Tree of Savior Forum

A way to make iTOS use new JTOS voices?

I guess you will need to reassemble M1 F1 .fsb files and put old voices into them or modify sound.ipf to make calls to the patch folder only for new skill sounds.

I am very bad at this xD
The new voice for the girls it’s extremely annoying. But i want the rank 8 voices for the boys :confused:


My guess is that it is quite complicated and require a manual replacement of many files/lines of code. (like at least 450 out of 500 only for female voices)

I’ll try but no guarantees, don’t get your expectations up.

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So to make it work I would have to:
・Extract the .fsb files to have the original sound files
・Edit R1.fdp which is used to generate the ".fev"s and ".fsb"s
・Generate new "
.fev"s and "*.fsb"s without the new female voices
(maybe some extra steps that I haven’t figured out yet)

I have no idea why they left the .fdp here, without it it’s not possible to edit the fsb and fev, and it’s not necessary for proper functioning of the sounds.
Most people wouldn’t include the fdp on the game files.

The problem is that it’s a massive “.fdp” file, with 57Mb of text and 1503769 lines, mapping all sounds in the game with exception of BGM. Probably generated by machine.
I don’t think anyone would be insane enough to try editing it, So I simply don’t want to do it.

sorry @Tk_Magnus.

Extra - in case you haven’t noticed after reading the post:
after extracting all those ".fsb"s you’ll end with all the sounds used in the game (with exception of BGM, which have their own folder).

Thanks @_Yuki. The information was very useful.
If I want to edit the original sounds to a tottaly diferent one and recompact them back to .fbs, would it work? Or need to do all this steps too?

does it still work after today update ?

yuki-chan it wont work after the update

you would still need to write a properly functioning .fdp file.
Or maybe extract the sound files and substitute the ones that you don’t want with new sounds using the same name, then compact into fsb. That would require some work to search and substitute.

It still works for me after the update, are you sure you did it correctly?
Try checking integrity to substitute any edited file for non edited ones then use the 2 files I uploaded, the sound.ipf and 149666_001001.ipf
It will take some time, as the patcher will re-download a lot of files.
You could also try to explain exactly what you did with your files.

Can u say the software u are using for all this plz? I wil try to make this changes to see if work.

Yep. the easiest way I guess.

Let me just add that /patch/somenumber.ipf should be modified this way, not /data/sound.ipf it this wasn’t clear already.

Old skilvoice_jap.fsb should be split between male and female versions (M1.fsb and F1.fsb)

What is “totally different”? IIRC sounds are stored as headerless *.ogg. Be sure to use a proper format.

  • IPFUnpacker to decrypt/encrypt *.ipf. You may use this one (pre-built).
  • IPF Suite to extract/compact *.ipf
  • FsbExtractor to extract *.fsb. Dunno about packing it back.

Wat i mean is make a mod. Changing the original dub for other dub, like from a anime character or series, just overwriting the existing sound files.


I tried unpacking, changing,and repacking the sound files with fsbext
however I always end up with a broken non functioning fsb file.

^ for ipf

I still haven’t tried using FMOD itself to do the changes, FMOD is the program used to create the fsb and fev files, you would need the fdp file which luckily we have.
I don’t know how to use FMOD.

The old sound files can be found inside:
.\TreeOfSavior\data\sound.ipf (JToS) -> skilvoice_jap.fsb
male and female sounds are on the same file.

the new files to be substituted by the old ones also inside skilvoice_jap.fsb inside the rar that @atari uploaded.

if you manage to create a properly functioning fsb:
・you need to decrypt and open a ipf from the patch folder and add another ipf inside it called sound.ipf
・Inside sound.ipf you add the files from @atari’s rar + your newly edited skilvoice_jap.fsb in place of @atari’s one
・then encrypt it again

(You shouldn’t edit data/sound.ipf, just get the old sounds from there)
(I highly recommend a small ipf like 149666_001001.ipf)

Those are the Korean ones
Edit: I mean M1 and F1 are the Korean sounds,
there is also skilvoice_kor which also have Korean sounds however male and female mixed,
I don’t know why they have put Korean sounds 2 times.

Good luck if you try it. :slight_smile:

Yep, my bad. skilvoice_jap.fsb of course. Edited my post.

@Tk_Magnus, that’s a bit complicated. Take this and happy modding.

You can either use M1/F1 files from my archive or extract them from @_Yuki’s .ipf.
For modding with custom voices, ignore the left part. Just rename files accordingly and replace.

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I have no idea what ive done but long ago I saw an article which can change voice pack to japanese and im using it since may iirc. It hasnt been destroyed yet by the patches

Those are old JP voices. Changeable from user.xml.

jTOS has a special attention as the most populated server and recieved a fresh pack of kawaii voices.

@_Yuki figured out how to change it to new voices and now we are discussing further modding (patrial replacement of voices or replacement with custom sound files).

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Do I have to paste the folders again every time the game updates?

No, you would have to paste again only if they change the modified files.
But in this case you would also have to wait for a updated modded file.

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Sorry to barge in, but would you mind uploading the original file of 149666_001001.ipf if you still have it? Kinda curious about the change you’ve made before and after the voice changed. Thanks in advance

Look in your \steam\steamapps\common\TreeOfSavior\patch

Added jTOS sounds.ipf into \data\ folder. It uses any patch from \patch\ folder that contains newer sounds.ipf.

Then added new japanese voices into a random patch.