Tree of Savior Forum

Accounts banned for UI addon use

Just flat out ban those accounts who used any 3rd party programs while playing this game, they promote unintended advantages over their counter parts who play this game clean. Their accounts would be no doubt a good example to level the playing field.

Um, IMC, you’re being way too abstract and ambivalent about this issue and the details so don’t wonder when you get some deserved backlash.

You don’t even mention what add-ons you have designated as unapproved.
We can’t expect you to approve every add-on, not mention updates, but once you deemed one as unacceptable how about you display it somewhere even people joining weeks after the bug report has been drowned can still become aware of.

You do realize “altering any elements of the gameplay” can also refer to the map fog highlighter, the add-on removing pet focus during battle, the gear set management, the all quests displaying add-on and even the ones that remove the confirmation box might randomly claimed to affect the server performance. Damn, even the collections add-on could be prohibited based on that definition because I don’t have to spend hours manually searching where to place that something-something bone piece.

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im using excurlon add on for display only. hope this is legit.

@Verthragna Do not be afraid. We take precautions before wielding our Hammer of Justice. The innocents shall not be harmed!

As for those who dwell in the wrong side, beware, our ever-vigilant eyes will find you and our Hammer of Justice hungers!


In other mmorpgs, this kind of addons weren’t bannable since they don’t provide any type of “cheated” advantage.

But since it’s from the same addon dev that IMC got angry with… I don’t know how much IMC is angry… use at your own risk.

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Wow that is hard-line for using some friendly UI addon can be leak to ban…
This game is really scary to play but still RMT still selling so heavily…
But those extreme using those addon to get profit should ban hardly,
Hate those low levels holding imba high-end stuffs running around like they own it…

Let’s not get dramatic.
They’re a lot of fine addons out there that provide good quality of life for players and don’t “cheat” the system.


server is up and im grinding now, means my addons exp viewer and calc addon is legit?

You need to know you are the 1% among brainless player still around in tree of savior… That too simple identify.

IMC still monitor, dont use too much of UI addon as of now since we will leak to ban issue…
All addon still not in whitelist yet… Use on your own risk

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so your ever-vigilant eyes banned 12 bots and 1 gold seller in orsha yesterday? Maybe you are going to need a few thousands of them…

They will be dealt with soon.


Thanks thats all what I needed a little of justice hope <3

We’re not talking here about “friendly” addon, if you didn’t understand what IMC was talking about here a detailed post:

It seems some people on Reddit got wrongly banned, I hope you didn’t ban anyone who used addons from the same addon dev who made you upset.

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Yes i understand CXaddon which heavily alter the game contents but even that friendly UI addon still not yet in the white-list so we got to use it at risk still, unless IMC mention.
And also some my friends banned by using simple addons like exp view only, so do some read first…
IMC ban you is like frying an egg and un-ban you with compensation like joke of the day…

Let’s see whose gonna survive and live after the maintenance :eye:

Rip, less people in towns yay.

is this some kind of a proverb, cause I dont get it.

I’m using exp viewer and I didn’t get banned.

Anyway, tell your friends to send a ticket, that’s what IMC posted in their initial message in case you were wrongly banned. Mistakes happen.

When it’s Blizzard who ban, you’re banned for life and can’t even make a new account after sometime. Even if you’re first time offense:

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