Tree of Savior Forum

A Quick Guide: Bullet Marker

As I said on the guide, Scouts work better with Leather.
A full Leather provide more crit and expand your crit cap to 60% (50% without it). Furthermore, it will be buffed in future patches. It will give additional 15% Phys and Magic damage.

Don’t worry, you won’t have trouble getting lvl 400 primus equipment. I believe you can get a transcended piece or two. But I would recommend you getting Savinose Pistol and Dagger first, this way you can use the 5 Trans Scroll from the event. It will really give you a good “comeback start”.

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Which skill do you think is best to upgrade first on LINK-ENCH-BM to lv100?

O recommend getting to 70 on all damage skills first. Then, you can focus on Outrage, Electric Shock and Bloody Overdrive.

Outrage-Bloody-Electric should be the way to go

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I’m a new player and I really would like to know more about the differences between M - Linker - Ench and BM - Linker - Corsair - . I read you talking a little bit about, but it wasn’t enough for me to decide, could you give a little more details?

Hello! Hmm the differences between what, exactly? Sorry, I didn’t understand.

Sorry KKKKK, between BM - Linker - Ench and BM - Linker - Cors

No problem! Okay then.
BM-Linker-Ench will give you more buffs and more single target AA damage. Works with any party.

BM-Linker-Corsair will give you more AoE skills and two good physical damage buffs. Works better with physical damage parties.

It’s more like a gameplay choice. Both are very good.

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Lately in my build BM-Ench-Cor I’ve changed from Corsair to Assassin and I must admit that Hasisas buff feels amazing, and I also get some neat skills to boot.

My question is, regarding cards, up till now I’ve been using 3x Velnia Monkey + 2 Biteregina/1 GG for poison damage, but since 2 Assassin skils deal with bleeding (Behead inflicts it while Piercing Heart reduces it’s tick interval) should I swap to Prison Cutter + Rajapearl bleeding combo? I also read somewhere that recently bleeding is better than poison…

I think Prison/Raja is better for your situation. If you can get advantage of some combo, you really should do it.

But there is almost no difference between Poison/Bleed. The main difference is poison resist.

is love

so correct me if im wrong

using silver bullet with enchant lightning now , the damage of enchant is there but the atk is holy property right?

is it still counted as strike type even though its property is holy?

Enchant Lightning isn’t strike type. You must be talking about Lightning Hands

But you are right! Lightning Hands type stays as Strike

Is even a strike “melee” hit because if you hit a cryo with cryo shield you can be freezed XD
IMC logic…

yeah kinda confused the two. okkkk got it thanksss

hmm I want to here your idea about my class path… I know it sounds crazy when it comes
to synergies but my class is (BM > Shino > Assassin) I want a ninja hybrid with gun style. I partnered my shino to assassin in order to burst the target (and for engaging enemy and for CC also). My idea is i want a burst ninja with long range skills like bm.

I know everyone will criticized about my shino thing since they said shino has no synergy to other classes its true but hey ! ninja walk is cool as fu***

Well… Shinobi is a complicated question for the community, but I don’t see any problem using it. Like you said, it’s a cool class. However, I’ve never played Shinobi so it’s kind hard to give you an opinion about your build. But I’ll try.
It’s skills don’t require any specific weapons. So no problem using Ass/Bm. It has high % skills…

I’ll do something for you. I’ll try your build. Then I’ll give you a better opinion about it!

I’m back. Well, I’ve tested it and I kind like Shinobi. It isn’t that strong, but it works well with assassin. Bunshin + Hallucination + Mijin is a very strong combo. The only downside is the long Mijin CD.
Shinobi really shines when the clones are active so try to not lose track of its CD.

Maybe linker is a better option than BM for this build but I don’t think you’ll miss it. Corsair is good too. All shinobi damage skills are Piercing and would get a good boost from Brutality.

It works well on CMs and bosses. However, plate bosses simply don’t receive damage, but this is something all scouts suffer from.

I think this is it! I’m sure you’ll have fun with your build.

1- Oh, it’s not a meta build so you won’t have as much damage as a meta one.
As you said, Shinobi lacks sinergy.
It don’t have any buffs.
Mijin has very high damage but it’s a single hit skill, making the cap damage and white damage your worst enemy.
Kunai and Katon are multi hit but their skill factor isn’t that good.

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very helpful thanks! Looks like linker is a good idea but I haven’t tried corsair gonna try it too.

But I’m afraid of green logo classes like linker enchanter thaumaturge which came from
other class tree, IMC might as well change things in future again bringing back these classes to
their respected tree before. Dunno maybe I just think too negative :v

Anyway thanks for trying things about my shino since this guy is rare … hope IMC fully rework this class specially on clones and utilities like mokuton, instead of teleport from above they should make it teleport behind the enemy and add counter attacks like (connection skills between behead / raiton or much better make a new skill for shino like multiple sword slash from behind after mokuton would be awesome as fuuu**

dude, switched my thauma for assasin (since done farming my 100planium goal lul) what attribute would you prioritize…

using BM enchanter Assasin now. would outrage > overdrive> hasisas or go for hasisas max after outrage.

Hmmm… I think you should go outrage-hasisas-bloody!

ok thanks! think so hasisas is <3 . then after bloody anni ofc. thanks dude