Tree of Savior Forum

Accounts Banned for Abuse (April 28th, 2016)

The gameguard will not solve anything.

Why not allow only accounts with confirmed credit cards? Or some kind of document to certify the real identity? Players without a identity confirmed could be prevented from doing negotiations, use the market or speak publicly in chat.

If you want a real solution, you need real data

I approve this. People need to realize that KSing and not giving a shite can give em a bad reputation, possibly thinking about you as a bot.

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Staff… i’m begging you. Take a look at this, please:

nice :blush:

Only 122,100 x2 left.

People don’t want to throw in a card number for a free 2 play game. Would you trust me if I asked you for your card number just to do something, even if i ‘promise’ not to use it?

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Are the banned team names locked from being used again?
Are they deleted from the base I mean?
I always wanted to have a team name jacket**.

Love the physics on that picture.

Hello everyone. I work as a Game Master for an International MMORPG Game. One of our rule for players is that they provide a non-gibberish name for their characters. Random character names like “Asdgftet” will get permanently banned. I would like to see the ToS staff implement the same thing. Giving a proper name to bots will take a lot of time since some of them will be taken already and getting the ID blocked will require them to com up with new proper names which will take forever.

Another thing that they can do is to get more active Game Masters. Right know, I personally believe that they are understaffed so reports from players will really help – note that screenshots should be provided as evidence of botting or a video if it calls for it.

I just hope they can come up with a plan soon. F2P day is coming and there will be players who will attempt to go foe botting.


And that works soooo welll on the korean version.

YOu can simply make up identitys…
Google how korean games work in that way… rather good, sadly still just ignored by bots.

Credit Cards would be a way to go… but not everyone wants to use them.

So many bots. Should try a ip ban

They have been recently spamming the /w chat.
I’ve made an archer yesterday and I noticed that just when I started right when you arrive west siauliai woods and got this movement tutorial, I already got some gold sellers messages on my /w. I tried to look for his character so I could report but I could not. Please IMC, you got check this. Thank for your hard work anyway :smiley:

Looks like they’re on a roll in Orsha.

Well, just keep on reporting. A better solution (for those who’re looking for one) might come up soon, but we gotta deal with what we have right now.

The bots appearing i early maps are disheartening. :frowning: I was planning on making a new character, now I wonder if I’ll encounter them.

Another problem with that is that some of the players might be too young or possibly unemployed to have a card anyway. That and who gives out their card information that easily x.x
I’d never play a supposed free game that asks for card info, that’s just suspicious

@Shyyyyy, your suggestion is really good. Some form of identity requirement (Passport, IC, Driver’s license, Birth certificate)

Good idea. But how is this going to implemented? I can’t imagine coding a program to block the millions of gibberish IDs that can permutated with random alphabets.

If it’s going to be a weekly sweep thing where a staff member looks through the entire list of new names, it will be taking up some man-hours. And with this game going F2P, it might not be cost effective in the end.

You don’t have to code anything. All the ToS GMs have to do is do their rounds on towns/maps with the most number of users. Let’s not forget that these RMT players selling in-game currency for real money will want audience to see their sites so they will most likely place their bots on such areas.

Another thing I personally do is trace their IP address and if I managed to get a result we IP-ban them. Some will be hiding/masking their IP address so this procedure can be time-consuming.

Last but not the least, the ToS DEVS could probably change some setting on their bot report feature so getting rid of bots and spammers can be done quickly.

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I don’t like IP bans cause there are lot of people that hide bh someone else IP,

even I get “Conflicting IP” pop ups from time to time :expressionless:

imagine if someone with my same IP gets me banned D: