Tree of Savior Forum

Announcement Regarding Changes in Plans (Poll Closed)

For me Price : $49.99 is crazy. But $9.99 and 1 month is fine, so I can join and try the game. I never had a chance to try it. Wait till June is also crazy, by that time I can find other game :smiley:




Then everyone who voted for options 1 or 2 made their votes ā€œblindā€ because information was withheld from them.

Itā€™s like ordering a pizza from options 1, 2, and 3. Option 2 has everything you like but they donā€™t tell you delivery is 2 hrs instead of 1 hr. Then itā€™s another crap ton of crap about feeling betrayed.

Why make us choose (WITH A DEADLINE) without presenting all the information?

Fake choices. whatā€™s the point of the poll?

Base from their announcement, the server will open at March 22 as planned, but, because of bot issues and game stability etc, etc, they have to implement exclusive access in order to prevent these kind of problems to occur. more or less likely.

so in order to limit the player, they made the first 3 months to be an EXLUSIVE ACCESS as a solution. Anyone can play afterwards for free. Made an uproar to the community thought.

So the poll IMC created was the solution.

IMC (in my conlusion) :D, No matter option wins, server will start at march 22, and the exclusive access thingy will be reduce to 1 month (if option 2 wins), instead of june was the planned date for the free to play (after 3 months of the opening server), it will be adjusted to april (one month after opening the server). Again, you can play for free.

Reducing exlusive access to 1 week or 1 month or any given duration, the free to play date will be the one to move.

Correct me if iā€™m wrong

now i caan sa for 1 month.
Take my money and let me play!
Good job

COMPANION! You have my money!

Gonna pay anything that u want, just take my money \o\

can we rebuy it after a month of expiration?

@Staff_Julie @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_John

1 month is the best for both side (IMC and Players)

My concern is; a group of players creating fake acc and spam for ā€œ1 weekā€ option

Solution: only 1 day old accounts can vote (16.03.2016 and before) or something like that idea, which is prevent to fake acc voting

I would love to see IMC can profit for bring this unique game alive for usā€¦


For slow people who can only influence through bribe.

Founderā€™s Server : Exclusive Access 3
A. Price : $9.99
B. Exclusive Access Period : 1 month
C. Benefits : 160 TP

Is this worth?, i mean, 160 TP is good enought? i cant pay more than that, soā€¦ xD
maybe is good if i can play 1 month early.

I want EU server!!! I donā€™t care 1 month or 3 month, I want play this game with comfortable ping!!!(donā€™t 180-300!!!)

Thank you IMC i didnā€™t expect anything like this from company.

100TP is around 9$ so I think that is a fair trade

Ty man, so i like this option, then.

BTW everyone that complained about it is just because they dont want to pay anything to play and they dont want to wait 3 months to play!!

Go get a job :V HATER

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100 TP = 9$
So yes 160TP for 10$ is more then worth it.
Also you get to play with all of us if you choose Option B :slight_smile: .

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Iā€™m kind of surprised Option C has 13%. Likeā€¦ why pick that and not B?