Tree of Savior Forum

And so the rich get richer - 100 Dullahan cubes vol.2

Some people just have no life, and simply MUST brag about this, or face depression over the fact that they spend all the time playing games.
I hear the whole NEET/Hikikomori thing is a big issue in Japan, perhaps Korea, too.

So Jace is ę—„ęœ¬ ?
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Iā€™m more impressed by the fact that he can still be top DPS with 0 FPS in Dullahan every time.

I donā€™t mind certain people getting world boss all the time, but maybe something should be done to the fletcher + demon xbow combo, nothing can pass that right now.

Omg, the elitism is real in this thread. And thatā€™s kind of saying something coming from me.

I will just ignore people saying itā€™s completely fine to screw over the entire server for personal gain.


Iā€™m more concerned about the fact he plays an unhealthy amount of time, unless his account is shared with someone else and there are actually two people behind the keyboard taking shifts.:sweat:

Oh well, thatā€™s the economy of an MMO for you, thatā€™s how it works in the real world as well. people invest, and they reap the rewards. Itā€™s a dose of reality in a virtual environment. To be honest I see no problem with it. It would actually teach other players a thing or two about economy with a pseudo-practical example. As long as he doesnā€™t get a big head like that queen bee b!tch in iRO, then it should be fine.

However, monopoly isnā€™t the only way in the real world, neither is laissez-faire. If only we can get word from IMC that world bosses are free-for-all, then that would solve some problems and actually encourage competitive retail in the game, which is good for countering bot inflation as well (to an extent, this is not a permanent solution against bots).

Actually, would someone with an economics degree (not still studying, already graduated and preferably working) explain and elaborate?

So whatā€™s stopping anyone and everyone from leveling a character using the same exact build that he has? Or getting a group of friends to make the same exact party that he has?

People speak as if thereā€™s a literal wall preventing them from leveling and progressing in order to competeā€¦ That or they feel that Wb hunting is a crucial part of leveling and progressing and therefore since it is being ā€œmonopolizedā€ theyā€™re stuck.

Also donā€™t even pretend that this was/is the last straw for you. Donā€™t act like even if this particular issue was resolved in the way that you see fit that your sense of entitlement will stop there. Nope.

The bitching and complaining and begging for your hand to be held will go on.

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lmao, i want this to be a thing.

maybe we can import some of the mechanics from Progress Quest into it, so that the busier players wonā€™t be unfairly hampered in their advancement by unpleasant concerns like having a life, going outside, eating, sleeping, breathingā€¦ being aliveā€¦

(anyone not familiar: Progress Quest is a joke RPG, where they decided that what makes players happiest is character advancement, and the biggest limitation on that advancement is the playersā€™ own endurance, so they simply automated the ā€œinteractionā€ bits. in short, one of the earliest examples of ā€œidle gamesā€)

Great gamedesign youā€™re advocating here.
ā€œMake Fletcher-Linker team or gtfo.ā€ clap hands

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Iā€™ve dealt with you before and Iā€™m not the least bit surprised with your ignorance. I was merely using his setup as an example and that if people feel that strongly about this issue in particular then whatā€™s stopping them from mimicking it? Or if they have something better in mind build-wise, whatā€™s stopping them from trying that either? The point of what I said, one that completely went over your head, is that people should do something about it instead of complaining.

Where did I say that the game should only be filled with Fletcherā€™s or linkers? Boss hunting is not the only thing that this game revolves around. I know of a particular guild who used to be in Klaiā€¦ They went heavy on PVE/Boss Hunting archers but they were also trigger happy when it came to war declarations. Guess what happened? They got ā– ā– ā– ā–  on. Great job on attempting to be demeaning and condescendingā€¦ Rarely ever works though if youā€™re an idiot and donā€™t actually grasp whatā€™s being discussed.

Out of the goodness of my own heart Iā€™ll try to be more considerate of you in my future posts and include a section especially simplified for your general consumption and ease of comprehension. Donā€™t get me wrong, I want you to participate in the discussion still, just a little bit less idiocy and leaning towards being misinformed from your end would be nice.

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itā€™s not a game design issue. itā€™s just recognizing that obviously the party he is in and the friends he is with work well.

people complain like it would be impossible to carbon-copy this resultā€¦ or heck, even just make something similar.
they complain about ā€œexp wallsā€ as if it is literally impossible to get past them, and their only solution is to restart.
they complain aboutā€¦

oh hell, people here complain about absolutely everything, including (as you demonstrate) complaining about other people complaining that some people complain too much.

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For the most part, itā€™s the time factor.
I canā€™t speak for everyone, but personally, unless I become unemployed (or live long enough to happily retire) I cannot afford to play 20 hours per day. Thus, it is unlikely I will ever be able to out-camp a no-lifer unless IMC introduces some mechanics to prevent monopolizing world bosses.

Now, I can probably live with that, since there are alternative ways to get gear, but this is a frustration factor. And if at some point a situation arises that every single piece of worthwhile gear is locked behind a ā€œcamp 24/7 or forget itā€ wall, Iā€™ll probably look for another game altogether.

As I said earlier, ToS is NOT a competitive hardcore PvP game where every player outside of towns is fair game and first come/first serve basis is commonplace. Itā€™s a casual grinding/dungeon crawling MMO. And believe it or not, casual theme parks with dungeons need some forced fairness in them, because thatā€™s what players expect.

The issue is that it is dominated by him, giving no players a chance to even get one.

Ranger and Wizads absolutely dominate the World Bosses. The system is flawed.


Then turn it into one. Make a guild, declare war and then itā€™s open season. You get to PK them outside of town however way you want, if you can that is.

I play 5-6 hours a day and I can tell you I have far more money in game than Jace has. People get side-tracked or tunnel vision way too much. However buggy the game is, however much improvement it needs (And it does need a lot of improvement) there are different ways of dominating or becoming successful.

Again, do something about it.

players have no chance of getting one? Absolutely no chance? Like forever and ever until the end of time all the cubes are destined for his inventory and thereā€™s nothing that you or anyone else can do about it? Dear god why are we even playing this game?? Might as well be called Tree of Jace since weā€™re absolutely helpless and all at his mercy.


Except last time I checked, you can tick a ā€œNeutralā€ option in your guild settings and become immune to war declarations. You canā€™t start a guild war unless itā€™s agreed upon. That, and Iā€™m not even on the same server, so Iā€™m more concerned about the lack of hogger-prevention mechanics in general than the particular attention wh0ring case :smiley:


Let me breathe deeply before aswering youā€¦


Ok. See, itā€™s from a single gamedesign standpoint: thereā€™s a clear line between what is an attainable reward and what is impossible to get due to a factor that you cannot change. A game has to control its rewards so that a player can make their intentions possible, and the reward should be proportional to their effort.

Are you a Priest or a Swordsman? Iā€™m sorry, but getting a Cube is really hard. Are you an Archer or Mage? Nice, itā€™s easy. The game isnā€™t promoting competition, it is restraining it and crippling the experience for half its playerbase.

From a second view: Monopoly and all its effects on economy.

Oh yeah? What about dungeons? Do you see full Mage and Archer parties absolutely dominating it without the help of sword ones or clerics? Actually itā€™s like magic. Everyone automatically gets cubes once they beats bossesā€¦ Imagine thatā€¦ Youā€™re rendering judgment over the entire game and making this claim based on the world boss aspect. Are you familiar with the drops that 175 to 240 dungeons drop? Probably not since youā€™re too busy breathing too hard and being stuck on one aspect of the game.

Monopoly? Stop bitching and do something about it.

It will be even worse when metagame will be clearly established.
Only one or two (well stuffed) builds will be able to claim cubes.

Iā€™m a 230+ Monk fyi. I know about that. And we are not discussing about DG Bosses, but World Bosses.

Likeā€¦? :slight_smile:

yes that is correct. We were talking about WBā€™s specifically then you started generalizing about the entire game hence why I brought in that counter point about dungeons l.

Youā€™re wanting me to hold your hand and give this to you as a hand out as well?

I didnā€™t. I was talking about a design standpoint where the reward should be proportional to the effort. You generalized an aspect which I only applied to the issue here.