Tree of Savior Forum

About Chronomancer

Hi, I’m new to the game and want to main wizard. I would like to ask if Chronomancer is worth taking? I love the class related to time, that’s why I’ve decided to go for Chrono. I’m just doubting it coz I don’t see any thread related to Chrono.

I would like to hear some opinions of veterans player of TOS regarding the class. And one more thing, can anyone give me skill build of Chrono, PVE build, mostly solo.

PS, apologize for my english, english isn’t my first language. Thanks!


good support but hard to solo

Cryo3 - Chrono3
Pyro1 - Linker2 - Chrono3
Wizard3 - Linker1 - Chrono3

All viable and usefull, though I only have the first two, working on the third one right now. (yes, I plan on 3 different Chronos :"D)

Hmm, seems like Cryo3>Chrono3 is a popular build for Chronomancer. What class should I get for rank 8?

With that build I’d say go sage at r8. But you should be aware that cryochrono is one of the most difficult builds to level solo with. You need to group up at higher levels.

Oh geez, that’s bad then. I don’t have RL friends to play with (currently convincing them). You guys still have alternative skill builds? Please include rank 8.

all chronomancer build aimed to be support type wizard, so of course you need friends to play with. But if you want to build a future proof build, there you go :

this build is gamble if we got dedicated dps class at rank 9, wizard c3, linker and chronono c3 is really great base for it, but if we didn’t get dedicated dps class at rank 9, this build pretty much weak compare to like cryochrono build

Most of the chrono build are Support (Because of the overall skill what chrono does…)
Anyway, you can find party if you going with those build mostly for late content and you got dungeon on your way to R8 / Mission etc … You can also shout to try to find someone to quest with it or a guild maybe (This part is a bit more difficult…)

I’m a Pyro3 Chrono3 Sage Right now.
All, I can say is i’m lacking some Damage (Wouln’t have been the case with Agni that comming boosting fire damage and mostly pyro damage… by alot like 100%>300%)
But the thing is… Monster At R8 (A good amount of them) Start to have an insane amount of Magic Resit and Pyro Lack base damage, that some R7-R8 Spell will have to counter it.
Basicly It (Magic Attack - Magic Defense) Really straigh foward… if you do 0 damage you basicly do 1 damage. And That kinda happen to any over 2k Magic resit monster with My pyro right now.

Soo Pyro Chrono Dps… Good(Amazing with agni comming) util you reach R8 (At this point you basicly Support and do some low damage on mob that
aren’t high in magic resit…)
You can also Add linker, that a pretty great class to increase the damage because you basicly link the damage of X monster (Depeding of skill lv)

But Cryo/Linker/Chrono etc Are alll class that going to have their utility in party.

I’ve been somewhat following this guide for a chronomancer that can solo without it feeling like a torment.

I’m nearing rank 5 now(first chrono level) and even as full con it’s honestly felt very smooth to level with. Linker and thaum both give a lot more killing power then I expected them to. The build seems to be really refined so far.

I considered going enchanter instead of sage(the guide suggests sage) but then I reached the third town and saw there’s no lack of enchanters. I’ll definitely end up sage.

Chrono is a very good class, perhaps the most viable wizard class going into the current rank 8 and beyond. Good classes to combo were already mentioned, where linker2 and cryo3 are popular choices. I have a cryo1-linker2-chrono3-enchanter myself, things are fine, though I regret taking cryo1 instead of pyro1.

If you want to cheese the early game, wiz3-linker1 is a good combo because magic missiles and links obliterate everything.

If you’re interested in the late game though, this combo stops being so effective…for now…so resigning yourself to full support might be a better option. But honestly chrono remains one of the best support classes in the game, just not very good solo. I guarantee you however that even if you intend to play solo, as a chrono you will not find it difficult to get into a party…and you WILL want to get into a party.

Good luck!

Wiz1 cryo3 chrono3 is pretty well loved by people.
Wiz1 cryo1 linker 2 chrono3 if you’re a masochist since it’s hard to solo but provides a lot of support.

Hi, I’m currently level 67 wiz1>pyro1>link1. I was planning to go for Yolomancer suggested by @notreallysirhamfist. I am enjoying it and just like he said it’s so smooth to level with even though my CON were 89 and 34 INT.

I’m asking if this build would still viable until late game? I’m so sorry if I have too many questions, it’s just that I don’t want to regret on late game with this build. I can’t just re-roll due to limited time (have studies to do :v)

If you guys have suggestions please don’t hesitate to say. I would love to read it.

I’m a bit doubting about picking thaumaturge c1. The only reason I see that useful is to get the transpose for easier solo leveling. I would suggest going with linker 2 or 3 instead unless you are planning on going solo most of the time. Chronomancer is a support. Even if you pick thauma for some damage boost your damage as a chrono is going to be neglectable late game.

But play whatever you think will be fun.

Pyro > Linker 2 > Chrono 3. Easier to solo and VERY good overall.

Wiz 3 is not as good when compared to elemental necklaces, have to be recast all the time and makes you lose 1 Linker circle, which will always be more important as you are a SUPPORT character.

Linker C1 is good, but not as good as C2+, especialy if you don’t have Wiz 3.

No thauma > chrono.

I agree with sylphid. I plan to take only 1 circle of thauma in my other build. Then what this guy said actually made me realised not to take thauma just for a filler (ignore rank 7 thing)

The reason why u can still enjoy this build because pyro skills damage is good on early level, while after u reach certain level, the damage will fall off (unless u have agni necklace which only god knows when it will be released on iTos). When this happen, the build that u follow, will make u end up as pure support and will be hard for soloing. U have choice of reroll as cyro3-chrono3 or as most people said here, try to go pyro-link2 route or pyro2-link.

And also that skill allocation for chrono 3, i’m not sure is backmasking worth to put 5 points on it since some people only put 1 point. Maybe an experienced chrono can explain?

Pyro is strong with Agni necklace, even Pyro 1 for FG/FB level 5 ain’t so bad IF you have very high matk (which you’d need as Elememe anyways)

I see… I’m gonna go for Wiz1>Pyro1>Link2>Chrono3 then. How about my stats, should I pump more of con or switch to int?

so does transpose not work the same as swash buckling? when you refresh SB you don’t reset the bonus 25% hp you get as long as you don’t let the buff fall off.

For stats I would recommend going almost full con with something like 100~ int. Basically a ratio of about 4:1, but you can prioritize int at the lower levels for some faster leveling.

I considered linker 2 for a long time before picking thaum. The problem i had with linker 2 is it doesn’t actually do much unless you’re in an organized group, the exact same issue linker 3 has.

Linker 2 gives you 3 extra targets on joint which is great but that’s about all it does in random groups. Spritual chain is actually a really problematic skill because of the dumb restrictions of the buff 1 bar. If you use it in random groups you’re going to be having important buffs knocked off your party by mostly mediocre/useless self buffs.

In a organized group spiritual chain is fantastic and so is lifeline, but in a random group spiritual chain actually a hinderance a large portion of the time.

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