Tree of Savior Forum

About bringing RNG to the cash shop

It depends on how you open them: 1 by 1 as you get them or all 30 at once? I noticed (a subjective personal feeling) that opening them in bulk (and outside of dungeon) will result in a more diverse loot.

I understand what youā€™re saying, but thatā€™s not what my intent was. My intent was ā€œWe canā€™t do anything right now, so we should stop trying to do something, weā€™ll have our turn laterā€. Monetization of the KR version is up to Nexon, and they wonā€™t listen to us one whit. Monetization of the International version is up to IMC, and theyā€™ve shown they listen to us a least a littleā€¦ but they were kidnapped by nexon so right now weā€™re just flailing at nothing.

Any better idea on the stats they give?

Can you get like +90 elemental attack on each headgear, getting up to +270 elemental attack worth?

You can ( but they have to be of different elements, I havenā€™t yet seen a hat with the same effect twice ). I think elemental attack varies from like 17-33 or something. Someone posted the possible enhancements in the ktos general thread.

i feel like this wouldnā€™t be so bad if it was just 1 enchantment per item.

Itā€™d be a lot better if this were something pardoners could do, maybe as a solution to their whole simony problem. It seems class uniqueness is getting taken away by additions to the cash shop. Revives, repairs, enchantments/potions ( should be alchemist/pardoner domain ). Will they add in max lvl priest buffs to the cash shop?

The point is, it would still be bad.

That makes as much sense as pressing Z after sending a Pokeball to increase catch rate XD

Well, if this wasnā€™t an online game the RNG would probably be capable of being manipulated in one way or another in a way that would probably include opening multiple cubes much like Shiny catch rates by example, but that isnā€™t the case so yeah.
Arenā€™t boss cubes automatically erased after like an hour now anyways?

[quote=ā€œiago_l, post:129, topic:131842, full:trueā€]
That makes as much sense as pressing Z after sending a Pokeball to increase catch rate XD
[/quote]iā€™ve heard that sacrificing virgins on a summit of a sacred mountain Fuji during a full moon and parade of planets also helpsā€¦

should i repeat[quote=ā€œnizidr, post:122, topic:131842ā€]
a subjective personal feeling
But still iā€™ve got way more Arde daggers than a friend of mine and we always run dungeons together.

[quote=ā€œJariu, post:130, topic:131842ā€]
Arenā€™t boss cubes automatically erased after like an hour now anyways?
[/quote]How many low/mid level dungeon runs can you do in an hour?

Well, depending of your level, build and conection Iā€™d say between 5 and 8? Maaaaaybe 10?
Can vary a lot, specially if you have a party and all that.

This is what i am afraid about RNG. You must repeating again and again until you feel satisfied. And the bad case is Cash shop RNG. Itā€™s not too bad if developer want our money in enchanting our gear but only once in fixed number, not over and over. And it must be done in covered with game feature like quest NPC or something, not just you click, buy, click, buy and overpowered. This will impact the behaviour of the late game.

Tomi : Hey gina, do you want to come with me for a hidden quest? I hear you can get several stat point.
Gina : Well, i rather buy some TP and enchant my gear.
Luna : Hey Gina i want to be a sorcerer or squire, so i can give / sell my team some buff, how do you think?
Gina : Well, the stat boost i can get from cash shop is still better than that. Maybe im just throwing 500$ to gambling 500+ attribut on my costume.
Gina : Damn, im rolling 500$ on item cash shop and im still not satisfied, maybe i should suicideā€¦ aarrgh :death

This is what i mean ā€¦ :sob:

I prefer developer to sell VIP buff (sub subcription) with a little advantage to player each month rather than this tricky RNG enchancement. You guys who agree with me, please speak up to IMC staff. give your idea and feedback.

Actually i dont like RNG in alchemist job too, cause it will make alchemist the richest than squire, pardoner, etc. But i let it go, and to know what IMC doing in this update costume enchancement really make me angry. iā€™ve been pleased before where alchemist have fixed enchancement, so I cannot worry, if i play sorcerer and want to enchant my gear to get str stat. and must doing it again and again. For me difference stat / attribute in the same class is just make it more harder to get balanced. and i am afraid this will bring more unbalanced to each class.

pretty sure the 1 TP scrolls youā€™re looking at there are the teleport scrolls. The one being moused over for 8 TP should be the hat enchanter

That would make sense, and yeah I know itā€™s mousing over the enchanter but thatā€™s the most recent image I could find of the cash shop so yeah.

I am not sure how you got to those conclusions based on my ā€˜reasoningā€™. Those are all horrible ideaā€™s and nothing i said implies that they would be ok. Thats like saying ā€œEnergy or Staminaā€ would be ok to implement limiting a players progression.

This is how KRtos currently works.

Paying player = Hits level 150 in a week with exp cards.
Non paying player = Hits this in 3-4 weeks depending on how long they play.

Paying player = rerolls stats, gets what he wants with real cash on the day? depending on how much money they spend?
Non paying player = Hunts scrolls for min of 1 day up to however long it takes to get what they want?.

They both can get to the same outcome, one takes longer than the other. Both players can achieve the same thing, hence why it is not pay to win.

In a way youā€™re right, pay to win is somewhat relative, lets say you wanted to be the ā€˜server first level 100ā€™ then yes, exp coupons would be p2w. However, in the grand scheme of things, this is a minimal concern.

Paying player = Buys something from cash shop for $10 which gives him +100 stat (Clear advantage)
Non paying player = Cannot get this item unless he pays. (Clear loss)

That is pay to win. Having the advantage of money to attain something a non paying player cannot gain without money.

A completely cosmetic item mall will not fund a game unless your population is freakishly large. League is an anomaly.

Convenience for time items are very important in the mmo market, and whether anyone likes it or not, these items will make it into the game.

Now IF there is an items that protects your item from breaking when upgrading and it requires money to get, then there will be issues. But to progress faster than someone else means nothing, in the end everyone will be in the same position, and that in itself is just fine. Models that use pay for convenience = WFrame, to this day, one of the best payment models with no backlash, along with PoE.

Anyways, Iā€™m not forcing anyone to agree, its just that pay to win is measurable, and the items in ToS at the moment are theoretical at best.

But one thing iā€™d like to point out is that ToS is a great game atm :slight_smile:


Well, that was much more of a laguh-oriented response than anythingelse xD Its random, which means any result could come to reality. You and your friend are influenced by the same RNG regardless.

Huh? Where do you get this from? Someone who hasnā€™t paid anything can afford to purchase a token by the time theyā€™re lvl 130 ( when quests start to end, since exp cards arenā€™t affected by exp increases. The amount of time it takes for either to lvl to 150 is about the same. With the introduction of the 115 / 145 dungeons, the grind gap isnā€™t as big anyways. I could see someone with exp boosters + token being like, a day or two ahead during the 130-150 lvling, but not weeks.

Iā€™ve hunted for scrolls for 3 days and havenā€™t ended up with 1. Kinda changes the difference here.

The problem is that itā€™s way too convenient with the paying option. You are gated by how many instance runs you can do in a day, so itā€™s not like you can just keep farming until you find what you want. The item isnā€™t even sellable, so unlike the token you canā€™t provide an equal footing to users who just put in more time. I can put in 20 hours a day and not get anywhere, since Iā€™m gated by dungeon runs. By this logic there could be items that give you +20 str in the cash shop, but if they dropped from instance boss boxes at a 0.001% rate itā€™d be okay. So itā€™s fine if there are a bunch of $1 items that give you nice stats, as long as they are somehow obtainable in the game, no matter how restrictive it is? I donā€™t agree with this.

Getting to a higher level first means a lot of things in this game. It means you can clear world bosses faster, be the first to get world boss loot ( therefore becoming stronger already ), and be able to more effectively compete at further world boss fights for boxes. I get that you donā€™t care about this competitive aspect of the game, and thatā€™s itā€™s a minimal concern for you. But for anyone who actually wants to play competitively this is a huge turnoff.

The game is already a subscription game due to how tokens work. I donā€™t see how subscription + cosmetics canā€™t be successful. A lot of people buy the costumes, they are nice, and they could continue making costumes and profit off of them. They also are forced to continue making the game enjoyable to play with content, so that token subscribers keep paying, which is a good player/developer relationship.

As long as I want to keep making new characters, exploring the game with the many classes, exploring hidden classes / etc, staying competitive in GvG/PvE, I will keep paying a subscription and stay interested. If the international version of the game is pseudo subscription + cosmetics + boosters + pay2advance quicker, then my friends who would gladly pay subscription wonā€™t play very far into the game. Iā€™m more enthused about it so I will play to endgame, but I wonā€™t be there long. Iā€™m not dumping money into stats on gear, sorry. I like playing competitive GvG, PvP, PvE, and knowing that someone else can just pay to get an advantage ruins it.

If I canā€™t even get 1 scroll in 3 days of dungeoning, how long do you think it will take me to get the amount of scrolls I need to properly enchant gear with decent stats without paying TP?


It could be, but these arenā€™t ā€œConvenience scrolls to save you a few runsā€. These are ā€œConvenience scrolls that could save you a few weeks or even monthsā€.

I mean, you could even buy 8000TP worth of scrolls and end up with crappy stats. Itā€™s a real money sink, itā€™s a grabby measure. It is not okay.

When skill or merit doesnā€™t come into play when it comes to these kind of progressions, they just defeat the purpose of the game, and deflate the urge to compete. A competitive scene brings more players into the picture, and ToS already has a very large playerbase waiting for it around the globe, soā€¦ Iā€™m pretty sure it can survive with a pure cosmetics shopā€¦ Western audiences like us donā€™t like grabby implementation such as these, and trust me, these implementations will shrink the playerbase before the first year of release even passes.

Itā€™s okay to voice your opinion. Itā€™s not okay to come barging that somebody elseā€™s concerns are ā€œminimalā€.

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Not to mention that apparently you can get at least 270 elemental attack total from all the enchantments.

Thatā€™s almost double an Arde dagger.

And only way youā€™ll be able to get that much will be paying a lot for scrolls I bet.

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