Tree of Savior Forum

And so the rich get richer - 100 Dullahan cubes vol.2

I still agree the system is flawed tho, I don’t understand this meeting in the middle of casual and hardcore system. I say either fully cater to casual or fully cater to hardcore; Either make bosses only give drop to the best damage there or more than top 6 damage gets it.

This is not a bad idea, I liked the GW2 system. You can make it where the top X to X damage gets better cubes with higher drop rate and everyone else gets the “lower” cube. It caters to everyone and does not kill the market.

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I think i saw a nice suggestion a couple of posts before, give a world boss a timer too, make it spawn the same, every 2-3 hours but flag the user like in a dungeon flags you, you can only do 3 WB per day or something. would make it fair-ish and give more people a chance at it.

Even WoW had this world bosses at its early stages, but it spawned every 5 days or so.

Make the cubes available for everyone but rig the chances. There lol

The world boss system is total garbage.

Getting mad at people playing the game is even more garbage.

Jace is a good guy. He barely ever level because he has months to do that before expansion. The smart thing would be to make as much money as you can now, before 700 people are at dulahan all the time. Now he is making smart moves. His group will out dps almost any group you bring. I have ran with him mutiple times. He’s a good guy.

World Bosses now only spawn in a special channel where PK is allowed.

There I fixed the world bosses wow that was hard

Now please IMC go fix your optimization issues thanks

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1 .of all wbs in wow … where just for fun :wink:
2 .the WoW boss was flaged after the first hit for the raid .
3. there were so much other stuff u could do in wow.
4. The bosses needed a pretty strong grp
5. if another grp interfered with the encounter they were put in jails for days by gms .
There was one who got into godmode if 41 people attacked so if some guys had fun to attack him ones they could kill the raid and this was used and punished right away … it took not even hours before they got punished :stuck_out_tongue:

If u could raid and have fun with dungeons and mission for the same time and amount like in wow really no one would ever complain that this bosssystem is ■■■■■■ . Than no one would care about never see a WB in their gaming expierience.

Wow, hostility out of nowhere lol, why so salty? Running around for 4 hours split between 3 maps and every channel is not my idea of fun. You’re welcome to do it if you want to.

Well, we’re not talking about how good WoW system was, but how we can improve TOS’

and i dont remember WBs being this tight in where you could get banned or jailed, in fact, we used to PVP a lot to get the kill, and yea, the only part i agree with its that it was just for fun, as we were just there for the kicks n pvp, loot wasnt even worth it.

People with more time to play SHOULD get better rewards.
If you want to compete with the “best” you should need to play as much as they do. Or do it more efficiently at least.

Yes, maybe the WB system is flawed or even bad. I’m not defending it. Just saying that I don’t expect to win EVO by playing SF5 4 hours/week.

There’s no shame in playing casualy.

I have a swordsman buddy who can regularly pull in cubes. If you’re having trouble, maybe you need to reconsider your build.

Focused on damage, of course. That’s the issue here: you either build damage or your chances are fairly low.

Well either you build damage or party with someone who does. I think it’s perfectly acceptable, not a problem in the slightest.

World bosses in general, or from Dullahan ? Because I am almost positive he aint getting the box himself personally on Dullahan because, idk Fletchers ?

Hahahaha this is just as bad as silver exploit that happened sooner. This system will make such a huge silver gap beetween people around the servers, it’s not even funny. Easy silver with no ways to contest and such predictable spawns, hoping for ktos world boss changes here soon.