Tree of Savior Forum

About bringing RNG to the cash shop

There is quite a high chance of us getting same “features” as them if they are successful in kToS.

[quote=“thebloodyaugust, post:100, topic:131842”]
Lots of people SAY that the amount leaving is acutally much much smaller.
[/quote]99% of statistics are made up. If you dont have numbers to back up your statement then please refrain from posting that.

It is known that only a small fraction of playerbase is reading forum sections other than news/announcements, even less posting (aside from technical/support area). The majority plays and leaves game in silence when there is something they dont agree with. I doubt IMC/Nexon would disclose daily maximum number of players on their servers.

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I know i don’t have exact numbers but i also know its true because alot of the people i see saying that ■■■■ are still here posting. So i will continue to state such.

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I think it’s why we should have some community manager here too and we can get very tailored content without dealing with an initial problem

But we do have @staff, like @STAFF_Ines, @STAFF_J, @STAFF_John and @STAFF_Shawn to forward our concerns to IMC.

It’s just they’re so shadowy and mysterious we don’t really know what gets sent, and much less what gets taken into account.

It’s a game of faith, disappoint us bad, and we’ll go away…

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There was a good saying about Eve Online:
"Some players play Eve.
Some have forums attached to game.
Some have game attached to forums.
Those that achieved Zen dont need game at all."

That is true for most games. There are plenty forum warriors that dont(wont) even play the game(anymore) but still post … things.

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It’s good that they post some information sometimes, but need a person who is dedicated to this and can be active in the community(i.e online during weekdays with a daily post), otherwise we are just the community listening to the occasional whisper from the clouds that watch us from above. some aren’t patient / trusting enough for that too

Sounds like me before I left RO2 for good. I kept on checking the forums everyday and making posts here and there about how things could be better. One day I came into the personal conclusion that they weren’t going to leave the direction the game took, so I dropped it (and moved to Smite).

It is a delicate matter, I’d rather have a local Dev team, whose leader is the face of development for international version. If the game gets handled nicely, the leader will actually be an icon cherished by the community, instead of “the one to blame”.

But even if so, we’re always subject to how fast and professional the they are when it comes to managing issues as a team. Because if the team doesn’t respond, the leader will always be seen as an idiot.

@Snivs P2W? This is a blink for that, they could do any other stuff…

Just because they could do much worse, doesn’t mean they did good.

Also, just as a note: I’ve opened 30 instance dungeon boxes since these items existed, and not received a single one. The chance of getting them from an instance boss isn’t very high.

They also aren’t showing up on the market, which probably means they aren’t sellable. ( Tokens were up on the market as soon as they were available )


it says not tradable. Disappointing =(

Welp that’s all I needed. kTOS has just been released and they’re already adding p2w stuff. Btw, do you see alot of ppl using Cosmetic Cash Shop stuff in the game?

Yeah, lots of costumes around. I don’t know why they can’t just stick to that. Subscription + costumes = win.

i believe you need a very special type of box meaning there is only 1 dungeon where they drop.
From patchnotes (with google translate):

[code]TP상점에 헤어 악세사리 아이템을 각성 시킬 수 있는 마법 부여 스크롤이 추가됩니다.
: 마법 부여 스크롤 아이템은 인스턴스 던전 보스 큐브에서도 확률적으로 획득할 수 있습니다.

The Enchant Scroll hair accessories that can awaken the item will be added to the TP shops.
Enchanting scroll items can be obtained even in an instance dungeon bosses with Stochastic cube.[/code]
If you find out what “Stochastic cube” is then you’ll know where scrolls drop. My assumption is that they drop in new mid-level dungeon they have added in same patch. If i am correct then situation is even worse because dungeons have shared amount of runs per day - you will have to decide if you want exp/loot for your level or try for a chance of scroll.

I have to wonder, what would be the general opinion if they where 5TP each intead of 8?
That’s in the range of the ones you get for free, basically maning that a casual player could buy at least one for free every day if they so desire but could just slap a bunch of coins into their account for them easily too.

It really depends on scroll drop chance from cube: it might be better to buy dungeon reset scroll (afaik it is also 5 TP).

Seems that they are 1TP and you can get 10 by 5TP going by this unless those scrolls are something else I’m not aware of.

But that is the case it only makes me feel mroe confused about it’s pricing being completely honest, is the chance really that low for it to be worth that many resets?

Stochastic, it refers to the randomly determined results.
It’s not applied to a specific cube, but mentioning that it has a probability to be obtained from boss cubes inside instance dungeons.

We really needed to know that. It seems more p2w-ish now.

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