Tree of Savior Forum

Another Information Session with Papaya

Please take a stand on something, anything, we dont even care at this point, for once in your life as an company pick one thing in this game and put your foot down and enforce it with actual in-game action;

AFK Farming
Class Balance
Mystical Cube Practonium
Market Inflation


If you care like you say you do then prove it, DO ANYTHING, please prove us wrong. I would love to be proven wrong and eat my words on this if it meant our in-game lives improving in any shape or form.


forum for discussion like lostac, unicorn, neko… those are fine

joking n dissapointed/meme-making hues, those are fine

finger pointing/drama queen/look-at-me attention seeker… those are not needed.

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Pshhh… another office TRAIN…EE, INTER…N… cough IMC staff strikes again… :+1:



Right, cause they are trolling everyone.


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they already spoke about it, is allowed without macro/addon.

If you haven’t heard of these changes, I wanted to share that at least they are receiving some changes in the future.
kTOS General Thread v2.0val

I expect these changes will take roughly 2 years after the GM’s say dumb stuff like “I doubt we will ever get stat revamps” while jToS and kToS are already working on them. See you all in a couple months when Queue posts the next thread and still nothing changes. By then someone will have innovated MMO’s in the VR market and this game will just be a long forgotten relic that never even made it off the ground. That’s more than likely why they jumped ship into mobile after taking the Chinese table scraps given to them on a platter.



JTOS gets all the logical fixes in 30 days, JTOS gets events that players actually want and usefull rewards like awakening stones

ITOS gets empty promises from staff interns once every 60 days


And iTOS is also famous for IMC’ing the players over and over…


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Like yesterday, randomly deciding to cancel this weeks GvG even after 4 days of fights. After 4 weeks of rankings not being resetted and given TP every week to guilds winning/losing only once in week 1.

According to IMC its because its not working properly. Apparently not all servers are affected (Fedimian obviously isnt), yet, it was randomly discontinued on ALL servers alike.

Result: some guilds put heavy effort into winning the last 3 weeks without getting anything, seeing how guilds who never fought in the same time are still ranked above them. And finally when you think, but now we’re in a good spot to rank high after they FINALLY reset the rankings… nope! GvG discontinued.

IMC goes the easy way. Disableing things instead of fixing. Its a nice opportunity, free TP is bad for business anyways.

Yeah, however that kepa event with dem kepas up to 40 lvls above you swarming the whole screen and bringing your FPS down to ~5-8. (no new optimizaion pach yet)

  • Dying is extra easy with such matchmaking/FPS. At least you can revive at the same map.
  • If there are not enough DPS w/o 20-30 lvl penalties, you won’t clear in time/get the cube.
  • If the game will hang, you won’t launch it/re-enter in time (thanks, Xigncode).

Good part: The cube gives abrasives quite often for a 5min event.

They got devs, of course they’d get fixes early. I wouldn’t be surprised if our GMs/Staffs Skype them every single time there’s a need for help in applying emergency patch fixes like what happened with '/■■■■’ing fiasco.

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Theres no excuse for IMC not to be staffed though, we all see it firsthand, anytime the TP Shop gets new crap, which is non-stop. The whales just sit in town flaunting all the new junk they had to have, I remember when the penguins and the battle birds first came out for example, people about killed themselves racing to the website to get TP for those.

Even at the start we all bought the founder’s pack twice each during early access b/c we couldnt buy tp and before you tell me “how do you know ppl bought them?” b/c every gd person had an hoglan and tp for enchant scroll roulette.

IMC makes money hand over fist on ITOS even with the population plummeting every month, its sickening the lack of that money that actually gets put back into the game.


How about, not finding the right people, not enough people are applying or at all? :no_mouth:

Depending on the role it could easily take a month or more to get them situated too.

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If you get to see Papaya again, can you please pass tell them to rework the damn flower for Shinobi quest. It’s too retarded.

They are usually unable to speak on hidden classes but I’ll try to bribe them. :wink:

Thank you @Queue you da man. They should at least set a timer or a class/item restriction on that flower, I mean everybody could get it. It hinders progress a lot.

You’re welcome, it’s just too difficult, making it easier makes sense.

Btw, thanks for posting this. Also, it will be cool if you can keep an “(Updated Xx-xx-xx)” in the title will be very helpful.