How about you added a “gifting” option in the game. You can give an item to another player, via the use of a “Gift Envelope”, available for 1/2TP (so anyone can use it, but it has a time limitation, unless you pay). The trick is, it gets the “Gifted” trait. What this means is:
- Gifted items sell to NPCs for 0 silver. (no possible gain from these)
- You cannot place them in the market. (it’s a gift, you shouldn’t do that)
- You can gift them again to someone else. (Well, you might already have some better gear, and don’t want to just dump it)
- [Materials specific] You cannot use these for enhancing gems. Would show in the tooltip like the current “Total Untradable”
- You cannot gift anything that is untradable. This obviously includes premium stuff, as it would make the Free TP exploitable.
- [Gear Specific] Gems get destroyed when a gear is sent with them. They’re too fragile so they can’t handle the shipping (Serious reason: it would allow gems to be gifted, even if it costs leveling it up). Sockets remain in the item.
Gifts would be sent via a mailbox, available either via UI, or as some sort of NPC/Object inside main cities. Thinking it better, you could simply receive it on your team mailbox, which is already implemented. You can configure gifts to only be receivable from added friends, as to avoid junk gifts from bots or trolls.
After thinking it for a while, at least imo this sounds like it could work pretty well. This won’t allow money gifting in any way, doesn’t allow exploiting premium/untradable items, and people would be able to gift stuff they cannot use to their friends. Cases of example of this:
- Player A is an archer, gets an OP Hammer. A wants to give it to his friend B, who has a cleric build.
- Player C needs 2 more of a material for a crafting. He’s grinding with A and B, but both of them get one piece randomly instead of him. They failed to avoid them and got them by accident. Now they can just send them via an email to C, and now she can craft her long waited OP potato hammer.
Let me know, what do you think of this? Would you add/remove/change something? Hopefully this helps improve the game experience of many, as I’ve seen one of the main issues of many players is not being able to gift their friends stuff they themselves cannot use, or that their friends can use better.