Tree of Savior Forum

AFK necro/sorc/bokor is apparently back

What…I am done with you. You clearly don’t know what you are talking about.

It’s more the fact that you don’t know what are you talking about.
Implementing the API on the game’s client is very feasible, with CURL for example, but easy to bypass and I even explained you how.

I’m not saying it’s the proper way, but it’s the way IMC developed this game (almost everything is client side).

You sound like a freshman CS student who just get to know about Linux.

If all APIs are easily bypassible by client, all industries that depend on digital resources will fall apart.

Go back to CS 101.

You sound like a wannabe, else you’d understand what nopping/jumping a call and xor eax, eax inc ah meant.

script kiddie fiiiiight :rofl:

You don’t even know what they mean and you are using them. You can be making millions bypassing Captchas systems as white hacking. It’s a problem that requires academic research.

And you just know some binary operation and assembly code in college. Talk about hacking.

Well that, assumes you are facing a professionally designed and implemented system.

Sure, you had to look on google and you still can’t figure out what they mean.

You may want to look at ML captcha solvers, I’ve already told you about them several times now.

Nope, I’m talking about reverse engineering. Sorry that google didn’t help you figure it out.

They aren’t cracking Captcha in system level. It’s not even bypassing anything. It’s getting the key properly by actually solving the problem.

I guess if you don’t reverse engineer in assembly code, you do that in bits. Did you have OS class?

I see that you just know terms…stop embarrassing yourself.

They solve captchas, it’s all that’s needed.

No, you do that in opcodes.

Yeah, stop.

What’s your noop/jump call/registry names all about then? Do they help in machine learning?

What opcodes mean:

You reverse engineer the op codes in assembly code from specific system compiler. Once you have them you are good. You don’t start with the op codes.

How many more mistakes you are presenting us out of your “remembered vocab”?

watching nerds flex is funny af yo.

I guess she did enough to embarrass herself. I am gonna clean my house now. Falling behind in schedule…

Wasted an hour teaching college student. I should have charged her.

That’s specific to a client-side implementation (software, not website).
If you knew what it meant, you’d know what they do.

Google won’t help you.

I stated several times (are you blind?) that ML helps solving captchas with server side implemenation, like on a website, indeed.

That’s a very noob-friendly explanation of what an opcode is, but that’s beyond the scope.

Except you said you do it in bits. :rofl: :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Backpedaling after googling :rofl:

Me? :rofl:

Go do it in bits :rofl::rofl::rofl:

You don’t even read. And assembly code aren’t simply bits.

I’m not the one that wrote “bits”, indeed. :rofl:

It’s meant to be sarcastic. Cause no one read bits. Guess you can’t understand.

I understand that you keep backpedaling after having googled around and realized you wrote a pile of bs :rofl:

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Ok. You win. My one hour lecture didn’t teach you anything.

Keep your belief. You will bypass every APIs on Earth, with some op code and assembly.

Yours is a wannabe lecture.

If you want to prove me wrong, explain me what


Else, shut up luser.

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I am calling them assembly. Somehow you call them op codes.

It’s basic enough that every System class will contain content about it. Wikipedia has clear definitions as well.

Op codes are bit translation of operation specific to system, not xor eax, eax noop.

When I wrote those in college for classes, you ain’t even in grade school.