Tree of Savior Forum

Another Information Session with Papaya

Yas pls, do something about dpk. :pray:

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Nothing new here

I agree, and from what Papaya said the GM’s have to “filter” a lot of what goes to the devs for precisely this reason, many of the suggestions offered as well are unhelpful due to this. Also when a GM responds the thread goes into overdrive and becomes a little hectic. Part of the fault is on IMC like @Nirimetus said, but breaking down discussion is never what should happen and derailing is against the forum rules. A good first step would be to start enforcing those rules, and once there is a precedent and players are punished for breaking the forum rules, the GM’s can begin to discuss. It’s how literally every other forum works so just take a system that already works.

The place to watch right now is KTEST. They’re experimenting with adjusting how DPK works.

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It seems the GMs are just CSR that don’t have much power to really help their customers. It’s like every decision they want to make needs to be approved by their manager.

IMO, the only reason they’re somewhat aware of what’s happening in the upcoming dev is because they’re also asked to do testing on them. But again this is limited and targeted content.

I’m disappointed the GMs don’t even have the power to ban someone right away and instead have to file/request approval for the ban.

I feel the management team needs to break out the shell and start communicating with the players directly. That’s the current trend in the gaming industry and it’s also working (look at OW, FF14, etc)



IMC ignored threads months before hueknights were even a thing

this was an issue that still hasn’t changed for a year now that caused a lot of people to quit

there was normal people originally who would have to spend months trying to get certain botters banned by repeatedly posting ss of the bots still existing with week/month intervals

those who didn’t quit probably turned into a hueknight afterwards

your logic is what got /pmp released even though I complained about sorien on the forums for months and months and IMC did absolutely nothing to solve the problem



and he is just 1 example out of a giant cesspool

if i were a gm why the hell would i ignore the 250+ of the same complaints about gamebreaking bugs and exploits and people who advertise they made hook64 on the forum for months? hmm?

IMC made hueknights themselves

there was also trolls who didnt get banned for months and even people who spammed porn on the forums back in those times.

nothing has changed

people who have posted all the game breaking things are doing all you people a favor because IMC doesn’t give a ■■■■ about you they just want your money


That’s why you moderate the forum. Oh wait, IMC does not do any sort of moderation. This is probably the only forum where you can post whatever you want. jajaja.

I remember seeing a thread where there was a gif of some disgusting poop gay porn. lmao

As someone who has well over a thousand posts, 100+ threads and 1,700 likes I can tell you we dont just randomly trash IMC b/c we are bored and enjoy trolling.

We trash IMC b/c they have flat out ignored the entire community for 9 months. We are not whining about wanting fancy new content, and cutting edge class balance. We are complaining b/c the fkng game barely even functions.

Since April of last year they have yet to perform ONE single routine server maintenance without breaking atleast three new things. We still have nearly every coding issue from Beta that we have now, with countless new ones.

If they put 1/5th of the effort into fixing the game that they put into getting new stuff into the TP shop every week this game would be on par with Path of Exile and Guild Wars in terms of stability.


That’s quite an achievement.


Do I get a cookie? lol


nah, idk what the deal is with atari lately, he only recently started throwing salt at me

I prefer to save my attacks for IMC, you have to be someone like Seifer to get me into a herp derp internet fight on here normally

I have better things to do than start meaningless fights lol.

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Then you are alot better than IMC, cause thats the only thing they are good at, besides breaking the game.



Ya its not that for me, anyone on the forums clearly has free time b/c ToS itself is a trainwreck.

For me its just that the game is in such a bad state right now from just blatent neglect and monitization that I think we should all be focusing our shots at IMC. The last month in ToS has been arguably the worst we have seen and there is just no excuse for that this far into its launch.

I think the fact that their staff is running away left and right shows how the dire situation has become.


Greetings Savios !

Please feel free to share your feedback on forum,in-game :slight_smile:
We are currently working for Saviors :wink:


… we will throw it into a trash bin and introduce new costumes/p2w cubes which contain items you need to progress through the content, occasionally stealing a few cool features from addons.

b/c forum views/replies/likes is the last thing to brag about and you are doing it quite often lately.


The Staff should consider hosting another GM Meetup and maybe get some of the Dev’s in on it, the first one was well received but there was a lack of concrete information, (I hear you can bribe some of the devs with donuts.)


I was going to use cookies but I ate them, so donuts it is :blush:

@STAFF_Amy we need Staff Blogs and Q&A :yum:

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Don’t worry, I hear certain “Penguins” like donuts more anyway.

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Why? We have been expressing the same feelings for 9 months and you guys dont seem to care;

99% of the community including several of your own GMs HATE the DPK system and want it removed asap.

EVERYONE not currently running an afk auto-potting necro/sorc/warlock HATES them and wants them removed from the game.

People have complained about Battle Bracelets costing 8-12million silver for what, 6 months or more, you have been telling us for months that you were “looking into changes” on that, nothings ever been done.

There are so many issues that we have all agreed on over the last 9 months that you could easily pick 1 and try to actually earn back the community’s trust but all you will do is continue with these periodic fake replies to stall and do nothing but add more fluff to the TP Shop.

You arent fooling anyone.



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