Tree of Savior Forum

Accounts Banned for Abuse (April 24th, 2016)

If IMC cant control this situation with this pay to win ppl who are playing right now…When the F2P ppl come will be Game Over to everyone.

hi my dlc the steam disappeared How can I fix this ?

give the Dev some time.
the bots with actual names or names that arent scrambled are most probably being investigated .how would u feel if someone report u as a bot and u get instant ban and not able to play?

to u it might be obvious that that guy’s botting.
but when u sent the report.
they only get a name and text, with no evidence.
if u wanna make them and make a vid with many supporting pics to help them.
i am sure that bot would instantly get the ban hammer.
then again…are u that hard working to kill a bot?
high chance u might not. so just be patient zzz

@IMC - you should ban accounts using same IP as those bots to save you the trouble of hunting them down. after banning those accounts go and block the IPs

i think there are softwares to hide your ip…

Great work again IMC!!

not all of them would be smart enough to do that. so i think that IP thing might help a lot for busting bots.

Why did they banned only the char and not the account? they will just delete it and create new one. in that case i think it will be much better if they extend char deletion time before they can create new one.

They are banning the Lodge.


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is that so? So IMC will get profit from them making new account and new payment. hahaha its a win - win situation for them. nice job!


@robertzydane13 I was talking the same thing to a friend today. But that would be too much “sacanagem” of IMC, so we decided to trust en.

edit: but when Ii say “lodge” i’m talking about all the accont.

Do you always seen the glass empty or is it just here :expressionless:

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You are so stupid and have a really pathetic general knowledge of the world.
Please go live in Singapore and realise how hard we work in our jobs compared to you LAZY europeans. We have 24/7 supermarkets, helplines and many services.

We have over 90% - 95% employment rate. And gold farming is even lower than our minimum hourly wage.

Why do I know European culture is lazy? I am currently staying in DK and have travelled around Europe. I speak with locals and get to know the country. You guys have week long Christmas and week long Easter break. Some even get 3 weeks off PAID. Government services are so scarce and call lines take more than 30 mins. Simple emails take more than 3 working days to reply. Banks close at 3pm on some weekdays. Customer service is ■■■■ and most aren’t even trying to be polite.

Also, please have some basic economic knowledge and look at perfect examples like PORTUGAL GREECE SPAIN ITALY. 2 hours lunch then siesta, seriously? Hint: recession is coming. Not winter.

Yes, Singapore has some, if not many, bad points as well, but you are so terribly inaccurate. I will not comment about other Asian countries, because I will only give accurate arguments as I have not stayed there before. And if you are interested to know about SG for educational reasons instead of flaming other countries and races, PM me.

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Shows how intelligent you are. Grow up.
Also dodging the cuss filter with symbols or numbers can lead to ban in certain chats.

Maybe direct this sentence to the person who started this whole “XXX country is the root of all evil because they poorer and work jobs that we don’t want”

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Haha, except I’m not Pinoy? Which part of Singapore do you not understand? Do you need to learn geography again?

And again, look who is making themselves look better? Pot calling the kettle black is all I see. Besides, if a 12 year old grows up thinking that other countries don’t match up to his Western superiority, then go figure how white supremacy started.

Because kids grow up thinking that and no one tells them no.

I believe I said there are so many things bad about Singapore.

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