, bring daino scroll thou…

Cleric 2 > Priest > Paladin 3 > Monk > Inqui: somehow fulfill basic supprort need (Heal & Resurect), and you will have really High DEX (Monstrance) + Double Punch

Cleric 2 > Diev > Paladin 3 > PD > Inqui: Somehow a very good support (All buff are 100% uptime because 20% CD reduce), but dont have resurect

Cleric 2 > Diev > Paladin 3 > Monk > Inqui: if you love soloing or your party have dedicated support, maybe best DPS on this variation (Priest > Pal 3 > Monk to compete with it)


Are you mad bro ?
Why do you show me all this numbers ? Calculate % increase in damage output. Static numbers doesn’t show anything.

Priest C1 wouldn’t give you anything but wasted rank. Coz you can buy 90% of buffs from buff-sellers.

Still a good choice if on the C2 not single circled.

Well in my case:
Cleric C1 > Krivis C2 > Paladin C3 > (Anything on rank 7) > Inquisitor
Where Anything can be:

  • Cleric C2
  • Kabbalist C1
  • Miko C1
  • PD C1
  • Pardoner C1

What is that ? Why do you think you need to invest to SPR that high ?
You just need to cover 85% of the mobs in game with Zalciai reduce Crit Res to 0. So for current state it’s 100 SPR, according to Crit Resistance values, i don’t expect SPR to be higher then 200 for level 600, rank 10.

You don’t actually need that high DEX, for most optimised damage output you actually need to raise your crit % chance to 32~35% value and further increase Damage/Crit Damage.[quote=“Wurmheart, post:22, topic:323123”]
You removed your posts prior to asking for criticism here. That’s not going to result in meaningful responses as to what was lacking.

Lol teach me how i can remove posts on tos-base ? I actually want to erase some posts from existence there.

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.


Krivis 2 is more wasted rank than Priest 1 LOL
At least a lot of ppl want Priest 1 just for the Resurection, DEX player want you for the monstrance, and auto attacker want you for blessing (+124 per line of hit @level 3with attribute isnt so bad considering you only get 170 from pardoner anyway)
And did you know that blessing make heal deal 2x damage? I bet YOU DONT, because YOU NEVER PLAYED THIS GAME!
What Krivis 2 can give you? NOTHING (only daino and somewhat useless Zaibas because he wants physical Inqui by going Paladin)
Krivis should always be 1 (for daino and ) or 3 (for melstis)
Krivis 2 is the most stupid desicion anyone ever made

And you said [quote=“kirill_pivtorak, post:30, topic:323123”]
You don’t actually need that high DEX
I LOLed so hard dude, you will always want to reach the limit of anything, DEX for crit and EVA, both capped at 85% (some say crit can reach 100%), and both decreased by enemies Accuracy and Crit resistance, so you will always need THAT HIGH DEX

Please go away and stop spreading any more bad build for people you f#cktard:)

@arturos567 Please dont follow rugal’s build, I already smashed him on that build link, I rerolled because of him.

Where i am not agreed with their criticism, please point.

Where i say that i don’t like Cleric C2 ? As i showed in my build you can take Cleric C2 on rank 7.

Point where i say my build is “flawless”, please. Same regarding “old data”.

Same here, where i am not willing to compromise ?

Correct. Who can judge my decisions and tell me that i am wrong ? All opinions are right. No matter what you trying to show.

Not true, i were adapting to new classes and meta.

I am not attacking them or telling that they write complete bullshit. I ask them to argue on their opinions and why their decisions are better than mine. Point for any offence from my side towards them.

Does your forehead hurts ? Poor one.

Where Resuruction useful ? ET.

Had no idea on Blessig + Heal, didn’t worked for me when i played Priest.

  • [Zalciai] for your/your party damage output increase, tired to repeat.

Cmon, stop restricting yourself to “tight vision”, look wide there is much more benefit to evenly invest points depending on the game mechanics.

85% to Dodge % chance
And 100% to Crit % chance are game caps.[quote=“bintang_wowo, post:32, topic:323123”]
Please go away and stop spreading any more bad build for people you f#cktard:)

Stop offending me myself, i already closed and deleted all my builds.
Someone sad when person you debate with goes to personal offences then you already won.



YET YOU SAID [quote=“kirill_pivtorak, post:30, topic:323123”]
You don’t actually need that high DEX


Please stop it rugal, before I wreck you again like in your own build page :slight_smile:
Go away from tosbase, from this forum, from this world

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Lol, you don’t even know that it was a bug. It wasn’t “nerfed” it was fixed.

Have you even tryed to calculate damage of Full STR, Full DEX and hybrid builds ? I don’t think so. If you would try some day (i don’t think you are) you will be surprised.

When ? Where ? Point please )

Proof please )
And are you willing to waste Heal to deal damage ? Dunno. Tell me please.

Good example of person from “TOS Forums”.
And @GyroZeppeli sad you good person, as a result you just another “ape with a poop”.

Priest1’s Res is hugely important for Earth Tower ffs. Again in my cleric guide.

Krivis2 offers nothing for a physical dmg build aside of daino10, which can be bought as scrolls.

That is solely an ideal case example of stat difference between 1 main stat and 2 stats.
The stat difference is all I’m pointing out, and it gets larger the more stats you invest in.

Multi stat builds lose out on a good chunk of stats, that’s all that argument is.

I literally went over this in my cleric guide, even posted a link as a must read to the str vs dex comparison tables.

Due to r8’s high dmg (druid3 or inquisitor) you are best of with aiming for 100% dex as that has the highest dmg, accuracy, and evasion.

GO READ: A New and Better STR vs DEX answer machine !!!

And yes it lacks block penetration, which can be remedied to a degree with gloves. Opting for str lowers your dmg, evasion and accuracy, both of which are still hugely important for pvp.

We’re saying it should be chosen at r2 and is a must have for physical builds due to what it offers.

Only chaplain builds can occasionly skip cleric2 imo. We’ve been over this.

This is something you will have to prove.

We’ve already demonstrated you lose stats by doing as such.
Also linked the calculations towards said str/dex stat investments to boot.


You have put forth no convincing arguments and a clear misunderstanding of how the game mechanics work here. Stop trying to mysteriously claim we’re wrong and reason with the arguments for once.

At best you’re trying to nitpick irrelevant details or at worst you ignore arguments entirely.

Show your math, prove that multi stats deal more dmg.
But till you do so you are not worth addressing again or capable of giving advice.


regarding priest1 i want to say that it is a very nice class, resurrection and monstrance +30%dex makes it worth even at 330, blessing lv5 is nothing amazing but since blessing from shops runs out fast if you are soloing it’s basicaly free damage so why not

p.s. don’t tell anyone to use monstrance scroll because it’s already annoying having to recast it every half minute, i can’t imagine needing to buy tons of scrolls and using so much money on it