Tree of Savior Forum

Accounts Banned for Abuse (April 19th, 2016)

What is mithril ore?
Didn’t read further. Cba arguing with ignorant.
Laugh away.

Oops, looks like you forgot to quote the whole thing. Lemme help with you that:

“I don’t have a good argument to respond with so I’m not gonna read anything and call you names.”

“Hue”. Have a good day.

Because you’re a typical user that tries to argue about things he has no clue of, that doesn’t even know such basics as expensive low level drop. Why am I supposed to read this bs further and argue?
-low level bots cant make this much money
You should’ve just wrote from the begging “I don’t anything but here is my argument, I’m right” so I would ignore it and save me some time.
There is like literally 0 mithril ore right on market because it was banned with bots. There were dozens of pages before.

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Don’t worry about it, ToS don’t use VAC nor Steam Servers.

VAC recently activated today

pretty much, nothing more i can suggest ._.

IMC Staff already mentioned that any mod that doesn’t hack or exploit a bug to benefit yourself is OK.

Meters/Visual/Stats Mods are allowed, since using it or not doesn’t give you powers you shouldn’t have.

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Did you forgot what you said in your first post on this thread?

And I laughed at that because you were dead serious, and gave arguments supporting why there weren’t billions being poured/generated.

Then you brought up the Digele thing which was more than likely being used as a RMT medium. Good, you got something right.

But your ‘expensive low-level drop’ argument with Mithril that you had to use twice, just made it clear going back-and-forth with you anymore is pointless because:

  • Mithril’s field drop-rate is low af, confined to 3 maps, and used for practically just rare 170+ gear and nothing else. It’s not common.

  • Bots selling Mithril does not generate/pour Silver into the economy since it came from someone else (And at a taxed rate), so it’s irrelevant towards your ‘billions’ argument.

I was fine with debating with you so people who read the thread and saw your post wouldn’t think the situation and damage done was extremely worse than what it seemed, but it’s pointless at this point if you’re not even staying consistent with your own posts, while using the “You don’t know anything.” argument and not even being able to read the posts.

So yeah, have a good day and enjoy the game.

IMC :grinning:

Just wondering:
Has anyone seen bots running around on fields after this maint?
I don’t mean those town shouters.
Haven’t been on one of their regular fields yet, but where i am there wasn’t a single one.

If its true about the VAC thing… make sure you do NOT have CheatEngine installed… that program is not only used for client side editing games, its used for debugging purposes by programmers, and you will get VAC banned immediately even if your not using it

@Staff_Julie I’ve got that error right after patch was finished updating, saw this error and pressed ok. I just re-launched ToS It’s fine. Some people say doesn’t work afterwards. ( I don’t have any add-ons in this game besides just my Ps4 controller which is compatible on it’s own )

Make a thread if it is ok to use modifiers before you use them, why would you risk being banned for a thing like that in the first place. If you modify the game no matter what it is, you are changing what IMC made and they are the once that decide if it is ok or not, it is their game after all. Be smart ask in advance, they do answer questions if they are asked politely.

These are some big numbers and I’m already hearing stories about in-game conditions changing significantly. Keep up the good work.

The problem is some users were adding outright hacks to the exp viewer (totally unrelated to exp and viewing it) and then saying “the exp viewer is OK so it’s still OK if I add a button that skips large parts of gameplay!” This sort of abuse undermines IMC’s original policy, which was basically an honor system.

Look at the Auction house guys… Went from 30~ pages of tokens down to ~5-6… There was ALOT of abuse going on and a tonne
of it is gone now yay!

what happen when open free2play ?

bot run all map

bot sell m all town

ban ? then created new id

that’s why I think they should ditch the F2p Model.

Over 1000 bots were banned. Over 1000 exploiters were banned. With many more still around.

But let’s assume that’s all of them. IMC somehow banned every malicious user farming silver.

Let’s also assume that 3/4 of them were not actually farming silver directly, and were just spamming chat or something.

So there were 500 silver farmers.

Let’s say they farmed for 30 days. Either they weren’t made when the game launched, or they weren’t high enough to farm much for the first few weeks, whatever.

Ok, how much is a reasonable amount of silver to earn every 24 hours? 50k? 100k?

67k * 30 days * 500 bots = ~1 billion

That’s really not that outrageous. 100-200k each bot per day means billions of new silver introduced into the economy. 1000+ bots means several billions. Game has almost been out for two months, so that’s plenty of time to raise billions.

Why would one single bot have 10mil+ silver on hand? They expect to be banned, and they’d be transferring or selling it off ASAP. You won’t find any bots on the top grossing list of players unless the GMs are woefully incompetent, and legit players have no idea what they’re doing. Bots aren’t so amazingly optimal that they’re level capped and killing endgame mobs faster than normal players. That’s not the point. They just do it easier, longer, and with many at the same time. If it takes 10 bots to make as much as an active player, they’re laughing.

The game has been out for less than 1 month. What planet do you live on where that means close to 2? :sweat:

Me afraid this too, if them ban bot now he lost some money payed for founder pack, but if its free - just create few new accounts…

I think them need ip ban this users, not just one account.