Tree of Savior Forum

[ALL Servers]Goddess' Ancient Garden Bots/Hacks Investigation Enquiry

  • Server : ALL

  • Location : Goddess’ Ancient Garden

  • Approximate date / time (EDT) : 24/7

  • Evidence: Obvious to any functional human being

Phase 1: Initiation

On behalf of ALL players from ALL servers and myself, we would like to have some information on these so called “investigation” that is ongoing for these obvious 24/7 bots being used to farm in Goddess’ Ancient Garden.
These 24/7 bots that are repeatedly reported (some reported LONG AGO up till now) and provided with evidence.
Some of which even have the audacity to use teleport/speed/range attack hacks along with the bot.

A proper and comprehensive response from GM Francis or/and personnel of authority will be greatly appreciated. Please refrain providing a mere one liner sentence/reply.
This situation has become more severe than before since the number channels has been reduced and the obvious inaction of the authority. We deserve to know what course of action will be taken or view point of the authority on these bots(especially those above level100).

AND may i add my previous post:
Goddess map had been reported months ago but they are still not banned.
This can only point out several possibilities:

  1. GM/employee responsible for investigation is incompetent.
  2. GM/employee responsible for investigation is corrupt and is related
    to the botter/hacker.
  3. The reports which are inclusive of evidence is falsified to ban competition.
  4. Botting/Hacking is non-bannable action and we should all start doing it.

Most of which tells us that iToS is not worth our time and money investment.
If this is not true then, show us proof via action:

  1. Ban those bot users.
  2. Pressure GM/employee responsible to resign.

Phase 2: Pressure with evidence AFTER 48hours of NO response from GM Francis.

DrG Botting/Hacking , Daytime Botting

More evidence

Do you need more?

Let me add MORE

And All time favourite BJW who has been botting since God knows when

After continual deliberate ignore from GM Francis, lets go for more evidence.

Good ol’ BJX bot featured above, restarred again

BJX Again

If this isnt Range Attack Hack + Bot, I think it must be God; its a miracle

Same ol’ Same ol’

Report made 3rd of OCTOBER by Solaryman


Another guy that had enough of 24/7 bots:


I have more evidence, trust me. But seriously I would like to go back my role as one of the players and enjoy the game, I am not here to do your job for you dear GMs.
So if you could so kindly do your job, that would be great.
Specifically I would like to go back to doing this:

See I have no problems paying money to the game. However, I am disgusted with the failed authority/policing in charge that forces some players to pay money/silver to nonsense like SEAGM and trash botters/hackers.
Additionally, I am utterly sick of GM Francis’ incompetence and pretended ignorance.

Imagine, if I have placed much time and money into the game and GM Francis can pretend to not see the post and not response, WHAT ELSE can he not do the rest of the honest and faithful community?


same names same spot for months , I wonder how long does it takes to ban just 1 bot.

@GM_Francis I think we need some reply here, please check this out.



Like I said if IMC doesn’t ban the people I have reported in a weeks time I will macro myself as well.


That’s terrible that it’s so easy for anyone to bot nowadays. What kind of website would provide free bots?



The future of everything is bots.
Eventually all players will become bots



@royongvvv Thank you for providing this information. I’ll check the user activity and also survey the are.

1 Like

But perhaps Lewis (OneePunch) is a bigger cash cow than you are – you see botting equals RMT, equals more $$ to burn for IMC.

IMC logic : You cant prove a player is cheating until you can catch the person in question cheating at the reported in-game coordinate. If the reported player is not “boting” at the reported site, the evidence is inaccurate, thus invalid.


He might just be, you have a point. Fact is that yesterday he made me an offer for my practoniums with trash hair costumes. Stingy AF.

lul, indeed.

Ironic? My current guild is Deity but is my team name Disamedare?
Why not u step out of your clone account(created on Oct 26th) and show us your main account like I do in the videos?
I won’t even be surprised if you are one of those botting in dp2 trying dominate the site by reporting the others first.
You will earn the respect to converse with me when you have the BALLS to reveal yourself for starters. Until then you are just a coward performing verbal diarrhea, insignificant in all sense to me. If you lack courage on the net, its obvious you HARDLY have any in real life. Just a pathetic worm trying to get a modicum of my attention.
And may I add, I don’t have double standards like you hypocrites, if the accusation is backed by solid evidence; let there be justice. A job well done in that case.