Tree of Savior Forum

[ADDONS] Broken/Discontinued Addon Development #3

can anyone guide me on how to do a clean uninstall of the addon manager? i uninstalled my tos client yesterday to start fresh with the new patch, my i can’t seems to delete my addon manger folders along with the addons data folders…

noo!!! zoomy+ don’t leave me D:


Actually, it’s not broken, not for me. When I started the game, yes, the hp bar was bugged to and other things was out of place. But, I just opened the addon menu and reseted to the default setting, and I was able to use it again (except the hp bar of course, it allways returns to the original position)

Barrack Itenlist is broken. The entire menu is blank, and his icon is overlaying the others menu options.

Edited a version with (hopefully) better positioning and ability to edit what additional info shows up by changing the addon’s settings.json

Options include showing race, attribute, material, movetype, effectiveatktype, maxhp and killcount for mobs with vibora exp card

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In what way is your ExtendedUI broken. Mine is working as it is before the patch

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here hot fix for barrackitemlist and exp card



6th amendment fix poisonpot error hope it work now sorry if error again D:

code follow patch:

if false == VARICON_VISIBLE_STATE_CHANTED(frame, "necronomicon", "necronomicon")
and false == VARICON_VISIBLE_STATE_CHANTED(frame, "grimoire", "grimoire")
and false == VARICON_VISIBLE_STATE_CHANTED(frame, "guild", "guild")
and false == VARICON_VISIBLE_STATE_CHANTED(frame, "poisonpot", "poisonpot")


local extraBag = frame:GetChild('extraBag');
local status = frame:GetChild("status");
local offsetX = status:GetX() - extraBag:GetX();
local rightMargin = extraBag:GetMargin().right + offsetX;

rightMargin = SYSMENU_CREATE_VARICON(frame, extraBag, "guild", "guild", "sysmenu_guild", rightMargin, offsetX, "Guild");
rightMargin = SYSMENU_CREATE_VARICON(frame, extraBag, "necronomicon", "necronomicon", "sysmenu_card", rightMargin, offsetX);
rightMargin = SYSMENU_CREATE_VARICON(frame, extraBag, "grimoire", "grimoire", "sysmenu_neacro", rightMargin, offsetX);
rightMargin = SYSMENU_CREATE_VARICON(frame, extraBag, "poisonpot", "poisonpot", "sysmenu_wugushi", rightMargin, offsetX);   



Windows + R > %appdata% > delete the folder “addon.manager”

game folder: delete the “addons” folder and all .ipf files in “data” folder that are related to addons. (usually the one with symbols)

idk why but my fps drop so hard whenever I meet a mob

problem is from this function not work GetMargin().left it return to 0
local startX = status:GetMargin().left - offsetX;

i just re-calculate for position with formula
local startX = ((offsetX - 0.5) * 14);

local frame = ui.GetFrame(“sysmenu”);

local status = frame:GetChild(“status”);
local inven = frame:GetChild(“inven”);
local offsetX = inven:GetX() - status:GetX();
local startX = ((offsetX - 0.5) * 14);

The reason you are getting an error is that the function has already changed to use right margin since the latest update. You can see the code in 166969_001001.ipf/addons/sysmenu/sysmenu.lua

where you can see leftMargin -> rightMargin

with GetMargin().right it return to 352 and icon has overlay i think this better now replace new formula

local startX = ((offsetX - 0.5) * 14);
local startX = status:GetMargin().right + (offsetX*2);

seems like it didn’t fixed like I hope it did for exp card
did I do something wrong?
can assume that I don’t want to use the barrackitemlist thing

Hey guys, anyone know where the button for poison pot went? Cant find it after the new update lol thanks

Uninstall EXP card calculator.

ops maybe im put wrong file reupload now go to download at post
just delete barrackitemlist and use expcardcalculator only

how weird …still didn’t seem to work

thanks :smiley:

goto post and download again
i have change link again
final fix to follow this patch function


thanks will try it out again.

download and test again pls i not have wugushi D:

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