Tree of Savior Forum

[ADDON] LKChat (Alpha)

LOL better to annoy than to have almost all your fan base banned because of add ons either by you guys or steams vac system.

this add on is very helpful nomore bot spams nomore lag its quite nice.


If only everything was crystal clear… I wouldn’t be asking all the time. :confounded:

@STAFF_John @STAFF_Ethan


This addon looks great! But i’ll wait for the “official” answer from IMC to be sure about it :slight_smile:

can you add on option to use a user’s blacklist instead of regex expression (that will be circumvented sooner or later)? That way users could adjust their filters in real time without having to wait for addon update.

Chat spam blocker 3rd party tool worked like that and i liked it.

Be brave savior!
@Staff_Julie I would ask the dev team as they are the ones who can approve whether the code is of malicious intend or not.

I am leaving this in threads as I see them, please visit and like/comment to help visibility! We need an official process for addons so that we can get answers more quickly and users are not at risk of being banned prior to approval =)

How do they do this? It’s incredibly annoying to have their chat hugging the chat window wtf

I don’t know at all, I can only assume that the time stamp is created client-side when sending a message. Either depending on the OS time, or on some time server. It could also be an issue with time “translation” when the chat server calculates the difference between client time zone and server time zone.

Again, I don’t know it, and I don’t have the time to fiddle with the client files or network protocoll, so it’s only assumptions.

If it were created client side, it would use the server time displayed in the top right corner of the screen… or your system time.

I’m pretty sure the bots edit their chat message’s network packets to manually set their own timestamp. I’ve not seen this from legit players simply due to time zones or whatever other unintentional server hiccups, only gold selling bots.

That would require the timestamp to be created client-side in the first place, though. And I’ve also mainly seen it from bots, but also from normal ppl chatting in town…

Oh from the sender’s client, right. I’m not sure why they wouldn’t just timestamp them once you receive the message instead. I mean, why would your chat log not be in chronological order? Why specifically build it so it can automatically sort itself with new messages on top of old ones instead of always at the bottom?

One of the reasons why Skype is unusable on DST…

Love you, Julie. Keep up the good work.

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Imo, the “Auto-Report Spambots” option be removed entirely. Reporting should be done manually by player judgement instead of being automated since there’s the chance it’d hit a legitimate player mimicking RMT messages which could then lower the reporters RII Score. At the very least, the option should be disabled by default.

Other than that, great job. \o

Sry to be that guy but if this addon gets passed, then to whole RII system IMC was planning will go to the trash can, because now is the addon who blocks and report bots not the players. (i think the addon is awesome btw)

Thank you so much. I wonder where that addon by the other guy for achievement kill counting went.

Do you have paypal donations open? winks.

Pushed an update, also on github.

Amazing. Thanks man.

Watching this thread, bookmarked on reddit/r/treeofsavior

You’re the most active here while the others are just… uhhhh

Im pretty sure julie was brought on to be the community staff member, since she started posting shes been the one on the forums most of the time.

then am happy :yum:

poke them some more uhuhu…