Tree of Savior Forum

A wild durian appears!

That kinda demotivates me from playing, all the cool guys leaving and there’s more cheaters everyday, way to kill a nice MMO.

Its not just that, they are catering to the cheaters. Did you see what happened on Klaipeda yesterday, they added additional channels to Dina Bee Farm, so now the cancer of our server, who I dont need to even name b/c everyone already knows who he is, can setup additional guild afk auto pot sorc and necro farms across more channels.

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honestly I thought you already quit the game after so much raging posts in forums, idk how you still manage to play with all that hatred to IMC, is it the addiction the game gives you??

This is the most common misunderstanding in regards to the posts many of us have been making since April.

We do not hate the game, we in fact enjoy the game, we simply hate the way IMC whores it out and blatently neglects it.

When there is actually content to enjoy you will see many of us discussing it and creating posts to help others. The problem there is, since April of last year, we have had ONE relevant content update, and that took the majority of us 5 days to complete cover to cover.


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The name of Kim Hak Kyu is spoiled, nobody will ever trust “Father of RO” marketing gimmick.
In nowadays, anything with that name mean you are going to get IMC-ed.
We believe all constructive feedbacks and time-frame are given, but IMC only want your money.
Their technical design and developer team is still bullet-proof and too reluctant to fix those small bugs that doesn’t take much time.

yeah but raging in forums everyday on how much you hate the game isn’t gonna help, isn’t it better to go quit instead of stressing yourself every time you play the game? you already quit for a while why did you come back anyways? then start raging at IMC again lol

Do you honestly think staying quiet and accepting this garbage is a better solution, when enough people say NO they are forced into action, it took my last post what, maybe 12 hours before this staff reply once IMC realized it was already well over 2,000 views and 200+ replies.

maybe quitting is a better solution? or play other servers or games?
well anyways I was just curious, since most people who don’t like the game or service tend to quit and not hang around the forum rage posting everyday,

Its also bad for your health raging on the computer everyday, you have 4 children you don’t want IMC to be the cause of your death do you? then your children can tell people that their dad got IMCd LOL

but seriously go take a break again, come back when you feel like you don’t have any complain or like the game again, as much as I hate what IMC is doing, and prolly everybody else, we still try to get around it and have fun. like the recent event, some people like it but most don’t including me, then I stay away from it or try to work a way around surviving first round, its possible

are you in my living room?

im not stressed even remotely bud, ive been dealing with imc’s nonsense since last april

you look a bit new still, novemberish it seems

ToF (tree of forums) is ToS endgame, there is nothing else, its this or pvp


why not both

pvp in forum~


the pvp is actually stress, have you seen how the people rage at each other and about each other 24/7 omfg

crimson this, lotus that, no-one wants to fight crimison, crimson is using fake feeder guilds, so and so crashed the match b/c they were about to lose, kirito accepts paypal, ausrine in pvp is broken, every top 10 is 9 diev clerics and 1 catagoon with a stage 10 transcended orange pike etc etc etc

that I cant handle, I can laugh off the other stuff

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yeah I know, this forum is end game, believe me, this has to be the worst forum ever. When I started playing it was all cry thread in the forum, which made me hesitate to try the game out. I already played at june and so many bugs and connection error so I quit the game, came back again and have seen improvements so I stayed lol.

right now for me, its all about making alts lol GvG is no fun, same as TBL if faced with diev inquis kabas

RIP Durian… Forever remembered even though he never accepted my friend request. :’(

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I personally stalked GM Durian for about 3 months in the old days to slay the 3 most lucrative bots in our server’s history, thats what I will remember him for;

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