Tree of Savior Forum

A possible solution to bots: in-game CAPTCHA-quiz item

They are pretty fancy.

Wings were always expensive because of the RIDICULOUSLY HIGH MARKET DEMAND and how little people sell them.

Nexon knows it, which is why they keep milking the wing market…and it’s working.

Since they were released angel wings have been a prime example of that.

Take this example:

Sword Art Online Yui pseudo-AI talking companions accessories.

When there was a SAO crossover they reached 35m in price because of how useful and cute they were.

I got 1.

How do they cost now, long after the event ended?

35-40m or so.

Hell, some people will offer 20m max.

The inflation is minimal.

Actually this is not bad and actually really do helped alot in other games. What i know is a captcha will pop-up every 60mins, as I remember it will stop to pop-up if you were able to answer it correctly for 3x. The counter will start again once you relog or got disconnected.

It can also be restricted to players where you at. The game is actually fuction enabled by Maps, for example if you’re in the maps like PvP,GvG, Instance Dungeons etc. It will not going to Pop-up and its easy to see that since your current location is being reflected to the database.

no way, what if you can’t read it and you get kicked every x secs? Captchas are the worst and they don’t work.

I have not seen that many caption for Japanese site. It does not work and I myself have trouble reading the captcha and it pisses me off.

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Doesnt work.

Bots can solve the most bread and butter captchas out there (distorted text, image recognition) easily with 90% or more accuracy rate with nowadays machine learning techniques.

Even if they make more complex captchas those will just trigger a real life person (possibly an employee) to type in the captcha answer for the bot. There are people who get hired just to type in captcha answers for bots 24/7.


Whenver there is something, you bend it to “more restrictions to the game”

Is it not a good time to call job lvl requirement a restriction to advance a rank too?

On topic, trolls could abuse this guild wars, not so sure i can like something like this.

that’s why it has a counter timer around maybe 2 minutes? I understand some people having difficulties reading captcha but for god sake you got some serious problems if you fail to read them within 2 minutes. It actually worked in one of the games i played before, Indeed sometimes its annoying but it really limits the bots. Plus every 60mins should not be a biggy.

Also the game can also detect Mob spawn counts, in case of captchas i think they can limit that to least number of mobs around the player.

secondly, the things i notice to bots are they should be melee auto-attack units and so far having issues using skills and also avoiding being mobbed. The game can also limit it down there by determining the classes.

And this may sound profound but quite actually true, the bots names are not good they are just random letters and numbers with no proper rhythm nor word. they can also use that fact though.

When you insult people they insult you back. That surprises you?

I have never been in a fight where a person throws a punch and does not expect to be hit back.

PS. Still waiting for a explanation of how this won’t be abused. So far all iv seen you put down is good will.

I was referring to them putting together a critical mass of annoyances but sure.

From my experience with those bot bombs, no one ever used them. The ones who did were just using it on people for fun/grief/experimentation. Funnily enough, they were removed from the game soon after their rework. (See Ticking Quiz Bomb) Due to that, Mabinogi may have not been the best example to use in my opinion.

Also, I think bot runners have most likely deemed the game (Mabinogi) “unprofitable” for their purposes. (Much of the gold comes from higher difficulty mission rewards, rather than killing field mobs.) Which is why you see very few bots, if any, and only show around when major patches hit. (But only to spam chat.) The most bots have done probably was ruin commerce prices for about half a year, and I guess kill a large amount of raccoons.

Don’t try to make it as if you were the victim.

Read your replies and compare them to the rest of replies of this post.

See the difference between someone with arguments and someone that comes directly to insult.

Also, it seems you have been called out by other person posting here, for your hostile attitude.

How surprising (not).

And i already answered you, but you keep refusing to read.

My first post was a complaint about more and more annoying things being added to the game. There is no insult directed at you in said post.

Sorry to disappoint you, but you threw the first insult regarding reading, and yet you seem to be the one who isn’t reading. Re Read my first post there is no insult at you as i have stated.

Oh come on, use your head. If a user successfully completes a captcha they can no longer be “captcha’d” again for 1 hour. Problem solved.

If bots in mabi could easily solve the captcha used then mabi used a really @#$%ty captcha. Don’t implement a @#$%ty captcha. Problem solved.

There’s a reason every major tech company uses captchas for their signup processes. They work when implemented well.

I’m not necessarily a fan of this idea, but your problems with it are trivial.


The fact you find solving a puzzle more annoying than bots choking the life out of the game just goes to show how little investment you actually have in it…

Same with @tzxazrael


@tzxazrael is trolling. Nothing he says ever follows a logical thread of reasoning, and he commonly ignores basic logic. He’s already stated he would rather IMC do nothing than for us to have to do a simple captcha or logic test to prove humanity, simply because it annoys him…when bots also annoy him, but he apparently doesn’t care…

Ignore the idiots and continue offering ideas until IMC gets their act together.

Actually the fact that im fighting for a solution that doesn’t punish or annoy legit players proves that i am invested in the game.

Edit: As a addition here is a alternative that doesn’t give me frequent annoyances and cannot be used for trolling.

You’ve already spent more time in this thread typing enough words to cover 2 weeks worth of captchas in-game…

I don’t hear you calling this thread a punishment…
I don’t hear anyone calling forced equal trading annoying other than players who already want to game the system…

Must have been so hard on you to create your IMC account, eh? Having to complete the FB or G+ captcha and email verification…so annoying.

I got a hunch that people who actually oppose this are using bots. Like hell this idea is not original and already worked for some games, how come this is a bad suggestion?

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This is annoying but deal with this annoying argument will hop fully prevent a continuous annoyance in the future.

Lets say a poison snake bites your had, You could cut off your hand or take a antidote. Both solve the problem but one is far superior is it not?


“Add an anti-bot captcha”

“NO, it’s annoying. I don’t wanna enter a captcha once every 3 hours, it’s a punishment to me, even if it stops botters. It’s annoying to have to do things 3 TIMES in 10 HOURS.”

Who even comes to that conclusion? Pretty sure the responsible drivers feel DWI-checkpoints “annoying” but they’d rather not be DEAD because some drunk twat didn’t ram into them engine first that could have been arrested with a blockade of authority

“No, officer, don’t test if the driver ahead of me is drunk, I don’t want to blow into a straw, I find it annoying…”

The idiots around this forum, I swear…

This truly made me laugh, hahaha

ok, smartass… how is that going to solve anything?

then the bots farm for 2 1/2 hours and log off. the botters switch to a different account. they never answer a captcha or are even prompted by it.
hell, half the regular players probably log off before hitting a 3 hour stretch in one go.

and here’s this excuse again. @DxDark claimed the same thing in another thread. “some game in 2008 or 2009”… but strangely, he was never able to find that name.

show me what -you- have. show me some games this has successfully worked in?

See that analogy I used with the DWI/DUI checkpoint?

Police/Checkpoint ----- IMC/Captcha
Sober Driver ----- Normal Player
Drunk Driver / Law Breaker ---- Botter/Bot

You — Annoyed Driver (Normal Player) who wants to ignore the fact that Drunk Drivers (Botters) are out there and may cause deadly (or in the case of the game, the death of the community population, turned off because nothing is done about botters…), and can be stopped by the Police (IMC) using Tools (Police Cruiser/Captcha) to funnel normal players through, and catch drunk jackasses in the process.

…You tried to equilibrate a 5 second captcha to cutting your hand off, and offered ZILCH for your “antidote” stand-in which is supposedly the better option…which means you, once again (just like @tzxazrael) have nothing to offer.

Just leave…seriously.