Tree of Savior Forum

About the new ToS Steam store page status


Hi, I noticed my Tree of Savior game was displaying as “uninstalled” (grey letters in my Steam library) and the DLC was set as Not Installed as well, which I found suspicious so I checked the Steam store page. Turns out you guys changed it so now instead of having the incorrect Play now green button there’s a countdown with the release date (March 29th) as seen here

This looked all fine until I remembered some people mentioning they had an error while trying to purchase the ToS Founder’s Pack DLC (in this thread)

Sadly I can’t confirm all of this myself (because I already had the game when I bought my packs) but as you can see in the thread, an error is apparently displayed when trying to buy the DLC and not having ToS installed beforehand. The solution given there is to install the game, run it at least once, and then you’d be able to buy the DLC normally.

The biggest issue now is, the green Play now button is gone and people seem to be unable to download the game anymore, which would make them unable to buy the Early Access DLC, thus rendering the whole plan of keeping access sales open until April 27th completely null.

If anyone can confirm anything I wrote is wrong, like being able to effectively install the game with this new store page and the countdown in the way or being able to buy the DLC without having the game registered in your account’s library first, it’d be of great help.

EDIT: about the statement above, just confirm if you’re able to install and launch the game from the store page, you won’t be able to buy the DLC if you don’t have it registered. See


Only thing I can confirm is we are unable to buy the DLC before “buying” the free game. I tried that before :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m afraid there’s no easy solution to this, however, as it’s steam’s limitations.
Maybe keep as before with big bold letters: AVAILABLE ON MARCH 29

They probably disabled the play button so people would finally stop giving them negative reviews/questions involving “NO SERVERS WAAAAAAAH!” cause people cannot read… But you’re right, people can’t purchase the founders pack now…

Unless there is a better solution, perhaps just rename all the Founder’'s Packs to:

Founder’s Server (Opens Mar 29): Exclusive Access 3
Founder’s Server (Opens Mar 29): Exclusive Access 2
Founder’s Server (Opens Mar 29): Exclusive Access 1

You can’t make it any more obvious than that.


This is the biggest issue with the new change, they shot themselves in the foot while trying to answer to the complaints.

I don’t think they really shot themselves in the foot. As long as they have a good estimate of the number of servers they are going to need now, it might be fine to leave everything as-is.

Worst case is that now you can not pre-buy the DLC. On Mar 29th when the servers open you will have to download the game and purchase the DLC while it is patching.

In fact, it might actually stop people from complaining that they bought the DLC thinking such-and-such feature was going to be implemented and now they are unhappy with their purchase.


You’re right, I got caught up in the moment. I mean, it’s only a week worth of sales, they might gain more by keeping it this way and avoid any more confusion.

The alternative you posted above seems like it’d be very efficient too.

Even though sales will resume next week, new customers will have to either buy it the same day of opening or risk getting less playtime for their money, which sucks in my opinion. Even if they only miss one day of Early Access and pay the 10 dollars pack, they were basically restricted to a specific date unlike many others. But that’s just what I think.

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They might enable downloads again when the launch day gets closer, like, on the 27th. That way people can pre-load the game and buy the DLCs.

Note that is possible to enable pre-load and keep the “Available: March 29” thingy.

i feel sorry for everyone wanting to play the game and having to wait till 30th march or even later to finish downloading the game - friend of mine got a 2k line and itll take LONG to download - hope thats getting fixed soon

It seems like they enabled pre-loading, so I think now you can download and purchase the DLC, you just can’t run the game or patch yet.


theres no way to preload it? at least on steam theres no download or anything button

Maybe I am wrong about that then, I thought you could download it early based off this image but maybe you only get that ‘pre-load’ button if you already downloaded the game.

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nope doesn show - just that its available in 5 days 11 hours but nothing to download

@Staff_Julie is it possible to enable the download for those who dont have it on their computer yet? gonna be like hell on earth if the download is being opened the same second when servers are

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This is terrible, just one hurdle after another. :weary: I’m going to see if this can be resolved quickly.

I really want to clarify that I was wrong in my opening post (sorry, it was late, I was sleepy and the sudden change threw me into panic mode) and, as people pointed out in the thread, the public will be able to download and buy access to the Founder’s servers again once the game releases on the 29th all the way to the F2P launch date.

The change stopped the non-sensical negative Steam reviews, at least.

I’m pretty sure you can indeed buy the DLC now and just preload the game. I mean, I’ve seen a Reddit post of someone who bought the DLC a few hours ago, asking whether he’ll be able to play on the 29th if he preloads the game today.

Still, it’s good to check just to make sure!

the dlc packs can be purchased yes - but the game cannot be downloaded (he didn play beta and has to load the entire client) so loading the game on a 2k line would take longer than half a day (bet ppl got a worse line than that who need more than a day - and cant do anything else the entire day on the internet but waiting for the download to complete) - and i load the client myself 4 days ago so it was possible but the entire loading button isn available for him in the first place! i opened a new steam account to check and the “play” button or w/e to download is completly gone and cannot be pre loaded anymore for the accounts who didn have it